Baik dan terimakasih saran anda
Saya berharap dapat bantuan informasi terkait aplikasi website or wordpres yang dapat menyebarkan informasi serta kolom tanya jawab. Terima kasih
Edit - Google Translate:Quote:
Good and thank you for your advice
I hope to get information about the application of a website or wordpres that can disseminate information and question and answer columns. thank you
Besides not being in english the question is way to broad.
Your choices are
1. Buy an existing product
2. Pay someone to build it for you
3. Learn a LOT and then finally build it.
We have a small business, a small chain of regional laundrettes. They all work with Software, written by myself in CPP/MFC which runs on XP on the counter and shop terminals. None of these terminals have anywhere ever been connected to the internet.
The Next project is to set up a system of access via the internet, so that customers can see the status of their orders, but, more importantly, that management gains access to a long list of info about what happens in the shop.
At first trials it shows that I need a different interface for mobile phones than for say LapTops. What must I do in say "index.html" to show the different pages dependent on the device.
The Next step is, that all CGI/ISAPI requests be passed on to my local server.
Need Software on both sides of the connection to achieve this.On the Client side I would prefer to use JavaScript. On my local server it will have to be for a CGI or ISAPI: C/CPP/MFC
It will then be my task to write the software to produce a page on a customers phone or computer, from what the local db shows us. Happy to do that, provided whether I know if it is a phone or a Laptop.
Bram van Kampen
This is probably the wrong forum.
Sounds like you need an Architecture/Design first.
Laptop and phone are generally very different devices and attempting to shoehorn an app that is well fitted for a laptop to a phone using claimed generic solutions do not work well. On the other hand if your functionality fits well on a phone completely then making it work on a laptop is easier.
Your 'server' will require a service application and that means it must run as a windows service. I think even XP allows the service to do nothing but run a batch file which makes that implementation easier but that doesn't give you much control. Otherwise you need to write an actual service. I suggest you become familiar with logging if you do not already use that.
Not sure how you are going to run a javascript server on an XP box. I will note that Apache, older versions, ran on XP so you could run that as a server. Those older versions are not up to date and consequently could have security vulnerabilities. I doubt you will be able to run nodejs and I doubt IIS for that box ran javascript (not on the server.) It ran VB Script I believe but you would need to use javascript for phones/laptops which you could inject into the pages that your serve. But if I recall you had to inject it directly at least that was the only way I saw it done on XP.
On XP, of course, the server will be restricted by the memory.
You could use an html front end only if you restrict functionality in the front end. That should make things easier.
As the service provider if you want to remotely manage the device while providing a different experience for your users you might want to plan that from the beginning. You will need to plan for authentication and authorization and how you remove access when an employee leaves. That is a process question and not a technology one.
Well, first of all, thanks for your response.
If this is the incorrect forum, please advise me of the appropriate one if you know which that is.
The question was heavily condensed, I am taking on something very big.
I am not proposing to run a website on XP. Rather, we will have Win10 Gateway computers locally. These will receive requests via port 80, (the only port allowed by our ISP). This will result in a Proprietary database Queery on the XP Computer, returning a Proprietary result. The latter queery is resolved over the local (wired) network between the Win10 Internet Client, and the Local XP Database server. It is here, in the Internet Client where my ISAPI needs to know the nature of the device that sent the request, so that the ISAPI software can generate the HTML appropriate to the requesting device. (Which will be passed up the chain back top the original user).
We have also a large number of static (html) pages, containing essentially Text. Any idea how to make these universal for Phone and Computer?
Many Kind Regards
Bram van Kampen
There is a architecture forum somewhere here. But you are asking about a big project and it will not cover that.
Since you are not limited to XP you can look at either nodejs or IIS since both run javascript.
You can buy books about both.
Bram van Kampen wrote: We have also a large number of static (html) pages, containing essentially Text
Reports on a phone still need to be viewable. So you are still going to need to design from that perspective.
Well, I have done big projects before. I wrote a suite of software for Laundrettes and dry cleaners, incorporating accounting systems etc. The next step is to get 'On Line' and provide our customers with details of their accounts, but, more importantly, to give in good time me and my partner access to the more intimate details of the business from a sunny beach in the bahama's.
