What sort of site is it going to be?
- Captain See Sharp on "Religion"
any half intelligent person can come to the conclusion that pink unicorns do not exist.
Just a general play with websites ! dont think i will ever put it live!
I could just do with a basic template to get me started ! A blank screen is quite daunting
I would advise using notepad and some simple HMTL. Build a practice site and then hone certain skills. I would recommend http://www.htmlgoodies.com[^] for beguinner information
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
or w3schools.com. I agree, get your head into HTML and CSS first, too many web application developers know nothing about client-side stuff.
I almost recommended w3schools.com, but the w3c and I have some unfinished business. And this is one of the reasons that ASP is something I loathe, too many developers never understand the client server realationship and all the other little things that go together to make the internet work.
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
Does anyone know why when I run this script on my page for a "TD" tag:
<br />
BackgroundImage = document.getElementById('SomeTD').style.backgroundImage;<br />
if(BackgroundImage.toLowerCase().indexOf('.png',0) != -1){<br />
ImageAddress = BackgroundImage.substr(BackgroundImage.toLowerCase().indexOf('(',0) + 1, BackgroundImage.toLowerCase().indexOf(')',0) - 2);<br />
document.getElementById('SomeTD').style.backgroundImage = 'none';<br />
document.getElementById('SomeTD').style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=\'' + ImageAddress + '\', sizingMethod=\'scale\');';<br />
}<br />
It does the job perfectly, but it makes all the element(like button and textbox) in this table cell ("TD"), disabled and they are not click able or even the flashing cursor in textbox is not shown and you can not type in it?!
Because basically the filter creates an image of what the element looks when it's rendered with the filter effect, and shows that instead of the element.
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
So, how could I deal with this stupid ie problem?
You could try to put the background on one element and the controls in another element, and position the elements absolutely so that the controls display on top of the background element.
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
actually i am develpoing a site please tell me How can i provide the facility to upload 5-10 mb files using ASP.NET 2.0 and VB.NET please help me yaaaar....
fmlove wrote: poing a site please tell me How can i provide the facility to upload 5-10 mb files using ASP.NET 2.0 and VB.NET please help me yaaaar....
This is a very complex matter if you are going to do it securely.... Perhaps you should purchase a 3rd party tool.
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
Please don't cross post.
I have answered this question in the ASP.NET forum.
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
<SCRIPT language=Javascript>
function isNumberKey(evt)
var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode
if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57))
return false;
return true;
<INPUT id="txtChar" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event)" type="text" name="txtChar">
Thanks in advance.
Have you posted the EXACT CODE YOU ARE USING?
- Captain See Sharp on "Religion"
any half intelligent person can come to the conclusion that pink unicorns do not exist.
Yes I have posted the exact code,but now code is working.Thanks for the help.
Those damn gremlins
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
I wnat to allow only number in the textbox throug javascript.I wrote the Java script code but it say error in the script.Some one can tell me what is the problem??
<SCRIPT language=Javascript>
function isNumberKey(evt)
var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode
if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57))
return false;
return true;
<INPUT id="txtChar" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event)" type="text" name="txtChar">
Thanks in advance.
What exactly is the problem?
- Captain See Sharp on "Religion"
any half intelligent person can come to the conclusion that pink unicorns do not exist.
I dont know thats why I posted the code.But its not working.
Can you please explain what is not working, what are you trying tot do, what are you entering and what is occuring.
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
Actually I want to allow only number in a textbox not alphabets. The code which I have posted is accepting both and also special symbols. I can just see on the status bar that error in script.
Please help me in doing this...
please double click on the status bar and type the error here.
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
I just ran the script you have me on FireFox 2.0 and IE7 and it works absolutely fine. You must have Javascrip enabled because of the error.... I ave not idea what the problem could be....
What browser are you using?
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
I am using IE 6.0. I will try to double click that error hope I could get some help.