What is the greatest website you have ever seen, which shows using of Web 2.0 features?
Can you give me your tips?
After Web 1.9 and before web 2.1
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
Hi all
I am using Scripting.FileSystemObject activeX control, I am writing vbscript to print values on a paper. But when it is printing, its loaded only once, when I click any other button or the same button also, its not working and the activeX control is loaded only once in the browser.
Can anybody pls. tell me the reason why is it happening. And whats the remedy for this.
Is it a browser settings problem or any coding(vbscript) problem. Thank you.
S/W Engineer
Akebono Soft Technologies
I'm being driven mad trying to find a solution that something that should be deceptively simple
I have a small cgi script /cgi-bin/time.cgi that takes an optional "start" argument
The functionality should be like this
* When the script is called with the start param, it sets a variable to the current time
* Every subsequent call should display the difference from that time (and thus let me profile different SSI includes to work out which bits are slow and need optimising)
example profile test page:
<--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/time.cgi?start=1" -->
<--#set var="SOMEVAR" value="some value" -->
<--#include virtual="/header.shtml" -->
<--#exec cmd="/cgi-bin/time.cgi" -->
<--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/maincontent.cgi?$QUERY_STRING" -->
<--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/time.cgi" -->
<--#include virtual="/footer.shtml" -->
<--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/time.cgi" -->
My big problem comes with the "start" functionality - for the life of me I'm unable to set an ENV variable from within a cgi script and have it visible to the next script (vars set in SSI, such as SOMEVAR in the example can be seen within the cgi)
Any ideas?
Here's the perl code in time.cgi
#! /usr/bin/perl
use Time::HiRes;
use CGI;
my($cgiquery) = new CGI;
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
if( $cgiquery->param('start') )
print "<-- start -->\n";
$ENV{'PROFILE_TIME'} = Time::HiRes::time;
print "<-- continue -->\n";
my ($starttime) = $ENV{'PROFILE_TIME'};
print "<-- PROFILE: ";
print Time::HiRes::time - $starttime;
print " --> \n";
print "<-- starttime = $starttime -->\n";
I noticed how the tooltips in my page are cut off in Firefox. This means you can't read the full text.
The same is working fine with IE, but not working in Firefox.
Is there any solution to show whole Tooltip with Firefox ?
Nilesh Thakkar
Nilesh Thakkar wrote: Is there any solution to show whole Tooltip with Firefox ?
It's a bug in Firefox. Currently the only real solution is to use "fake" tooltips (of which there are scores of libraries written, do a search for javascript tooltip ). Or use something other than tooltips to convey such information.
Yeah, it's a serious annoyance.
It appears that everybody is under the impression that I approve of the documentation. You probably also blame Ken Burns for supporting slavery.
--Raymond Chen on MSDN
Hi all,
I am developing one web page called Whiteboard where i need to assign jobs to the employees by dragging and dropping employees to the particular job using AJAX. Everything(Jobs and Employees) will be fetched from the database.
So i need to fetch each and every employee from the database and make it draggable and droppable so that i could drag and drop particular employee to the particular job.
So please reply to this post and let me know how could i achieve this in ASP.NET with the use of AJAX?
Thanks in advance.
hi all
i have some code:
document.getElementById("iPositionScrol").value = intnumber;
strStatus = "false";
document.getElementById("statusZoom").value = "false";
when run this, i want after 3 second will run continue 2 row command that:
parent.frames['ifmap'].document.f2.Param.value = "scale|" + intnumber;
How can i do that??
have a look at setTimeout
thanks but i purpose run again some time this function but after 3 second so run 2 row end but when i use function setTimeout so 2 row end will run again with number again run function
AnhTin wrote: thanks but i purpose run again some time this function but after 3 second so run 2 row end but when i use function setTimeout so 2 row end will run again with number again run function
I didn't even get close to understanding what you are trying to say. Please try again.
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
thanks reply to me
Ex: i have funtion demo(value)
and 10 button have event onclick="demo(0 to 10)" when i click any button after 3 second it run command on function demo. because u can click more button but the function demo only run in click time final after 3 second.
Use the window.setTimeout method to call the function:
onclick="window.setTimeout('demo(0);', 3000);"
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
Hi all
I have a php question any help would be fab !!!!
I have two select boxes and when the user changes the first i need to repopulate the second. something like the example shown in the link :
However this makes it sound like a huge job !!! is there a simpler way ???
Any info would be most appreciated !!!
Thanks again
john34 wrote: However this makes it sound like a huge job !!! is there a simpler way ???
You can use a JS library such as Prototype or jQuery to take care of a lot of the plumbing for you. Of course, if you're only dealing with a handful of options, you could just store them all in JS arrays and skip the whole AJAX thing completely - just associate each array with an option in the first combo, and load the appropriate one when the selection changes.
It appears that everybody is under the impression that I approve of the documentation. You probably also blame Ken Burns for supporting slavery.
--Raymond Chen on MSDN
I have an issue where some hyperlinks the underline appears 1px closer to the text than normal. This causes problems if there is a hanging character such as (p,q,g,y etc). I can't seem to find a reason for it to happen, as it only happens on some of the links on the page I am working on. Any ideas on where to look?
Matt Newman
Fire up Firebug and examine the composite styles on the hyperlink text (or if it only happens in IE, examine the runtimeStyle property... but you'll have to track down the source of the style manually). Pay particular attention to rules that set line-height , font-size , and border-bottom (yes, border-bottom is occasionally used in place of an underlined font style, and might well interfere with the descents).
It appears that everybody is under the impression that I approve of the documentation. You probably also blame Ken Burns for supporting slavery.
--Raymond Chen on MSDN
I guess I should have mentioned it only happens in IE. I don't specify line-height (ever), there is no use of border-bottom, and the same style is used for links that render differently.
For example:
<a class="someClass" href="whatever">Some Link</a>
<a class="someClass" href="anotherwhatever">Some Other Link</a>
One of those will display the underline at the correct point, and one won't. The only difference is that they are in different areas of the layout (ie in different divs)
Matt Newman
Matt Newman wrote: The only difference is that they are in different areas of the layout (ie in different divs)
Hmm... The only thing that makes sense to me is that, somehow, the containing DIV is changing applicable styles.
Though since you're using text-decoration: underline rather than border-bottom , it really shouldn't be possible to adjust the position of the underline at all, without changing the font...
...just out of curiosity, are either of the DIVs floated? And is your page in quirks mode? If so, try un-floating it and see if that makes a difference. IE has had some really odd ideas about what float means when it comes to rendering. (but this is the grasping at straws answer, i'm afraid)
It appears that everybody is under the impression that I approve of the documentation. You probably also blame Ken Burns for supporting slavery.
--Raymond Chen on MSDN
Shog9 wrote: ...just out of curiosity, are either of the DIVs floated? And is your page in quirks mode? If so, try un-floating it and see if that makes a difference. IE has had some really odd ideas about what float means when it comes to rendering. (but this is the grasping at straws answer, i'm afraid)
It is not in quirks mode and yes some are floated, some are not. I'm afraid this might end up being one of those things that the client will have just have to deal with.
Matt Newman
Hi all,
I am having a webpage in which I am printing a code behind textbox text value on to the paper by using vbscript function.
I have binded this function to a button. Everything is going clear upto this. But when I tried to I changed the text box text and click the print button, its printing before value only, but not the latest value.
I have tried in many ways to achieve this, but still it was taking previous value of the text box but not the latest one.
Please give me some idea to overcome this problem. Thank you.
S/W Engineer
Akebono Soft Technologies