Matt Newman wrote: The only difference is that they are in different areas of the layout (ie in different divs)
Hmm... The only thing that makes sense to me is that, somehow, the containing DIV is changing applicable styles.
Though since you're using text-decoration: underline rather than border-bottom , it really shouldn't be possible to adjust the position of the underline at all, without changing the font...
...just out of curiosity, are either of the DIVs floated? And is your page in quirks mode? If so, try un-floating it and see if that makes a difference. IE has had some really odd ideas about what float means when it comes to rendering. (but this is the grasping at straws answer, i'm afraid)
It appears that everybody is under the impression that I approve of the documentation. You probably also blame Ken Burns for supporting slavery.
--Raymond Chen on MSDN
Shog9 wrote: ...just out of curiosity, are either of the DIVs floated? And is your page in quirks mode? If so, try un-floating it and see if that makes a difference. IE has had some really odd ideas about what float means when it comes to rendering. (but this is the grasping at straws answer, i'm afraid)
It is not in quirks mode and yes some are floated, some are not. I'm afraid this might end up being one of those things that the client will have just have to deal with.
Matt Newman
Hi all,
I am having a webpage in which I am printing a code behind textbox text value on to the paper by using vbscript function.
I have binded this function to a button. Everything is going clear upto this. But when I tried to I changed the text box text and click the print button, its printing before value only, but not the latest value.
I have tried in many ways to achieve this, but still it was taking previous value of the text box but not the latest one.
Please give me some idea to overcome this problem. Thank you.
S/W Engineer
Akebono Soft Technologies
Whatever function your using to print is using a variable thats being set when/before the page loads. It needs to pull this value from the text box when it runs.
Repeat after me. "I will not cross post. I will not cross post. Cross posting is bad. Cross posting gets me voted down. Cross posting makes people cross with me. Cross posting will not get me help."
Deja View - the feeling that you've seen this post before.
Am a beginner in asp.net please help with the code for this problem.After the user selected the Projectmanager from the dropdownlist displayed insidem the repeator control,when the user clicks Submit to Manager button the form should be submited to all the manager selected in the dropdownlist of the repeator.Repeator is used in mt application to create a table/number of rows.
Thank you in advance
oga m
Hi friends,
I'm having a problem when trying to connect to any DB using ADODB.Connection server object.
I'm using classic ASP and my OS is Windows Visa Business.
The message I'm getting is:
"An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the
system administrator"
...and it comes when the code reaches this line:
mycnn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
I will appreciate any help.
Hi to all
I need to know can someone help me , I have a div controll with HTML content in the div, I want to add ASP.NET buttons at specific locations in the HTMLContent at runtime,
eg in the backend
I will declare my buttons as
Button but1 = new Button();
Button but2 = nre Button();
Now I just need to place these buttons in a specific location in the div ?
Le Roux Viljoen
Web Developer
PCW New Media - SA Branch
If you have placeholder controls in the div, you can add your buttons to the placeholders.
No it is only html content in it
I have tried editing the code and putting <asp:> tags in it but that doesnt work that well, so I am thinking about using a control.add command
as in, asp:div ? Doesn't work this way, what you probably want to do is div runat="server" , then you can access it from server side.
"Throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. " - Morpheus
"Real men use mspaint for writing code and notepad for designing graphics." - Anna-Jayne Metcalfe
No, I know that div doent belong to the asp element, what I am saying is I tried to add a <asp:Button runat="server" id = "My button" ect.../> to a <div id="myDiv" runat="server"> </div> in the code behind, but that doent work, the button must be generated dynamically, so I would rather use Button myBut = new Button(); The Div contains html content (a bunch of text, img ect tags) at certain tags that have words like "design" i want to place these buttons to enable keyword navigatyion
What's wrong with adding these controls as html input controls and marking them as runt=server?
This would be an easier way to work i think.
