pujafaldu wrote: Now I want to use a plugin which is developed in joomla
And the joomla forums are where?
Hi,I am new in PHP.I have installed PHP5.3.0 under IIS 5 and Windows XP.It runs properly.
But whenever I tried to install PHP 5.3.0 under IIS6 and Windows Server 2003,it always throws an error which says "<b>CGI Error:The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers</b>".I have followd the same steps which i did while installing PHP 5.3.0 under IIS 5 and Windows XP.
I searched the web.....did everything they said....but invain.
Can anyone help me?
I installed php following the steps decribed in this link only.
Good PHP starter tutorials:
The PHP manual (your top resource):
PHP and MySQL tutorial:
Keep it simple (don't waste time making it look nice if you aren't getting graded on it).
As for the actual building it, your going to have to do your own research. As a general rule, the posters here will only point you in the right direction (especially true of students) and not spell the answer out for you. And I do advise trying to build your own cart rather than following a tutorial - it will give you a good mindset for php development in future.
Best of luck
thanx mark for the websites
I searched them before, but i have a problem
i don't know how to store the option in the select menu , and how to retrieve them from the database
:S :S
How to turn the command as follow into a makefile?
g++ ex1.cc ex3.cc -I /usr/local/include -L /usr/local/lib -lrcs -o ex3
Thanks in advance!
GNU's an introduction to makefile should get you started. A simple makefile (not tested) for this will look like:
#makedepend flags
#Libraries to link
LIBRARYPATH = /usr/local/lib
INCLUDEPATH = /usr/local/include
#Compiler flags
CFLAGS = -Wall
CC = g++
PROG = ex3
#each module will append the source files to here
SRC := ex1.cc ex3.cc
OBJ := $(patsubst %.cc, %.o, $(filter %.cc,$(SRC)))
#linking the program
ex3: $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
makedepend -- $(DFLAGS) -- $(SRC)
find . -name "*.o" | xargs rm -vf
rm -vf ex3 In reality, you don't have to specify /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib in the paths. These paths are there in the GCC's search path and it does a search in these paths to find the include files and libraries.
Best wishes,
Any Python Gurus online?
If so please help me with the following error. I am the middle of writing a program and every time it runs the Python core crashes. After debugging and stepping through code the following block of code precedes the crash:
x = 16
while x > 0
x = x * x
Whats the error?
Mike Stratton wrote: x = 16
while x > 0
x = x * x
Have you looked carefully at these statements?
The answer is simple really, I actually purposely created this code while learning python via MIT OpenCourseWare.
This code creates an infinte loop with the number calculations increasing beyond Pythons capabilities very quickly.
I thought it was kind of funny as the code says:
x is equal to 16
If you find that x is greater then 0 then do the following:
redefine x as is equal to 16*16
Second loop:
x is equal to 256
if you find that x is greater then 0 then do the following
redefine x as equalt to 256*256
Third loop:
x is equal to 65536
if you find that x is greater then 0 then do the following
redefine x as equal to 65536 * 65536
A few loops and python cannot compute.
x = 16
while x > 0:
x = x * x
You were just missing a :
and statements under a while, or for, or if, etc
must be indented
try it now
<br />
x = 16<br />
while x > 0 :<br />
x = x * x<br />
Pavan Pareta
Is this supposed to add some value here?
The value added is a good laugh.
I am just having fun learning to code.
And the purpose of posting the question was what?
post = "function"
while input = 'function?':
print 'That was funny!'
print 'That was Stupid'
My purpose was to try and find other programmers that share my enthusiasm for learning.
Have a good day.
This answer is partially correct.
Yes I forget the operative of : when typing this but the real problem is that it creates an infinite loop that causes Pythong to crash.
If you understand why it crashed, then it was a worthwhile exercise.
Clue: the infinite loop isn't why it crashed. It crashed after just 3 iterations, so there must be something else happening here. (Another clue: think powers of 2)
I would have to say it is neither the infinite loop, nor the multipication. The reason for the crash is quite clearly evidence of the programmers inability!
This question was rhetorical, and intended as a joke.
Looks like my humor is about as good as my programming skills and grammor.
----- Just excited to be learning about Python -----
I for one thank you for the test.
I know c and pascal and... but just learning python. this exercise was vary useful for me and I got several loops (18) before the system bogged down for 1 min and the printout started to mess up.
As wampserver2 comes with php 5.3.0 but it is not compatible with Joomla 1.5, so, I need to install php 5.2.9 on wamp server2 and delete php 5.3.0
Plz help