Use the RowDataBound method of GridView to bind the data to row cells.
Here[^] is the sample for how to use RowDataBound.
Knock out 't' from can't,
You can if you think you can
After trying the example I'm getting this mistake While compiling:
The type or namespace name 'GridViewRowEventArgs' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
i have a session["id"] in c# code behind file, i want to read this session from javascript.
how can i do it
thanks in advance.
You can place the value of session["id"] in a hidden textbox in the code behind file. You can access the value of this textbox in javascript.
Wout Louwers
first thanking for your reply.
if you hide the textbox and then read the value of this textbox from javascript, it is fail , it is succeeded only if the control is visible
i made it using this line document.getelementById("controlid").
Yhis is true if you set the visible property to false. If you set the visisble property to true, and the type property to hidden, it should do the job.
Wout Louwers
You can assign this to a JavaScript variable and then use it.
thanks for ur attention to reply me
the problem in accessing variable in code behind file from javascript
Unfortunately, you can't get js to talk to the server unless you use AJAX....the way to get around it is to use asp:HiddenFields on your page. If you need access to a server side variable, store it in one when you process on the server, then at the client, use document.getElementById to retrieve the value...
"Now I guess I'll sit back and watch people misinterpret what I just said......"
Christian Graus At The Soapbox
hi all
How could i Draw dynamic point Line Polyline polygon on firefox by javacript
same: http://serverx.esri.com/antialiasingexamples/
in Measure
With more towards Tabbed browsing and popup blockers getting powerful, I just thought there should be a way for us to target our links to open links in New Tab instead of New Window. Basically, at the code level, instead of _blank there should be a way of _blankTab.
Can somebody if come across already, throw some light on it?
I am confucing about the architectures like MVC architecture and 3-tier architecture..can any body help me to clarify my doubts...and which is the best method to follow for asp.net development...
I am waiting for your reply.
in one website, i have created one loging page, after user logged in, page redircts him to the welcome page, this is ok.
problem is here-------
what i want is user should not allowed to come FORWARD after hitting BACK button of the browser. that action must be redircted to the again login page.
so how to identify back and forward button?
well make it so that the session is no longer valid after they have viewed the page, then they won't be able to view it again without signing back in.
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
Another option is you can compre url such while you are showing the login page first time and after logout you will have the same url. So just compare both if both are same than again put the user on login page.
Hiral Shah
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I want to use a dropdownlist server control with a datagrid server control sothat when i change the dropdownlist the grid changes but using AJAX. I can do it if the datagrid is a simple html table but i can't implement it if the grid is a server control datagrid. Is there anyway to display the grid as a server control using AJAX or it must be html table to display it with AJAX?
You can use Anthem.net which is a free librery for ajax controls. it include Combobox, Datagrid etc all have Ajax events, and u dont have to work with JS
Nobody is perfect i'm Nobody
Or you could use the MS Ajax Extensions (the UpdatePanel will do what you need):
Hello All,
I have some questions out of which some are parent and some are child questions. even child questions may also be parent questions for some other questions. like that depth goes to n level.
I need to display questions in the following way.
checkbox question
if any field impact then, fieldName Textbox
if any child questions then, checkbox question
first i need to populate all the parent questions from database.
then whenever a checkbox is checked, i need to show child questions below the question.
for some questions there are some fields for which i need to show field name and textbox and then questions
like this it is upto n levels.
can any one give me solution how to achieve this.
thanks in advance.
shiva kumar
I want some instructions in converting existing C# Windows Application to C# Web Application..
Please post your replies as soon as possible..
If the application has been properly architected it should just be a matter of rewriting the presentation (UI) layer - perhaps with the odd addition elsewhere to support a stateless model of working. If it hasn't been well architected then you are looking at rewriting the whole application.
Spamming different 10 forums with the same question is very rude and totally unnecessary.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
hi all i have problem javacript on firefox
i have page default.aspx is
on the iframe "Map.aspx" contain
when i assgin value to "Param" by javacript on the page Default.aspx
parent.ifmap.document.forms['f2'].elements['Param'].value = "demo";
Note :"f2" is name from on page Map.aspx.
it run ok on IE but on Firefox it not run and have error :parent.ifmap has no properties
how could i assgin value on firefox.
parent.document.getElementById('ifmap').contentWindow.document.getElementById('Param').value = "demo";
problem solved thanx to Guffa, with a simple overflow:hidden
Wouldn't you know, another wierd problem that appears _only_ in IE.
Tested on all other browsers, IE seems to want to ruin my day and night.
Anyways, to the point.
http://www.loadx.org/cardet is the website in development, and appears nice of (i.e.) FireFox and many other browsers (tested from http://browsershots.org, great site for testing)
Well, if you've noticed, in IE, the color bar that appears on the top (immediately after the logo) has a white line under it, which should take only 1 pixel in width, but in IE, it likes to take (what appears to be) 2 more.
It causes a bigger problem than the ugly line, as it pushes all the content below.
Enough jibber-jabber, here's some html code.
<div id="header-logo"><div id="after_logo"></div>
<a href="index.php">
<img src="/images/logo.gif" border="0" width="419" height="89" alt="logo"></a>
<div id="colorbar"></div>
and some css
#after_logo {
#colorbar {
background:#fff url(../images/colorbar.jpg) repeat-x;
#header-logo {
i know there's some stuff missing to get the whole idea, but the point is that the colorbar always gets 14 pixels height, even though i specify 11. and if i specify a lower number it still shows 14, but any larger than 14 and it grows.
Driving me mad i tell you..
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Ericos Georgiades