Once I Discover how to distinguish between the two (Mobile or Computer)at the server end, I can redirect to the appropriate web pages. We have only 20 static ones,Very infrequently updated. not a difficult task to do manually. We do not advertise tru this page, we merely use it as an interface for our clients, to discover the state of their order.
Bram van Kampen
I've just installed Windows 7 Home SP1 x64 into a Hyper-V virtual machine (Generation 1 on Windows 10 Pro).
The problem is that when I access the host machine via Remote Desktop, the mouse doesn't work inside the VM window. When I click inside the window, it pops up, "Mouse not captured in Remote Desktop session."
This is very frustrating not to to be able to use the mouse in the VM.
I've tried installing the VM Extensions, but they don't exist in the host machine. Googling tells me that the only way to acquire them is through Windows Update. But Windows Update is not giving them to me.
And the funniest thing of all is that the mouse worked fine from Remote Desktop during the Windows 7 installation! But now that the OS is installed, it's not working.
Does anyone have a clue what might be wrong here?
Thank you in advance.
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
I have installed Docker on fresh image of Windows 2016 Data Center with SQL Express on Google Cloud.
Unable to start: The running command stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: 'MobyLinuxVM' failed to start.
Failed to start the virtual machine 'MobyLinuxVM' because one of the Hyper-V components is not running.
'MobyLinuxVM' failed to start. (Virtual machine ID 77BB575B-CD6C-4B54-A38D-9554F89AFAE1)
The Virtual Machine Management Service failed to start the virtual machine 'MobyLinuxVM' because one of the Hyper-V components is not running (Virtual machine ID 77BB575B-CD6C-4B54-A38D-9554F89AFAE1).
at Start-MobyLinuxVM, <No file>: line 296
at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 412
at Docker.Core.Pipe.NamedPipeClient.Send(String action, Object[] parameters) in C:\workspaces\stable-18.09.x\src\github.com\docker\pinata\win\src\Docker.Core\pipe\NamedPipeClient.cs:line 36
at Docker.Actions.DoStart(SynchronizationContext syncCtx, Boolean showWelcomeWindow, Boolean executeAfterStartCleanup) in C:\workspaces\stable-18.09.x\src\github.com\docker\pinata\win\src\Docker.Windows\Actions.cs:line 92
at Docker.Actions.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.<Start>b__0() in C:\workspaces\stable-18.09.x\src\github.com\docker\pinata\win\src\Docker.Windows\Actions.cs:line 74
at Docker.WPF.TaskQueue.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.<.ctor>b__1() in C:\workspaces\stable-18.09.x\src\github.com\docker\pinata\win\src\Docker.WPF\TaskQueue.cs:line 59
The closest solution I can find is this:
docker - Failed to start the virtual machine 'MobyLinuxVM' because one of the Hyper-V components is not running - Stack Overflow
I can't find anything similar to "Virtual Machine Settings" from my Google Cloud Console however.
I however see from Docker's doc - What's "Nested Virtualization"? Does it mean I can't run Dockers on VMs (In my case, a VM on Google Cloud), that it's not even officially supported?
"Docker for Windows can run inside a Windows 10 virtual machine (VM) running on apps like Parallels or VMware Fusion on a Mac provided that the VM is properly configured. However, problems and intermittent failures may still occur due to the way these apps virtualize the hardware. For these reasons, Docker for Windows is not supported for nested virtualization scenarios. It might work in some cases, and not in others."
Google Cloud VM: 'MobyLinuxVM' failed to start. · Issue #2987 · docker/for-win · GitHub
modified 29-Nov-18 17:53pm.
I am new to networking and i am curious to find a way to write a script so that when the system IP address is set static, it must set back to dynamic IP address automatically when the system reboots. so I learnt how to do it manually but its a set of 30 Systems so i want to know if there is a way to write a script such that if the system has a static IP address it should be set back to dynamic IP address when the system reboots.
Is it possible to do this? Please let me know. Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you
Thank You Richard. I will research on that.Thanks for the heads up
Been a while but I am pretty sure that you can configure your DHCP server to require that the IP change.
Basically the client computer asks for a new IP from the DHCP server and it is allowed to suggest a prior one. The DHCP server and accept that request or reject it and send back the one it wants.