I think that you will have difficulty adding server controls otherwise, as the html string that you output will not be parsed by the server side code in the same way as the rest of the page.
Say I declare a button like that it doens't even display. I believe becuase it needs to be declared as in Button mybut = new Button and then u must use a addControll method of the div u marked as runat server, and that works 100 now I need to place it in a secific location, say if the div has content words like "design", "technical" I want to replace those words with a button and link them to other pages on the site.
If you just want to replace them with a navigational link or button (I'd highly recomend hyperlinks over buttons for navigation!) you would be better to parse the html content of the div and replace those keywords with an html link.
The only way I know how to get ASP controls at specific locations is to use placeholder controls.
Yes thought about it but my navigation works by setting a session[PageID] and then using that to set the page content so I can use ASP.Net AJAX for my navigation to avoid postbacks. for my axaj I use the telerik rad Ajax controll its kickass and totaly codeless, you can check it out at www.telerik.com
But thanx anyway but what I need to do is everythink to be done server side, Absolutely no .js files or script tags in my .aspx file.
Le Roux Viljoen
PCW New Media
Web Developer
I am investigating how to port my C++ MFC application with OpenGL to a web-application.
Searching the internet leads to many keywords, like plugins/ActiveX, X3D, OpenGL ch, Ajax3D and more.
I am completely unexperienced to web-programming, but I am willing to learn and apply this.
Can anybody advise me what could be a good direction?
Best regards,
Hi all,
Can any one tell me how do i install WSE 3.0 in silent mode.
hi all
m creating VBS application which delete all the content (all file format) present in a Folder
Dim file, MyFile<br />
Set file= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")<br />
Set MyFile = fso.GetFile("c:\testfile.txt")<br />
MyFile.Delete<br />
it works
but how to delete conten from folder is
Plz help me
thanks in advance
Bugs can neither be created nor be removed from software by a developer. They can only be converted from one form to another. The total number of bugs in the software always remain constant.
Sound like you need something like:
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("c:\Temp")
For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
Call objFile.Delete(True)
Next Regards
I have a simple question. If you are using the latest versions of Firefox and IE, can you use an image for a border on div or table elements? I would like to have a shadow that is defined in the CSS file that does not require placing another object behind the element that is to cast the shadow.
Leo T. Smith
You can't use an image for the border in the sense of border:url(border-image.png); . Best way is to use a background image for a shadow. Add a bottom and left/right (depending on direction of shadow) padding for the width of the shadow and add it as the background image (the padding is so any the element content won't appear over the shadow). This is easiest when your element has a fixed width.
Thanks for the idea. I hadn't eve considered using the padding area. This may achieve exactly what I was looking for.
Leo T. Smith
I have a simple form with a data grid, I try to populate teh datagrid with a proces similar to the following:
<br />
Dim sqlStatement As String<br />
sqlStatement = "Select systemName, LotID from tblStatusLot "<br />
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sqlStatement, cn)<br />
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader<br />
Do While dr.Read()<br />
MyDataRow = dt.NewRow()<br />
MyDataRow(0) = dr.GetString(0)<br />
MyDataRow(1) = dr.GetString(1)<br />
dt.Rows.Add(MyDataRow)<br />
Loop<br />
cn.Close()<br />
<br />
Dim dv As New DataView(dt)<br />
DataGrid1.DataSource = dv<br />
DataGrid1.DataBind()<br />
This seems to work fine, the question I have now is how do I go about allowing the user to scroll through is there are more than the 10 records (pageSize is set to 10, AllowPaging and Allow Custom paging are on) The problem is I am not sure how to use this control, but you need to start someplace.....
Help has an example, but they do not use a SQL data set. If someone has a simple example that would be great.
Thanks in advance
Hi every one,
I need to know the node that fires the "onNodeCheckChanged" event, when the user checks more than one node, in other words, I need to know the order in which the user checks the nodes so that I wanna keep the check on the last node he checked..
any suggestions?
Thanks in advance