No one is going to do your work for you here, try www.rentacoder.com.
I hear they do work...for a price.
how can we send email from php,i know mail function but no idea about SMTP
SMTP settings are in the php.ini file.
Some help with editing them can be found here[^].
If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.
I am new to php,I want to show a table in grid.need help.
It's not PHP, but look into HTML tables[^].
If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.
I was playing with something the otherday that might be whhat you'r after.
It just displays a (dynamically generated, in this simple example) table, and allows editing by just double-clicking a cell.
<pre><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function makeEdit(tgtObj)
tgtObj.innerHTML = '<input class="myInput" type="text" value="' + tgtObj.innerHTML + '" />';
function makeSelect(tgtObj)
var oldStr, newStr;
oldStr = tgtObj.innerHTML;
newStr = '<select class="myInput" name="select"><option value=0>0</option><option value=1>1</option></select>';
tgtObj.innerHTML = newStr;
// called by the ondblclick function of a table <td> </td> cell
function editModeOn()
var curCol, btnIdStr="";
var tgtRowObj = this.parentNode;
var numCells = tgtRowObj.cells.length;
var rand_no = Math.ceil(100*Math.random());
btnIdStr = "btn_"; btnIdStr += rand_no;
for (curCol=0; curCol<numCells-1; curCol++)
tgtRowObj.cells[curCol].ondblclick = null;
tgtRowObj.cells[numCells-1].innerHTML = "<input type='button' id='"+btnIdStr+"' value='save'/>";
// tgtRowObj.cells[numCells-1].onclick=null;
function editModeOff()
var str = "editModeOff: " + this.id;
var parentCell = this.parentNode;
var parentRow = parentCell.parentNode;
var tgtObj = parentRow;
var i, n, numCells, thisCell;
numCells = tgtObj.cells.length;
for (i=0; i<numCells-1; i++)
thisCell = tgtObj.cells[i];
for (n=0; n<thisCell.childNodes.length; n++)
if (thisCell.childNodes[n].nodeType == document.ELEMENT_NODE)
thisCell.innerHTML = tgtObj.cells[i].childNodes[n].value;
tgtObj.cells[i].innerHTML = "BTN";
function makeTable(cols, rows, newTableId, tgtId)
var y, x, str="", tgtObj = document.getElementById(tgtId);
var width = 120;
width *= cols;
str = "<table style='table-layout:fixed;' width='"+width+"px' id='" + newTableId + "'>";
for (y=0; y<rows; y++)
if (y%2 == 0)
str += "<tr class='evenRow'>";
str += "<tr class='oddRow'>";
for (x=0; x<cols; x++)
str += "<td>("+(x+1)+","+(y+1)+")</td>\n";
str += "</tr>";
str += "</table>";
tgtObj.innerHTML = str;
function attachOnclickFunction(tgtTblId)
var tgtObj = document.getElementById(tgtTblId);
var tabRows = document.getElementById(tgtTblId).rows;
var curColNum, curRowNum;
var curCell;
for (curRowNum=0; curRowNum<tabRows.length; curRowNum++)
curRow = tabRows[curRowNum].cells;
for (curColNum=0; curColNum<curRow.length; curColNum++)
curRow[curColNum].ondblclick = editModeOn; //showParentId;
curRow[curColNum].className = "clickAble";
border-width: 1px;
text-align: center;
height: 1.5em;
cursor: pointer;
.evenRow{ border-color:#00FF00; background-color:#FFFFFF; }
.evenRow:hover{ background-color:#E0FFE0; }
.evenRow:active{ background-color:#D0FFD0; }
.oddRow{ border-color:#FF0000; background-color:#F0F0F0; }
.oddRow:hover{ background-color:#E0FFE0; }
.oddRow:active{ background-color:#D0FFE0; }
.evenRow td{
border-top-width: 1px;
border-right-width: 1px;
border-bottom-width: 1px;
border-left-width: 1px;
border-top-style: solid;
border-bottom-style: solid;
border-color: #CCCCCC;
border-collapse: collapse;
width: 99%;
background-color: #E0FFE0;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #D0FFD0;
font-weight: bold;
<body onload="makeTable(10, 10, 'myTable', 'test1');">
<span id="test1"></span>
I'm not a fan of just writing HTML with javascript e.g. str += '</tr>';
I would rather use the document.createElement( [tag name] ); function. I'm also a huge fan of jQuery.
