This usually happens when two namespaces/classes have the same name but I can't see that happening with System. No idea.....maybe you're system is ambiguous?
actually i added my tree view on scroll and i want that when nodes of tree are expanded and tree view's size becomes greater than panel's size then automatically scroll bars should be applied on it.
I have done it by writing "overflow:scroll" in style property of panel.Now when size exceeds auto scroll bars become visible and work goes fine but one problem is that two vertical scroll bars are visible i think one of panel and other of tree view but i have not set scroll bar on tree view and second problem is that when i click plus sign of tree view placed in panel it is expanded and act normally uptil no scroll bars are applied but as soon as scroll is aplied and whenever i move scroll down and then i click on plus,node is not expanded.Hope u understand what i mean to say, i mean uptil my panel is in default position my tree placed on it is working fine but when scrolls are applied and i move my scroll down and then after clicking on tree node it doesnot act normally,may be it is refreshed again and something else i cant understand.
and i m making application in C# asp.net web application.
I'm note sure about the node expanding problem but I think the two scroll bars are caused because of CSS inheritance. All child elements of the Panel will inherit the overflow:scroll property (meaning the TreeView container div). I think thats how it works anyway, not 100% sure.
A flexible charting library for .net
It was very much helpful, I have a problem with the values on x- axis.
I need to display the DateTime parameter here.Such as data for 10 days. I am not able to control that value. I mean on the graph I need same time to be desplayed on each day, Secondly I am not able to control the data that is displayed.
Please help me out.
In future it would help if you tell us what you're referring to (luckily a google search for "a flexible charting library for .net" pointed to the article I'm assuming you meant).
The charting control is called ZedGraph and you'd be much better off trying on their forums: ZedGraph forums
In Dreamweaver MX (phpcode)
Im trying to put a date in a text box that has +14days from the current date, how would you do this.
Is it something like "date()+14"
I cant get it working!!!!
The PHP mktime function is what you want: Linkety[^]
$todayArray = explode("-", date("M-d-Y"));
$future = <span class="default">date("M-d-Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, $todayArray[0], </span><code><span class="keyword"></span><code><span class="keyword"></span><code><span class="keyword">$todayArray[1]+140</span></code><code><span class="default">,</span></code></code></code><code><code><span class="keyword"> </span></code><code><span class="keyword">$todayArray[2]</span></code><code><span class="keyword">));</span></code></code><code><span class="keyword"></span></code><code><span class="keyword"></span></code> <span class="keyword"></span>
- Captain See Sharp on "Religion"
any half intelligent person can come to the conclusion that pink unicorns do not exist.
But where do i put this in the code? I have tried to insert this code in the initial value box and it still doesnt work... grrrr!!!
ok this depends exactly what you want to do with the value you get
also brad does your solution take into account month and year (and leap year) rollovers?
PHP date functions handle all that for you.
- Captain See Sharp on "Religion"
any half intelligent person can come to the conclusion that pink unicorns do not exist.
Please enil me the code you are using
- Bradml on "MVP Status"
If this was posted in a programming board please rate my answer
I have more of a design type of question.
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to :
I have a win 32 dll and a C# web service. Instead of creating a c# client, i would like to use my win 32 dll as the client. I use this dll for other things that are all file related. Is it possible for me to make the dll the client and to be able to call the c# web service and send and receive data from it? If so, does anyone have any examples of how to turn an already existing win 32 dll into a client accessing a c# web service?
With VisualStudio.Net, i'm using an installer class with a custom action
on my setup project to ask the user a serial number. A "Textboxes"
dialog on the "user interface" provides the serial number string to an
overrided version of then install procedure, inside my installer class.
My problem is that the install sub is able to verify the serial number
entered, but then i can't stop/cancel the installation procedure.
Thats very interisting but it is a little more complicated than i want
i'am a fresh developer and seeking as easy solution
the problem again that i can't stop the installer after validating the serial number
i write VB.net code, so please help me
Murad Surkhi
I've made some deep search into a problem yesterday, and (believe it or not) nobody could stop VS installer. Everyone either:- switched to another installer (by the way, there was a poll here at CodeProject, very interesting); or
- embed serial check logic into theor programs, not into installers.
The bad thing is that VS installer is very simple tool, MS never tried to make it a more-or-less comprehensive installer tool...
Don't worry, be happy )
I'am developing a web application so i have to check the serial number a the installation phase and stop the installer if the serial number is wrong.
so what do u suggest to solve this problem?
Murad surkhi
I suggest that you wait for Visual Studio gurus, maybe they'll give you the clue...
Don't worry, be happy )
how to create a gridview
1. Create a new aspx page
2. Open the Toolbox toolbar
3. Click and hold on the GridView control
4. Drag on to page
5. Let go of mouse button
When I tried to convert to Windows app to Web Application i get an error saying
"Error 4 'ASP.satori_recherche_aspx.GetTypeHashCode()': no suitable method found to override c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\websatoricontact\5f44883e\69c9d6e5\App_Web_ujyjcgyh.8.cs 3177
can anyone solve me it
Not without seeing the code...........
I am using WebForm satori_recherche from here i tried to call method of this form(satori_nouveaustructure )
Here is the sample code.
using (satori_nouveaustructure oForm = new satori_nouveaustructure()) {
oForm.CurrentContact = (Structure)ObjectContext.Current.LocalStorage.Create(typeof(Structure));
oForm.CurrentContact.Nom = textBoxNom.Text;
oForm.CurrentAdresse = oForm.CurrentContact.AdressePrincipale;//(Adresse)ObjectContext.Current.LocalStorage.Create(typeof(Adresse));
// oForm.ShowDialog();
Error show which is in bold one
I'm pretty sure you can't just create a new form (Page) via its constructor, only the ASP.NET runtime will create Page objects during the request lifecycle. By the looks of things, you're trying to show another dialogue in the new form. Web applications work completely differently to WinForms apps, you'll find it very difficult to try and convert the UI code. I would suggest you try keeping as much business logic as possible and start the aspx (UI) coding from scratch since the code is totally different from WinForms.
Thank for the comments. But still have this errors; can you solve this.
Make sure that the class defined in this code file matches the 'inherits' attribute, and that it extends the correct base class