OK two problems that jump out at me from the scripts you sent is that you have a character before the first tag in the library and also you have a blank line at the end of it. Because of this it will send all headers down before you can modify them.
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
OK two problems that jump out at me from the scripts you sent is that you have a character before the first tag in the library and also you have a blank line at the end of it. Because of this it will send all headers down before you can modify them.
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
I can not open the file from server yet. Please tell me how can I open it??
Hiral Shah
If you think that my question is good enough and can be helpful for other then don't forget to vote.
Ok I have been reading the function where you get data from the database. One thing that really strikes me is that you don't validate the data before you pass it to the database. This is incredibly important because otherwise people can execute any SQL commands they want (including stealing other people's files).
Please go to http://www.phpsec.org[^] to learn more.
I have now emailed you an updated copy of the script which should fix the problem you have but will not fix the security problem.
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
With your changes if I am saving the file then it is giving me perfact result but as I choose Open option it is showing the result like:
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Hiral Shah
If you think that my question is good enough and can be helpful for other then don't forget to vote.
That is peculiar. There is one thing that jumps to mind, you haven't stated that the "Content-type" header is
"application/pdf". <br /> Can you confirm if you have done this or not? You can check by stopping the file from going down and then printing the value of the $fileType variable.
You could also try making sure that the file name ends in .pdf , this is very important on a windows machine.
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
That is peculiar. There is one thing that jumps to mind, you haven't stated that the "Content-type" header is
"application/pdf". <br /> Can you confirm if you have done this or not? You can check by stopping the file from going down and then printing the value of the $fileType variable.
You could also try making sure that the file name ends in .pdf , this is very important on a windows machine.
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
That is peculiar. There is one thing that jumps to mind, you haven't stated that the "Content-type" header is
"application/pdf". <br /> Can you confirm if you have done this or not? You can check by stopping the file from going down and then printing the value of the $fileType variable.
You could also try making sure that the file name ends in .pdf , this is very important on a windows machine.
- Bradml on "MVP Status"
If this was posted in a programming board please rate my answer
As I am trying to upload a pdf file and I tried to get the type of it by
I am getting blank type for pdf.
Is there anything different for pdf type ??
Hiral Shah
If you think that my question is good enough and can be helpful for other then don't forget to vote.
As I am trying to upload a pdf file and I tried to get the type of it by
I am getting blank type for pdf.
Is there anything different for pdf type??
Hiral Shah
If you think that my question is good enough and can be helpful for other then don't forget to vote.
Sometimes the browser will just not give the type. An easy way to determine it after it is uploaded is to try matching the extension (ie .pdf) to a certain format and then use that if type = null.
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
do anybody know how i can convert a list of objects to a datasource?
I Wish the Life Had CTRL-Z
I'm going to read your article
I Wish the Life Had CTRL-Z
How to change the ChartType while running application on web in asp.net with crystal report
Using PHP Technology.
When adding a member an individual page will automatically be created for that member, at say www.testproject.com/vinuMuraleedaran provided that the member’s name is vinu Muraleedaran.
You mean create a directory for the user when they are created?
That is a bad idea 90% of the time. I would advise having a single page that populates its value depending on the user.
- Captain See Sharp on "Religion"
any half intelligent person can come to the conclusion that pink unicorns do not exist.
Ya I also want like that. A single page that populates its value depending on the user. Already I had made a single page for this and iam passing the id's of the users as query string. The page will display the content of that particular id. But in the URL i need the name of that particular user(The name of that user in which i am passing as query string)
hi all,
greetings. I've to detect the pop up blocker status using java script. I'm using the following code, which is taken from a site. But it is not working.can any one of you give me the soltuion for solve this issue.
<br />
function detectPopupBlocker()<br />
{<br />
var test=window.open("","","directories=no,width=100,height=100,menubar=no,resizable=no,scorllbars=no,status=no,titlebar=no,top=0,location=no");<br />
if(!test)<br />
{<br />
test.close();<br />
alert("A popup blocker was detected.");<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{<br />
test.close();<br />
alert("No PopUp Detected");<br />
}<br />
}<br />
Thanks in Advance
What goes wrong and in which browser?
- Captain See Sharp on "Religion"
any half intelligent person can come to the conclusion that pink unicorns do not exist.
the function does not find for the pop up blocker ON/OFF in my application. Its is IE7.
Did you remember to call the function onload?
- Captain See Sharp on "Religion"
any half intelligent person can come to the conclusion that pink unicorns do not exist.
yes.I've called in onload
<title>Untitled Page
<asp:linkbutton id="Button1" runat="server" text="Button">
You do realize that the function is called "detectPopupBlocker"?
- Captain See Sharp on "Religion"
any half intelligent person can come to the conclusion that pink unicorns do not exist.
since i used in the following method, i called up the "testPopUP()"
function testPopUp()