Hello all,
I am working on a php script to generate an image with the barcode 128 B (I will not be using the A or C).
I have it displaying a barcode in firefox. When I print it it looks close to one generanted by a barcode application. The diference is that mine is slightly longer. Anyways given the same string the app generate code scans and mine does not. I believe everything is in order...but I must be missing something simple here...suggestions?
This is the hash_code_128.php script referenced in the main script. The source for the codes came from wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_128[^]
$b_chr = array();
$b_enc = array();
$stop = "11000111010";
$term_bar = "11";
$b_chr['00'] = " ";
$b_chr['01'] = "!";
$b_chr['02'] = '"';
$b_chr['03'] = "#";
$b_chr['04'] = "$";
$b_chr['05'] = "%";
$b_chr['06'] = "&";
$b_chr['07'] = "'";
$b_chr['08'] = "(";
$b_chr['09'] = ")";
$b_chr['10'] = "*";
$b_chr['11'] = "+";
$b_chr['12'] = ",";
$b_chr['13'] = "-";
$b_chr['14'] = ".";
$b_chr['15'] = "/";
$b_chr['16'] = "0";
$b_chr['17'] = "1";
$b_chr['18'] = "2";
$b_chr['19'] = "3";
$b_chr['20'] = "4";
$b_chr['21'] = "5";
$b_chr['22'] = "6";
$b_chr['23'] = "7";
$b_chr['24'] = "8";
$b_chr['25'] = "9";
$b_chr['26'] = ":";
$b_chr['27'] = ";";
$b_chr['28'] = "<";
$b_chr['29'] = "=";
$b_chr['30'] = ">";
$b_chr['31'] = "?";
$b_chr['32'] = "@";
$b_chr['33'] = "A";
$b_chr['34'] = "B";
$b_chr['35'] = "C";
$b_chr['36'] = "D";
$b_chr['37'] = "E";
$b_chr['38'] = "F";
$b_chr['39'] = "G";
$b_chr['40'] = "H";
$b_chr['41'] = "I";
$b_chr['42'] = "J";
$b_chr['43'] = "K";
$b_chr['44'] = "L";
$b_chr['45'] = "M";
$b_chr['46'] = "N";
$b_chr['47'] = "O";
$b_chr['48'] = "P";
$b_chr['49'] = "Q";
$b_chr['50'] = "R";
$b_chr['51'] = "S";
$b_chr['52'] = "T";
$b_chr['53'] = "U";
$b_chr['54'] = "V";
$b_chr['55'] = "W";
$b_chr['56'] = "X";
$b_chr['57'] = "Y";
$b_chr['58'] = "Z";
$b_chr['59'] = "[";
$b_chr['60'] = "\\";
$b_chr['61'] = "]";
$b_chr['62'] = "^";
$b_chr['63'] = "_";
$b_chr['64'] = "`";
$b_chr['65'] = "a";
$b_chr['66'] = "b";
$b_chr['67'] = "c";
$b_chr['68'] = "d";
$b_chr['69'] = "e";
$b_chr['70'] = "f";
$b_chr['71'] = "g";
$b_chr['72'] = "h";
$b_chr['73'] = "i";
$b_chr['74'] = "j";
$b_chr['75'] = "k";
$b_chr['76'] = "l";
$b_chr['77'] = "m";
$b_chr['78'] = "n";
$b_chr['79'] = "o";
$b_chr['80'] = "p";
$b_chr['81'] = "q";
$b_chr['82'] = "r";
$b_chr['83'] = "s";
$b_chr['84'] = "t";
$b_chr['85'] = "u";
$b_chr['86'] = "v";
$b_chr['87'] = "w";
$b_chr['88'] = "x";
$b_chr['89'] = "y";
$b_chr['90'] = "z";
$b_chr['91'] = "{";
$b_chr['92'] = "|";
$b_chr['93'] = "}";
$b_chr['94'] = "~";
$b_chr['95'] = "DEL";
$b_chr['96'] = "FNC3";
$b_chr['97'] = "FNC2";
$b_chr['98'] = "SHIFT";
$b_chr['99'] = "Code C";
$b_chr['100'] = "FNC4";
$b_chr['101'] = "Code A";
$b_chr['102'] = "FNC1";
$b_chr['103'] = "START A";
$b_chr['104'] = "START B";
$b_chr['105'] = "START C";
$b_enc['00'] = "11011001100";
$b_enc['01'] = "11001101100";
$b_enc['02'] = "11001100110";
$b_enc['03'] = "10010011000";
$b_enc['04'] = "10010001100";
$b_enc['05'] = "10001001100";
$b_enc['06'] = "10011001000";
$b_enc['07'] = "10011000100";
