Hi there,
Can you tell me that how can I run .exe file through php. If you have any example please tell me.
Thanks in advance.
Hiral Shah
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You can't run exe's on a client through server side script, you'll need a Java applet or activeX or something along these lines.
Is the executable on the server or the client side?
- Me on "Public interest"
If you actually read this let me know.
It's client side
Hiral Shah
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Ok well in that case PHP cannot do that, it is a server side language and therefore cannot interact with the client's machine. What is it you are trying to achieve with the execution of the executable?
- peterchen on "Who has the worst keyboard"
Keyboard? Ha! I throw magnets over the RAM chips!
I want to execute Advertisement exe made in flash by php.
Hiral Shah
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Can you quickly run me through the hole process so i can orient myself?
- unknown PHP Developer on "Job Prospect"
Requirement: * Experience working with XML, XSL, XPath
Comment: and other things starting with X.
I am creating a website, On which I want to put an exe as an advertisement on that website. I am using php to display that page and want to put the advertisement on that page by using php itself.
May you know that in vb.6 there is a command "shell" to execute the application like exe, Is there anyone in php??
Hiral Shah
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vb and PHP are entirely different bags of chips. Can you email me a copy of the "exe" you have?
- Captain See Sharp on "Religion"
any half intelligent person can come to the conclusion that pink unicorns do not exist.
If the flash animation is supposed to appear in the webpage, wouldn't it make more sense to have it as an SWF file, rather than an exe file, and just embed it in the page? That way you can have PHP construct the page as normal including the necessary markup for the animation.
Here is a good discussion of methods for embedding flash animations in pages: http://alistapart.com/articles/flashsatay[^]. The target of the article being to stick to standards, but I think it gives some good background.
This just be a case of having the flash advert saved as an SWF file. If the flash advert is an exe file, I'm sure there are tools about to convert it. If you created the flash advert, can you not save it as an SWF file? If the advert was supplied by a 3rd party, can they not re-supply as an SWF file?
This is all fine unless I'm missing something, oh, and the targeted client browsers don't have a flash plugin installed.
-- modified at 5:50 Friday 23rd March, 2007
Yes jmpcc has the right answer. I was not aware that flash's could be compiled into executables. But anyway the standard approach is to use the swf file.
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
Sorry, took my eye off the ball.
Bradml wrote: I was not aware that flash's could be compiled into executables.
Flash as a standalone exe is just the flash movie rolled up with a standalone flash player (I'm pretty sure, not being a flash aficionado myself).
Does anyone have knowledge of the NTLM authentication scheme? I am writing a proxy server, and would like to know, before I try, whether this scheme will work across proxies.
Thank you
"All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing" -- Edmund Burke
Check this Link[^]
May it will helpful for you
Hiral Shah
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Currently there is a web user that always gets an error on our
application due to a missing session variable. All other session
variables are still in tact, but this one seems to disappear and hence
the user can no longer access everything on the site.
Any ideas as to where this value goes? I've checked my ASP code and
saw nothing that would re-set this variable's value. Moreover, only a couple of
users experience this problem
Any input would be much appreciated.
Could a browser specific setting cause this? I've tried impersonating the user on the production site, and even though I am limited to what I can do (since I am not the user himself), I still havent been able to reporoduce the problem.
Abbas82 wrote: Could a browser specific setting cause this?
Not directly. The session variables are stored in the Session object on the server, and is totally independent of the browser.
The only possibility that a browser setting could cause this is indirectly, i.e. that there is some code in your application that removes the session variable depending on some value from the browser.
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
We've had problems with pages losing session variables where there was an underscore in the domain name.
You could also check to see if the user permits cookies on their machine, as the session uses these when identifying the client.
But in that case you lose the entire Session object, not individual session variables.
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
Is the session variable missing, or just it's value?
A session variable just doesn't disappear. Either it was not created in the first place, or you have code that removes it.
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
You're right, if it was a cookie issue, then there would be no session vars. at all, plus I get the HTTP cookie in my error email when an error is encountered. There is no underscore in the domain name either.
Well, this is my code to send me an email regarding whats going on when an error occurs
For Each item in Session.Contents
CaptureSessionValues = CaptureSessionValues & "" & item & "" &_ Server.HTMLEncode(Session.Contents(item)) & "" & vbcrlf
And the variable in question, named Home_Page (along with a few others that get set on the same page, home.asp) are not there, so I guess it never gets created? I checked my code and I dont see anything that removes it.
Hi All
I have a web application which is developed by ASP and SQL
I planed to optimize the asp code....
Can anybody suggest?
Doing optimization on the asp file will boost the performance?
Or creating VB COM will do better?
Which one will be good?
Note :
I have done with a testing by creating COM that pulls around 100000 records from DB and display it in the Web page....
But I don't find any time difference when I ran the same with ASP file?
Can anybody give me idea on this....?
N.Rajakumar B.E.,
Application Developer
Rajkamal_dfine wrote: Can anybody give me idea on this....?
You need to identify your bottlenecks. Saying, "it's slow" is meaningless - you need to identify what is slow. It may be that re-designed queries or a good caching strategy will do far more for your app than the fastest compiled code - there's just no way of knowing until you narrow down the scope.
FWIW - while compiled VB can give a nice speed boost over interpreted ASP (VBS), keep in mind that ASP runs in the STA threading model, so you can find yourself just introducing another bottleneck. There are ways around this, and for some operations it makes sense even without them... it all depends on where your costs lie.
It appears that everybody is under the impression that I approve of the documentation. You probably also blame Ken Burns for supporting slavery.
--Raymond Chen on MSDN