cmd.CommandText = "Select * from [" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "]";
+ "'";
If you've just copied and pasted, then you have 2 statements on the one line. the final +"'"; is a separate statement from the cmd.CommandText .... "]"; statement
Have you tried running your code by entering in a complete dummy sql string just to check it works rather than using the dropdownlist.selectedvalue?
this is how it is.. it was probably due to modification.. that there was an other statement.
cmd.CommandText = "Select * from [" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "]";
i checked with a dummy string.. no retrieval.
also wen i had a string like this
cmd.CommandText = "Select * from '" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "'";
it showed an error.. Incorrect syntax near [valuename]
Kunal Piyush
I'm using RadioButtons in datagrid But When I select one I can't unselect it and when I select the others they cannot unselect the other instead they are selected all at once. how could I go about this to be able select one at a time. these Radio button are in one column.
Radio buttons are grouped by their name attribute, it should be the same for all buttons you want in a group. For an ASP.NET RadioButton control you should set the GroupName property.
This is a bit more complicated in a datagrid, as these control properties are set by the grid (annoyingly). There are people out there who have specific custom grid column controls that you can download for free to help out with this issue:
I realized that I had to use a RadioButtonList. But I'm having another big problem. My datagrid has too column for inserting. Before it was inserting very well But after inserting RadioButtonList I cannot Insert data anymore.
Why would be the problem. How can go about this.
Dear All,
My project has this files - Web.config, Global.asax
What are the important in here.
I need get complete idea about content in this file.
Any one can pls give clear idea or submit articles or links.
And also give idea about Forms Authentication / Windows Authentication ?
The web.config file priority works from bottom to top. E.g if you have a folder in inetpub/wwwroot/myweb_service.
And you have a web.config file in wwwroot and myweb_service the web.config file in myweb-service take higher priority than the one in wwwroot
The web.config file have all the settings and info needed to run say your web service. It is not a good idea to store sensitive info in the web.config file as it can be accessed easily. You can however encode it, but don't ask me how, have not done it before
hope it helps
Meny thanks
BLOEDHOND did a good job describing the web.config. It basicaly has the connection string for you sql server and other configuration type data. The Global.asax is a file where you can define some application events. Like application start, application error etc. These events happen the first time your web site is accessed or when your web site gets an error. You should be able to find a lot of information on these files if you just do a google search on them.
Hi Ben,
Meny thanks
I'm stumped.
Vista's IIS manager won't allow configuring both Windows authentication and forms based authentication at the same time for a website.
I can start debugging my website on Vista in IIS7 if I have windows authentication enabled, however I can't login to my app without forms based authentication enabled.
I can enabled forms based authentication and disable windows authentication, but then I can't debug, only run my app.
This is a weird catch-22 that I just don't get. Anyone experienced this or have any tips?
This is weird, for the heck of it I enabled both and it works properly despite the warning. Apparently if you ignore the warning it just works anyway.
i have one problem in my web application, whenever i login into my application after 30 mins the cookie expires,
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginurl="login.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30" name="TamAuthInfo" path="/" requiressl="false" slidingexpiration="false" defaulturl="default.aspx" cookieless="UseDeviceProfile" enablecrossappredirects="false">
<deny users="?">
<identity impersonate="true">
This is my web.config section for authentication
please help me,
udhaya kumar wrote: forms loginUrl="login.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30" name="TamAuthInfo" path="/" requireSSL="false" slidingExpiration="false" defaultUrl="default.aspx" cookieless="UseDeviceProfile" enableCrossAppRedirects="false"/>
Did you look at the code you posted? if you set timeout to 30, why would it be strange if the cookie expires in 30 minutes?
Wout Louwers
thanks for your reply mr Louwers,
Actually the problem that i face is that, cookie expires after 30 mins of actual login, not 30 mins of last refresh,
eventhough i did slidingexpiration=false it doesnt take acount of last refreshed time, instead the cookie expires exactly after 30 mins of actual login time,
can u understand what my problem is.
I understand what your problem is; a misunderstanding of what slidingexpiration is.
If slidingexpiration=false, then the cookie will expire after a timeout from the time it was first set. If slidingexpiration=true, the cookie will expire after a timeout from the last refresh.
modified 29-Aug-18 21:01pm.
Hello all !
I am new here. I know that all of us have a problem with time. It's very relative. Thats way me and my team develop a nice tool for tracking working tasks. It was developed in Visual Studio 2005 C# , Express Edition using .Net Framework 2.0. You can try it here : http://www.time-aware.com
Hope to like it!
For feedback and sugesstions give me a reply .
Thank You.
Madalin Plastoi
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Wout Louwers
I am having document which contains some formatted text(with Bold,italic and color) combinations. How to convert this document into HTML page. is there any tool available for that. Please help
paste the text of your document , into html page on VS2005
When you get mad...THINK twice that the only advice
Tamimi - Code
How is the text formatted? In HTML, a .doc file......
Thanks for the reply. the solution given by tamimi didn't work.
say I have a bunch text containing combination Bold,Italic and other various font letters, which is formatted using a MS word. Now i want display it in the web Page. but for putting in HTML page we need manually have to edit text right. eg. if you want to display the text in bold, the text must be sorrounded by tags, right. This is what iam asking is it possible to generate these tags automatically by detecting the formats which ever used in the document. (it includes even tables too.)
MS Word has an option to save a HTML.
modified 29-Aug-18 21:01pm.
Yes but its tag soup. The Microsoft .doc format is a jumbled binary mess and they don't give away its specs for free (thats if they even know the specs any more).
Your options depend on how your trying to do this, server-side? in what language? If your working with .NET and can have Word installed along side the web server you can use its interop libraries to save the file as XML and perform an XSLT transformation to turn it into clean HTML (it is possible, I got a degree doing it!). This of course also assumes you can use Office 2003.