$b_enc['08'] = "10001100100";
$b_enc['09'] = "11001001000";
$b_enc['10'] = "11001000100";
$b_enc['11'] = "11000100100";
$b_enc['12'] = "10110011100";
$b_enc['13'] = "10011011100";
$b_enc['14'] = "10011001110";
$b_enc['15'] = "10111001100";
$b_enc['16'] = "10011101100";
$b_enc['17'] = "10011100110";
$b_enc['18'] = "11001110010";
$b_enc['19'] = "11001011100";
$b_enc['20'] = "11001001110";
$b_enc['21'] = "11011100100";
$b_enc['22'] = "11001110100";
$b_enc['23'] = "11101101110";
$b_enc['24'] = "11101001100";
$b_enc['25'] = "11100101100";
$b_enc['26'] = "11100100110";
$b_enc['27'] = "11101100100";
$b_enc['28'] = "11100110100";
$b_enc['29'] = "11100110010";
$b_enc['30'] = "11011011000";
$b_enc['31'] = "11011000110";
$b_enc['32'] = "11000110110";
$b_enc['33'] = "10100011000";
$b_enc['34'] = "10001011000";
$b_enc['35'] = "10001000110";
$b_enc['36'] = "10110001000";
$b_enc['37'] = "10001101000";
$b_enc['38'] = "10001100010";
$b_enc['39'] = "11010001000";
$b_enc['40'] = "11000101000";
$b_enc['41'] = "11000100010";
$b_enc['42'] = "10110111000";
$b_enc['43'] = "10110001110";
$b_enc['44'] = "10001101110";
$b_enc['45'] = "10111011000";
$b_enc['46'] = "10111000110";
$b_enc['47'] = "10001110110";
$b_enc['48'] = "11101110110";
$b_enc['49'] = "11010001110";
$b_enc['50'] = "11000101110";
$b_enc['51'] = "11011101000";
$b_enc['52'] = "11011100010";
$b_enc['53'] = "11011101110";
$b_enc['54'] = "11101011000";
$b_enc['55'] = "11101000110";
$b_enc['56'] = "11100010110";
$b_enc['57'] = "11101101000";
$b_enc['58'] = "11101100010";
$b_enc['59'] = "11100011010";
$b_enc['60'] = "11101111010";
$b_enc['61'] = "11001000010";
$b_enc['62'] = "11110001010";
$b_enc['63'] = "10100110000";
$b_enc['64'] = "10100001100";
$b_enc['65'] = "10010110000";
$b_enc['66'] = "10010000110";
$b_enc['67'] = "10000101100";
$b_enc['68'] = "10000100110";
$b_enc['69'] = "10110010000";
$b_enc['70'] = "10110000100";
$b_enc['71'] = "10011010000";
$b_enc['72'] = "10011000010";
$b_enc['73'] = "10000110100";
$b_enc['74'] = "10000110010";
$b_enc['75'] = "11000010010";
$b_enc['76'] = "11001010000";
$b_enc['77'] = "11110111010";
$b_enc['78'] = "11000010100";
$b_enc['79'] = "10001111010";
$b_enc['80'] = "10100111100";
$b_enc['81'] = "10010111100";
$b_enc['82'] = "10010011110";
$b_enc['83'] = "10111100100";
$b_enc['84'] = "10011110100";
$b_enc['85'] = "10011110010";
$b_enc['86'] = "11110100100";
$b_enc['87'] = "11110010100";
$b_enc['88'] = "11110010010";
$b_enc['89'] = "11011011110";
$b_enc['90'] = "11011110110";
$b_enc['91'] = "11110110110";
$b_enc['92'] = "10101111000";
$b_enc['93'] = "10100011110";
$b_enc['94'] = "10001011110";
$b_enc['95'] = "10111101000";
$b_enc['96'] = "10111100010";
$b_enc['97'] = "11110101000";
$b_enc['98'] = "11110100010";
$b_enc['99'] = "10111011110";
$b_enc['100'] = "10111101110";
$b_enc['101'] = "11101011110";
$b_enc['102'] = "11110101110";
$b_enc['103'] = "11010000100";
$b_enc['104'] = "11010010000";
$b_enc['105'] = "11010011100";
This is the main code page it is called from another page using a html img tags src attribute, like <img src='gen_code_128b.php?string=BarCode 1&size=2&height=50'>
$bcstring = '';