So one can set up a rule in the DHCP server that forces a new IP based on other criteria.
That means nothing the client does, normally, would allow it to 'set' a static IP. Even if a user sets it up that way the DHCP would refuse.
At least at one time this was a common security constraint.
They've finally managed to completely piss off a friend of mine, and he wants to change hosts. He has a MVC5 web site for his business that I don't want to have to mess with (meaning I don't want to convert it to .Net Core) beyond migrating it over to the new host, so I'm looking for a Windows-based web host that is NOT part of the EIG family.
If anyone has any recommendations, I'm all ears.
".45 ACP - because shooting twice is just silly" - JSOP, 2010 ----- You can never have too much ammo - unless you're swimming, or on fire. - JSOP, 2010 ----- When you pry the gun from my cold dead hands, be careful - the barrel will be very hot. - JSOP, 2013
I've been using Azure and AWS recently. Both great and simple to use with a slew of pre-configured deployment scenarios.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
- Benjamin Disraeli
I'm with Arvixe but I'm considering moving to these guys in the not too distant future:
I'm an optoholic - my glass is always half full of vodka.
I have a .NET MVC website live which also served as a test API - the solution both served standard web pages as well as API calls.
I decided that I wanted to separate the website and API so I now have two solutions.
I have amended the RouteConfig.cs for the website so that it no longer serves API routes.
How do I go about configuring things so that both the MVC website dll and the MVC API dll are accessible?
I uploaded the API dll and using postman I could see that the API service was not responding to the requests I sent.
I am guessing there is something I need to do with the web.congig or global.asax files that's as far as I have got so far(guessing... and some googling of course...).
Thank you for any help or direction in where to look for information - I don't think I have been asking the right question for Google searches so far.
I have now partly solved this by creating two projects within one solution and referencing the API dll from the main application, including a route mapping for the API within the non API project.
It's a bit messy but will do for the moment.
“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”
― Christopher Hitchens
modified 24-Mar-18 5:58am.
I have an application developed in asp.net c#.
Each time it's being tested, I get this same error over and over again.
My problem is that error page does not exist in my app any longer, but when being tested on the live environment, I get an error on the page I no longer have in my app.
The error reads below:
"Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following parse error and modify your source file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'warehouseDeliveryBookingSystem.Default'.
Source ERROR:
Line1: <%@ Page Langauge=C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="WarehousDeliveryBookingSystem.Default"%>
Line3: <doctype html="">"
How do I resolve this error?
Are there Wordpress (or some alternative) hosting companies that could meet these requirements:
- Host many sites
- Has a backend that allows me to switch between the sites to edit/add pages quickly
- Has all of the same features as what I'm using on Wordpress.com's free version now.
Currently, I'm using Wordress.com's free version to get things set up. If I go through at site, I'll have to pay for each site annually, which pushes the up front investment to almost 4 digits after only 3 sites.
I'm unclear if there are advantages to going through Wordpress.com versus another hosting provider.
Are there plugin's that only Wordpress.com offers?
Does Wordpress.com take a portion of your advertising revenue if you have your site hosted there?
Are there hosting providers who offer additional functionality over worpress.com?
Any input would be welcome.
modified 26-Dec-17 17:13pm.
Rick_Bishop wrote: Are there Wordpress hosting companies that will host many sites with an interface like Wordpress.com or better?
Better is of course subjective. And it depends on what you actually want to do. There are a huge number of alternatives.
If you are targeting a specific industry/topic then finding a Content Management System that supports that would probably be helpful.
Naturally easy = simple and hard = powerful. So you will need to figure out what you needs are now and for the future. Might want to evaluate that first so you do not need to recreate everything in the future.
Ok, thank you for responding. I'll update the question.
Wordpress is always better but still there are lot of plugin options available like Jumla, Magento.
The chat functionality is developed on a PHP platform and we are using ratchet as our framework. when its hosted on a server with no SSL installed its working as expected. when SSL is installed on the same server, the functionality is not working. The error in back-end is connection time out. We tried steps given in different discussions is stack overflow, no help. Seems challenging !! Suggestions are most welcome, regarding the issue. Thanks in Advance.