I have agridview i fill it from datatable but i want to add new emptyrow af first before filling
If it is not related to Linux then you are in the wrong forum. And please do not shout
"I'm willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never wrong." - Samuel Goldwyn
Hello friends,
I am using window.open function in order to display the page. The page pop up but fixed params i.e. height & width. However i want that it will be resizable as per the content of the page following is the code
window.open("EmpSubCert.aspx?Request_ID=" + requestId, "attendee_popup", 'left=400,top=400,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,height=150,width=500,toolbars=no,titlebar=no');
which param i ll add in the above code such that the pop up window display entire content of the page..
Well, first you have set resizable=no,scrollbars=no so that would be a problem for a user. You have also set the position, height and width, so that's the size you get. What you'll probably need to do is figure out on your own what size you need, then change the height and width parameters accordingly.
In view of the variety of browsers and fonts that people might use, that may or may not be feasible in your case.
Good luck!
Walt Fair, Jr., P. E.
Comport Computing
Specializing in Technical Engineering Software
hello, i hope one of you lot can help me ...
i am creating a form for registration to my site... it all works i just need to know how i would position an error from process.php eg//
echo('The username/email you have entered already exists, please try again');
in the registration document register.php, is there a way to put this certain "echo" into a div ?
div id = " error " / d i v <pre>
function byId(el){return document.getElementById(el)}
<div id="msgTgt"></div>
byId("msgTgt").innerHTML = "The username/email you entered already exists, please try again"
I try to write in a way people understand simply, so if its a little "fluffy" then I apologize in advance.
I'd probably make a function that scans the inputs from the form, and checks them.
Then the second part of the function would be to spit out the errors that were made.
Kind of like (e.g.) if the username space is blank, then report an error. The div id 'errors'
would be where your errors would be spat out.
(Registration page)
<div id="regform">
<div id="errors">
(Function, theory I guess)
function validateInputs(){
$username = $__POST["username"]; #name referring to the entities of <input name="nameHere" >
...php script that checks the length of the input, and for false positives, like a bunch of spaces,
or perhaps a name consisting of one character, or patterns like that. Also use it to check if the username
is being used or not...Then echo out what errors were triggered, on that page, and if you have no errors,
you could give a check image or something. I'm not too sure.
hope this helps.
I heard you can also do form validation with jQuery
Thank you, thats very helpful :P
Hello everyone,
Im having a problem in sending email in other domain name like yahoo and gmail
using mail(). It only accept the domain name of the company like @sample.com
Can anyone help me how can i fix or how can i configure the mail server to accept
other domain name?
Thanks in advance,
You'll have to tell us what brand is your mail server.
If it's your company server, it's probably the SMTP component of Exchange. This is configured by default to only relay mail originating from domains which it controls.
If you're the mail administrator, RTFM.
If you're not the mail administrator, it's time to buy the mail administrator a drink
Thanks for your reply, I'll tell to our admin about this.
thanks again,
I use this but it is not working
echo "Compressed Size: " . zip_entry_compresedsize($zipFile) . " ";
echo "Real Size: " . zip_entry_filesize($zilFile) . " ";
do you have any idea how to read this zip file ?
I hope you didn't paste that in, because it looks like there's a mistake on almost every line.
I believe the main problem is trying to read the zip file directly from the remote address. Try taking a copy of the file, and open that instead:
$file = "http://www.nseindia.com/content/historical/EQUITIES/2010/APR/cm12APR2010bhav.csv.zip";
$tmp_file = "tmp/tmp.zip";
copy($file, $tmp_file);
$zip = zip_open($tmp_file);
while($zipFile = zip_read($zip))
You should check that zip_open returns a resource before trying to read from it too - use is_resource on the result.
Thank you very much for your help code is working.
Sorry to bothered but i hope you could spend some time to help me out. I'm new to PERL and CGI and im currently dealing with products related to wireless sensor network.
They consists of tiny motes and sensorboards where the mote collect information of heat,light and sound and they transfer the information to the sensorboard connected to the computer and uploads data to the computer.
Whereby im able to view data collected in web page when i turn on the web interface. The web page consist of a html header where they load the data collected in the frameset which is in .cgi format.
The problem is that the data receive does not over write. which means that it just keep on going on till the page is full and a manual scrolling and refreshing of the page is need.
My question is that:
1: Is it possible to input a timer or a counter in the .CGI file which enable it to refresh on its own?
2: The data keeps going on without over writing. Is it possible to make the data overwrite?
3: Can i input images into the .CGI file?
Thanks you for your time and hope to hear from you soon!
Thanks & Regards
i have my C++ code that i developed in Visual Studio 2008
the solution contains 4 projects
i want that code to be ported to GCC and i have no clue how to do it. i think it is done using a makefile but still if u ppl can help me
Yes. It is done through a makefile. I'd suggest you to take a look at CMake which can automate the overhead of generating a makefile. If your application is simple enough, you can write your own makefile.
Best wishes,
I have a table in php which displays all serial numbers in the program. What i would like to do is when the user for example wants to find serial number ABCDEF123 they will type it in the text box and then press submit. I would then like all the other serial numbers to dissapear/hide and then just show tht serial number.
I have created the text box and button in php but dont know how to do the above.
If anybody could help that would be great
Many thanks
the simple way would be to make a form and have the page post to itself. At the top of the page in php
<?php ... ?>
check to see if the field has been submitted using isset() and if so run a sql query and output the info below the form in a table.
Be extra careful with checking the input value before you run it in a query. I run a scrubber function that only permits valid characters to be used. Also read up on mysql_escape_string(), add_slashes() and related function and the user comments. A lot of good info in there.
The W3Schools have a page explaining how[^] to filter the data from a database using PHP, might be a good starting point
I are Troll
I note that you'd like the other numbers to disappear/hide - implying that they're already visible on the page. If that's the case, then why use php for that I wonder? Surely the approach to use is one of JavaScript?
I'd achieve what I understand as the aim with code resembling the following:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css">
.style1 {
font-size: 24px;
font-weight: bold;
.hiddenTxt {
display: none;
<script type="text/javascript">
function byId(e){return document.getElementById(e)}
function doFind()
var table = byId("table1");
var row , x, y
var searchStr
searchStr = byId("serialInput").value
for (y=0; y<5; y++)
row = table.rows[y]
for (x=0; x<5; x++)
if (row.cells[x].innerHTML != searchStr)
row.cells[x].className = "hiddenTxt"
row.cells[x].className = ""
function doReset()
var table = byId("table1"), row , cell, x, y
for (y=0; y<5; y++)
row = table.rows[y]
for (x=0; x<5; x++)
cell = row.cells[x]
cell.className = ""
<table width="300" border="2" bordercolor="#333333" id="table1">
<span class="style1">Serial Numbers</span>
<p>Search for
<input type="text" id="serialInput" size="20" maxlength="4" value="1234"/>
<input type="button" id="findBtn" value="Find" onclick="doFind()"/>
<input type="button" id="findBtn2" value="Reset" onclick="doReset()"/>
hi everyone
i want to make a simple web crawler in ubuntu,
can anyone tell me how to start with and further,thanks in advance
Install wget[^] a command line tool. Or use the programming language of your choice, Python/Perl/C++/etc should offer HTTP libraries you can use. Or butterflies.
Hope it helps!
How to copy web page using php? I tried this
But it is not working. Any Idea how to do this ?
It works for me. Check that the allow_url_fopen option is enabled and that you have permission to write to the output file. Manual page.[^]
It's also possible that the server you're running it on is firewalled to prevent it accessing the remote address, so I would check that you can get to it from the server using something like lynx.