$cnt = strlen($string) ;
$quiet_zone = 10*$size-1;
$pad_top = 5;
$pad_text = 3;
$font_size = 5;
$pad_bottom = 5;
$font_left = $quiet_zone;
$font_top = $pad_text + $height;
$ttl_width = ($quiet_zone*2)+($size*($cnt+3)*11)+2;
$ttl_height = $pad_top + $pad_text + $font_size + $pad_bottom + $height;
$running_checksum = 104;
$position = $i+1;
$key = array_search($string[$i],$b_chr,true);
$checksum = $running_checksum%103;
header ('Content-type: image/png');
$im = @imagecreatetruecolor($ttl_width, $ttl_height) or die('Cannot Initialize new GD image stream');
$white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
imagefill($im, 0, 0, $white);
$start_x = 0;
$stop_x = 1;
$last_char = '0';
$bc_cnt = strlen($bcstring);
if($bcstring[$i]==1 && $bcstring[$i]!=$last_char)
$start_x = $quiet_zone+($i*$size);
if($bcstring[$i]==1 && $bcstring[$i]==$last_char)
if($bcstring[$i]==0 && $bcstring[$i]!=$last_char)
imagefilledrectangle($im, $start_x, $pad_top, $start_x+($stop_x*$size)-1, $height, $black);
$stop_x = 1;
$last_char = $bcstring[$i];
imagestring($im, 3, $font_left, $font_top, $string, $black);
I came across this a while ago - dunno if it'll help:
function UPCAbarcode($code) {
$lw = 2; $hi = 100;
$Lencode = array('0001101','0011001','0010011','0111101','0100011',
$Rencode = array('1110010','1100110','1101100','1000010','1011100',
$ends = '101'; $center = '01010';
if ( strlen($code) != 11 ) { die("UPC-A Must be 11 digits."); }
$ncode = '0'.$code;
$even = 0; $odd = 0;
for ($x=0;$x<12;$x++) {
if ($x % 2) { $odd += $ncode[$x]; } else { $even += $ncode[$x]; }
$code.=(10 - (($odd * 3 + $even) % 10)) % 10;
for($x=1;$x<6;$x++) {
for($x=6;$x<12;$x++) {
$img = ImageCreate($lw*95+30,$hi+30);
$fg = ImageColorAllocate($img, 0, 0, 0);
$bg = ImageColorAllocate($img, 255, 255, 255);
ImageFilledRectangle($img, 0, 0, $lw*95+30, $hi+30, $bg);
for ($x=0;$x<strlen($bars);$x++) {
if (($x<10) || ($x>=45 && $x<50) || ($x >=85)) { $sh=10; } else { $sh=0; }
if ($bars[$x] == '1') { $color = $fg; } else { $color = $bg; }
ImageFilledRectangle($img, ($x*$lw)+15,5,($x+1)*$lw+14,$hi+5+$sh,$color);
for ($x=0;$x<5;$x++) {
header("Content-Type: image/png");
I got it working. I had a few issues that needed to be adressed.
1) My checksum made a mistake of just using the modulus value as a lookup, when I really needed to add 32 to the value and find the ascii character it represents. Then I can find the hash code based on that and add it to the bar code string.
$checksum = $checksum + 32;
$checksum2 = chr($checksum);
$key = array_search($checksum2,$b_chr,true);
2) I did not draw the final termination barcode in my for loop due to a simple logic error. I corrected it with and a "or" to check for the end of the barcode string so I write the last part.
if($bcstring[$i]==0 && $bcstring[$i]!=$last_char || $i == $bc_cnt-1)
imagefilledrectangle($im, $start_x, $pad_top, $start_x+($stop_x*$size)-1, $height, $black);
$stop_x = 1;
it is all working. If anyone wants to use this code, enjoy!
Of course a mention is always nice
Hello cjoki,
I try to explain, but not very practical with English (I'm Italian) and I just started with php ...
