I too used wampserver2 sometimes. I'm curious why you want to delete the latest version? I have no problems with it.
FWIW: I'm running XAMPP 1.6.6 which has PHP 5.2.5, which I downloaded and installed 17 months ago. (I had WAMP before that).
Not sure which PHP currently is part of XAMPP, you should be able to find out here[^], and maybe older versions are still available.
Luc Pattyn
I only read code that is properly indented, and rendered in a non-proportional font; hint: use PRE tags in forum messages
I have create or install zoomla successfully.
But now i can't understand,from where i have to start.
How can i integrate my php project to zoomla?
suppose if i want to add my gridview page of my site in zoomla what i have to do?
what about spider and zoomla integration?
Kindly help to solve this issue.
Hi, does ubuntu linux is the secure operating system for the end user and the server (in compare to the other operating system)?
Thank in advance!!!
It's Linux so yes! Ubuntu is based of Debain GNU/Linux which is one of the most stable and secure Linux distro out there! Ubunutu is a little more cutting edge, there is excellent support for it on the Ubuntu forums.
I have Kubuntu 64bit (Ubuntu + KDE desktop) running on my box at home and on my laptop.
Kind Regards,
Rajinder Yadav
web: devmentor.org
Do Good! ~ Share Freely
Linux is a more secure operating system. 90 percent of all viruses are written for windows boxes. It might be possible to write a virus for linux, specifically ubuntu linux, but the big problem with this is that there are so many linux distros out there. Therefore, getting a virus that affects specifically ubuntu would be very hard to do.
How to write a script that uses a control statement (such as FOR loops, WHILE loops, etc...) to print out 50 lines using variables as shown in Figure 1. Note that Line 3 is derived by adding Line 1 & 2. Line 4 is derived by adding Line 2 & 3 and so on…
Line 1 : 1
Line 2 : 1
Line 3 : 2
Line 4 : 3
Line 5 : 5
Line 6 : 8
Line 7 : 13
Line 8 : 21
Output from executed script
q = [0,1]
for i in range(1,50):
sum = q[0] + q[1]
print 'Line %d : %d' % (i,sum)
if i > 1:
q = [ q[1], sum ]
Ok thanks for your suggestion!!
In Windows hosting $ud=fopen("..\html/vol.html","w");
it is working but not working in Linux hosting what i need to change ?
and linux will be cAse seNSitiVe.
I am new to linux. i've started using linux by installing ubuntu on my pc. and i am looking for an c++ IDE.
waiting for your suggestions ...
thank you
Give Qt Creator a try, you might like it. It's available from the Ubuntu Software Center.
Note: you might also need to install the g++ package from the Synaptic Package Manager to build things.
Qt Creator, Codelite, Anjuta or code:block. Monodevelop can be used as a editor.
Thank you.
Emacs is my favorite. Install the packages from CEDET[^] and setup ECB. As a beginner, there will be steep learning curve for Emacs. But it is worth learning.
Best wishes,
I recently tried it and liked it very much. Not sure what it's like to develop GUI driven apps, though.
It had a feel similar to Visual Studio.
Code::Blocks is quite good. But it doesn't offer much options for customizing.
Best wishes,
Vim is most powerful IDE in linux.
if you can not use text-base IDE then you can use Eclipse , Kdevelop , QT and ...
enjoy it.
thank you for reply (after two years ).
hi guys, pls i am a new member of this site, anyways i am having troubles in connecting my php code to my database pls how can i do dat. thanks
According to php tutorials to connect from a PHP script, just put this in your file:
< ?
using the following substitutions for the bold terms as above, plus substituting DBPASSWORD with your own mysql password:
* Replace DBSERVER with the correct database servername for your site.
* Replace DBUSERNAME with your own mysql username.
* Replace DBNAME with your own mysql databasename.
The connection will be closed automatically when the script ends. To close the connection, use the mysql_close() function:
$con = mysql_connect("localhost","peter","abc123");
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
Hi all!
Im trying to put my skype nick and yahoo nick into my site.
How can i set the images for skype or yahoo messenger when i online and offline following bellow:
If im online:the skype image is skypeonline.jpg.
If im ofline:the skype image is skypeoffline.jpg.
If im online:the yahoo image is yahooonline.jpg.
If im ofline:the yahoo image is yahoooffline.jpg.
Thanks a lot!