thanks for your attention I will try it
hi i am using codeblocks and i want to use opencv to capture video and image and ... .
this is the program :
#include < iostream >
using namespace std;
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
int main()
IplImage* img;
img = cvLoadImage("lena.bmp", 1);
cvNamedWindow("window", 1);
cvShowImage("window", img);
return 0;
but there is a compilation error :
../../../../../../usr/local/lib/libcxcore.so||undefined reference to `gzeof'|
../../../../../../usr/local/lib/libcxcore.so||undefined reference to `gzopen'|
../../../../../../usr/local/lib/libcxcore.so||undefined reference to `gzclose'|
../../../../../../usr/local/lib/libcxcore.so||undefined reference to `gzrewind'|
../../../../../../usr/local/lib/libcxcore.so||undefined reference to `gzgets'|
../../../../../../usr/local/lib/libcxcore.so||undefined reference to `gzputs'|
||=== Build finished: 6 errors, 0 warnings ===|
i used this instructions to install the downloaded package : (OpenCV-2.0.0.tar.bz2)
1. tar -xjf OpenCV-2.0.0.tar.bz2
2. mkdir opencv.build
3. cd opencv.build
4a. cmake [<extra_options>] ../OpenCV-2.0.0 # CMake-way
4b. ../OpenCV-2.0.0/configure [<extra_options>] # configure-way
5. make -j 2
6. sudo make install
7. sudo ldconfig # linux only
and i set the codeblocks envierment parameters as is shown in this page :
any suggestion?!
__erfan__ wrote: anybody there ?
Yes lots of people, and they will answer when they have something useful that will help you. Unfortunately you forgot to mention what problem you are having. Please review your entry and explain the problem so that someone may help you. And also be patient!
Dear Friends.
I need a complete and free file manager with login control and account file sizes limit for Linux server.
has anyone a file manager for me?
Mahdi Ghiasi
Thanks for your help. The ones that you introduced are very good but I'd rather something that I can put limitation on accounts' space with it easily and also free.
Mahdi Ghiasi
can you use FTP (e.g: FileZilla)?
some of those are free, you will need to read up on them to see if any of them have account controls or you can always add your own.
Hey guys ,
i want to bring my website a bit more of a interactive feel , like forums and log ins ....
and instead of copying other peoples scripts like most , i want to create my own .... so what lang is better php or cgi for forums ?
and to learn php what worked for you ? and reccommendations would be helpful ... i know the basic stuff like xml/html and javascript , css etc ... so i ain't basic really
A good place to start would be the w3schools[^]
I are Troll
SRJ92 wrote: what lang is better php or cgi for forums ?
Whichever you feel most comfortable with. There seems to be more support and tutorials from the PHP community however.
SRJ92 wrote: learn php what worked for you
To be honest, Google. Want to do a login authentication?, google: "php Login tutorial" or "php authentication tutorial". If you looking for mysql database tutorials, google "mysql php tutorial".
If you know JavaScript you won't have much of a problem with PHP.
hey, i would definitely recommend php, this is largely due to the hugh community it has on the www, all you have to do is google whatever your looking for and 9 out of 10 times you'll get what your looking for.
theres plenty of login examples available out there too. But i would also recommend if you dont already know it get some idea of mysql dbs too, also get a version of xampp from myapache and friends for your machine that way you can do all the work locally before deploying anything.
regards abu
First, CGI isn't really a language, but a way to do server side stuff outside a web server. You can write CGI stuff in most any language that can run on your system, C, C++, Perl, Pascal, etc. Therein lies the problem -- it isn't very secure and if you CGI script crashes, the entire server may also.
So, I'd definitely recommend using PHP. It will allow you to do most anything you need to do on a server, but it will allow reasonable security in most implementations. Also, the way it's usually setup, if your PHP script crashes, it won't bring down the entire server.
Walt Fair, Jr., P. E.