I am trying your code but you probably have not entered correctly the last few lines of code that you posted, because the barcode is almost always correct but sometimes lack a little bit. Here how I use it, if you can help me.
$bcstring = '';
$cnt = strlen($string) ;
$quiet_zone = 10*$size-1;
$pad_top = 5;
$pad_text = 3;
$font_size = 5;
$pad_bottom = 5;
$font_left = $quiet_zone;
$font_top = $pad_text + $height;
$ttl_width = ($quiet_zone*2)+($size*($cnt+3)*11)+2;
$ttl_height = $pad_top + $pad_text + $font_size + $pad_bottom + $height;
$running_checksum = 104;
$position = $i+1;
$key = array_search($string[$i],$b_chr,true);
$checksum = $running_checksum%103;
$checksum = $checksum + 32;
$checksum2 = chr($checksum);
$key = array_search($checksum2,$b_chr,true);
header ('Content-type: image/png');
$im = @imagecreatetruecolor($ttl_width, $ttl_height) or die('Cannot Initialize new GD image stream');
$white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
imagefill($im, 0, 0, $white);
$start_x = 0;
$stop_x = 1;
$last_char = '0';
$bc_cnt = strlen($bcstring);
for($i=0;$i<$bc_cnt;$i++) {
if($bcstring[$i]==1 && $bcstring[$i]!=$last_char) {
$start_x = $quiet_zone+($i*$size);
if($bcstring[$i]==1 && $bcstring[$i]==$last_char) {
if($bcstring[$i]==0 && $bcstring[$i]!=$last_char) {
imagefilledrectangle($im, $start_x, $pad_top, $start_x+($stop_x*$size)-1, $height, $black);
$stop_x = 1;
$last_char = $bcstring[$i];
if($bcstring[$i]==0 && $bcstring[$i]!=$last_char || $i == $bc_cnt-1){
imagefilledrectangle($im, $start_x, $pad_top, $start_x+($stop_x*$size)-1, $height, $black);
$stop_x = 1;
imagestring($im, 3, $font_left, $font_top, "", $black);
here is the full code that is in production still. maybe this will help. cjoki
function gen_code128($string, $fid, $size = 1, $height = 50, $show_text = true)
$bcstring = '';
$cnt = strlen($string) ;
$quiet_zone = 10*$size-1;
$pad_top = 5;
$pad_bottom = 5;
$ttl_width = ($quiet_zone*2)+($size*($cnt+3)*11)+2;
$pad_text = 3;
$font_size = 5;
$font_left = $quiet_zone;
$font_top = $pad_text + $height;
$ttl_height = $pad_top + $pad_text + $font_size + $pad_bottom + $height;
$ttl_height = $pad_top + $pad_bottom + $height;
$running_checksum = 104;
$position = $i+1;
$key = array_search($string[$i],$b_chr,true);
$checksum = $running_checksum%103;
$checksum = $checksum + 32;
$checksum2 = chr($checksum);
$key = array_search($checksum2,$b_chr,true);
$key = $checksum;
$im = @imagecreatetruecolor($ttl_width, $ttl_height) or die('Cannot Initialize new GD image stream');
$white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
imagefill($im, 0, 0, $white);
$current_pos = $quiet_zone;
$start_x = 0;
$stop_x = 1;
$last_char = '0';
$bc_cnt = strlen($bcstring);
if($bcstring[$i]==1 && $bcstring[$i]!=$last_char)
$start_x = $quiet_zone+($i*$size);
if($bcstring[$i]==1 && $bcstring[$i]==$last_char)
if($bcstring[$i]==0 && $bcstring[$i]!=$last_char || $i == $bc_cnt-1)
imagefilledrectangle($im, $start_x, $pad_top, $start_x+($stop_x*$size)-1, $height, $black);
$stop_x = 1;
$last_char = $bcstring[$i];
$filename = '';
imagestring($im, 3, $font_left, $font_top, $string, $black);
$filename = $fid.".jpg";
$filename = "/var/www/barcodes/".$fid.".jpg";
imagejpeg($im, $filename);
return $filename;
Chris J
Hi everyone,
Im new to Linux and its first time that I am using of it but I have a problem how can I install exe files in linux I searched on the net and I undrestood that its not possible because exe files are for windows but you can install exe files with WINE so I got wine.exe but again its exe how can I install wine? I am using of "Mandriva Linux" on VMware Workstation.