Comport Computing
Specializing in Technical Engineering Software
Not actually a problem, the script works now, but a bit of a lolwut-moment..
So this script I have would take in a text and store it in a database. It did but didn't store linebreaks properly, so I tried
$TextToStore = str_replace('\n','<br/>',$TextToStore);
This didn't work, not with any variation on quotes. Then after a little random googling, I found hebrevc():
The hebrevc() function converts Hebrew text from a right-to-left flow to a left-to-right flow. It also converts new lines (\n) into <br/>.
So, while I find this freakishly hackish, I now pass the stored text to hebrevc before displaying... and it works, displays properly. What the heck?
There's an easier method: nl2br()[^]
If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.
Quiltfish wrote: It did but didn't store linebreaks properly
Huh? how would it matter what is inside your string? what happens exactly? And on what system is this?
Are you sure your newlines are \n and not \r or even \r\n ?
FWIW: Googling PHP str_replace newline brings up lots of things including this: nl2br[^]
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
I only read code that is properly indented, and rendered in a non-proportional font; hint: use PRE tags in forum messages
Luc Pattyn wrote: Huh? how would it matter what is inside your string? what happens exactly? And on what system is this?
Are you sure your newlines are \n and not \r or even \r\n ?
Yep, I'm sure newlines are just \n.
I copy-paste the appropriate texts to store from a related blog (No, not stealing material. The blog is a parent site, my site is sort of an archive) and before this, when displaying the text back from the database, it all ran together into one big paragraph. With hebrevc (or rather, nl2br once I can verify without a 500 code..) it displays neatly formatted as it should.
Thanks for the suggestions too! Apparently my google-fu is weak today..
So basically what you are saying is, it is not the database that is at fault, you simply do need a conversion from non-HTML text (including newlines), to text that is fit for displaying on a web page.
If so, you need a lot of conversions, such as newline to <br /> but also & to & and < to < etc.
There is bound to be a PHP function that does all that in one go.
You may look here[^], htmlspecialchars() looks interesting.
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
I only read code that is properly indented, and rendered in a non-proportional font; hint: use PRE tags in forum messages
Oh wow, that would've saved me some other str_replace calls (which worked fine,btw,unlike the \n -> ).
At first, I wanted to do that conversion before storage, in a fit of premature optimization, so as not to have to do the replace's every time the text is viewed but only once on storing.
Yeah, I was young and newbie-ish when I first wrote this script (well, slightly more so anyway )
Here is some general advice for you:
- store data in a simple form, before processing (so when processing is wrong, data is still intact);
- have a problem? always ask yourself "Am I the first one in the world to have this problem? who else would have it? can he help me?"
- almost everything is one Google away; typing a question as a full sentence often is sufficient to find the answer right away.
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
I only read code that is properly indented, and rendered in a non-proportional font; hint: use PRE tags in forum messages
Hello everyone I have a big problem with this function that i wrote myself and i am sure i messed something
Could somebody look at it and help me Debug it ?
function am_getlatestscores($db, $cat) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `AMCMS_highscores` JOIN `AMCMS_users` WHERE `primkey`=`username` ORDER BY `primkey`='$id' DESC LIMIT 10;";
$res = am_queries($db, $sql);
return $res;
The function is suppose to connect to the db, select the latest record from AMCMS_highscores and join the AMCMS_highscores (userkey) field with the AMCMS_users database and field (userkey). So then i will get the latest highscores from highscores database and get the username by looking for the userkey -> username. Display latest highscore and the user who made it.
Could anyone help me make this dream come true Please
djkee wrote: ORDER BY `primkey`='$id'
Order by doesn't have a condition, just the field which you sort the results by. Did you mean to use AND rather than ORDER BY?
If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.
I am trying to order them by primkey.
Each new score has a higher primkey, so the latest will be with the highest number and thats why i was trying to order them by primkey
Hope this helps
Read the documentation[^]
ORDER BY `primkey` DESC
If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.