in the name of god
depending on your linux os:
if you access to internet only type:
sudo apt-get install wine
type your password then wine itself will be installed.
in the name of god
hello everybody
i want to use one of linux app as oog to do an action and then after 10 second do other action how i must do it? indeed how i use this time and how i use linux app in perl? must i install special perl modules?
good but how to use for example oog or totem the app off linux in it??
if i understand what you want to do...
system "oog" == 0 or die $!;
system "totem" == 0 or die $!;
whatever the syntax for those linux apps are, please fill in.
i exactly want the thing that you have wrote.but please let me find what is the below error:
#!/scr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
use warnings;
system "oog" == 0 or die $!;
system "totem" == 0 or die $!;
Argument "oog" isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at perl.pl line 4.
Can't exec "1": No such file or directory at perl.pl line 4.
Argument "totem" isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at perl.pl line 6.
Can't exec "1": No such file or directory at perl.pl line 6.
hmmm.... didn't expect that. I wonder which version of Perl that you are using.
try this:
system("oog") == 0 or die $!
thanks for your replies
this is my perl version:
This is perl, v5.10.0 built for i386-linux-thread-multi
i used this command:
#!/scr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
#system "oog" == 0 or die $!;
my $music="/home/sajad/intertainment/Music/001.MP3";
system "totem --play $music";
system "totem --quit $music";
but i want to play a music and then at finish i want to close it but none of the command i write after system "totem --play $music";
are executed until i manually close the totem ,how i can solve this error????
thanks in advance.
try using
exec "totem --play $music";
iirc, exec does not wait for the command to return output and system does.
this also not work!!
after playing the music it stopped and is on the screen yet.
indeed i want to use a linux app and after some works close it with some command as this thing i posted.it can be a music or a program.
ok, for clarification...
is it still not stopping after 8 seconds?
because otherwise all you would need to do is change your second system to exec, because it would be hanging up there.
i wrote this :
#!/scr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
my $music="/home/sajad/intertainment/Music/001.MP3";
system "totem --play $music";
exec "totem --quit $music";
after playing the music in 6 second(time of music) then it stopped until i close it then the command sleep(8) is running and after it terminate my program.i also wrote this code but as above result:
#!/scr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
my $music="/home/sajad/intertainment/Music/001.MP3";
system "totem --play $music";
exec "totem --quit $music";
ok... so you changed
system "totem --quit $music";
exec "totem --quit $music";
did you try the change I suggested which was:
system "totem --play $music";
exec "totem --play $music";
yes i also change it to all of states with changing exec to system or system to exec but it play the music repeatedly
also this is one of them:
#!/scr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
#system "oog" == 0 or die $!;
my $music="/home/sajad/intertainment/Music/001.MP3";
system "totem --play $music && totem --quit $music";
system "totem --quit $music";#exec "totem --quit $music";
This is error:
aljaz@aljaz-laptop /Desktop$ nasm -f elf vhod.asm
aljaz@aljaz-laptop /Desktop$ ld -s -o vhod vhod.o
ld: i386 architecture of input file `vhod.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output
ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 00000000004000b0
vhod.o: In function `main':
vhod.asm text+0x7): undefined reference to `printf'
aljaz@aljaz-laptop /Desktop$
Here is code:
bits 32
extern printf
global main
section .data
message db "hello, world!", 10, 0
section .text
push dword message
call printf;
add esp, 4;
Some suggestions:
1. It seems that you created an 32-bit application but try to compile it as an 32/64-bit application.
Try to add the parameter -m32 to ld.
2. I think you have to link your vhod.o with an library that holds the printf function.
3. At last, try to solve the warning by calling your main start or adding -e main to the ld statement.
I hope that helps and be aware this are only suggestions cause I never developed for linux.
I always wanted to distribute my PHP files without having to distribute a server package like WAMP, XAMPP etc so now I use Viewer for PHP. Its open source and freely available:
$url = "http://www.nseindia.com/content/equities/TopGainers.htm";
$html = strtolower(implode('', file($url)));
echo $html;
Why i am unable to read this file ?
Permissions. DO you own the site? If so set you need to check your settings in php.ini on nseindia