Below is how I would go about creating a table in Javascript.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
<title>Create Table</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function createTable(rows, columns, newId, parent)
.attr('id' , newId)
for (var rowNumber = 1; rowNumber <= rows; rowNumber++)
$('#' + newId)
.attr('class', (rowNumber % 2 == 0) ? 'even' : 'odd')
for (var columnNumber = 1; columnNumber <= columns; columnNumber++)
$('#' + newId + ' tr:last-child')
.html('(' + columnNumber + ', ' + rowNumber + ')')
<body onload="createTable(10, 10, 'newTable', '#parent');">
<div id="parent"></div>
Boredom is a wonderful thing.
If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.
I am very new to linux. I have installed Fedora 11 on my laptop. I have installed yahoo messenger but it does not get start.
When I click on log on,It give error "le gdkfont.c: line 239 (gdk_font_ref): assertion `font != NULL' failed." on the console.
Can anyone please help me to solve this?
Thanks and Regards,
Vishal Soni
Hi all,
I want to create a PHP IDE.How can i do it ?
Thanks in advance.......
Pick a language - java/c++/C# are probably best, but you could try php & tk (but it's painful). Learn how to build windows and forms with it.
Plan your application on paper n get coding.
I suggest looking at some coding tutorials first. c# and wpf are probably a good starting point.
Hi every one,
I was to post data to page(WAP page).I did this using CURL.but seems some error.Server responses with Internal Error.I dont know where i am going wrong Can be Cookie or can be any thing else.Can any one help me out of this.HERE IS MY CODE
modified on Monday, September 7, 2009 12:50 PM
I am a windows programmer with more than 10 years experrience and am newly venturing into the world of web development (specifically PHP). I would like to know what most PHP developers do to create visual content i.e. do they use a HTML editor like Frontpage or Dreamweaver and intersperse the generated code with PHP code or do they code everything by hand?
I posted the same question in another forum and got the reply that PHP is mostly coded by hand. That appears a bit daunting since creating a single page could involve writing more than a thousand lines of HTML code. I can't believe people are still hand coding thousands of lines of code in this age of visual development tools. Is there some easy way around this?
Visual development tools can help - but the problem is if you know your code then writing it by hand is a lot quicker - also there isn't a program that can write good php code for you. Aptana Studio can help you write class getter and setters in code and a few other programs have similar useful features but that's about it. DW does have a useful quick css properties editor.
If you have a good coloured coded IDE with good intellisense (code helper) then it will always be quicker to code by hand.
The good thing with php is you can reuse your code by using includes, functions and classes. So you can make a header and footer for your website once and just reference it in the other files (much the same as calling functions in windows programmed classes). You can process and validate form data and work with cookies and session variables. And that's just the start, PHP also has a multitude of other functions.
You should try to build yourself a php code library from the start and keep upgrading the different elements.
Personally, I create everything except images in DW. Once you know the keyboard shortcuts it's a breeze. I use FileZilla FTP instead of DW FTP.
I also install a copy of notepad++ on all my clients servers - small footprint but has code colouring for a range of file types.
I've been coding for a long time, and I still do quite a bit of work in a text editor (outside of an IDE) for languages such as PHP. Find a tool that recognizes various languages - that will at least get you past design-time errors. I like to use programmers notepad. It recognizes PHP, javascript, HTML, css, etc.. Any similar tool will work.
Try to write your code modularly with the idea that it will be used in multiple projects. After a while you will find that you've written a nice set of libraries (such as blocks of PHP code that can be 'included') that can be arranged within your project like components. At that point you won't be writing so much code anymore as much as you will be simply arranging the components to build larger applications.
Good luck,
I want to get only numeric from a variable. Example:- $a=1452kk;
I want only numeric value like 1452 and 4554
I can do this with parseFloat and trim in java script but how can get only numeric value in php ?
A few days ago I noticed that, when updates are available, the usual icon in the system tray doesn't appear.
Everything else works perfectly, whether I update through system settings, or through the console... I just don't get a notification when an update is available.
Any idea why?
Got it. I was missing some python bindings.
Where it seems there are only borderlines, Where others turn and sigh, You shall rise!
modified on Wednesday, September 2, 2009 2:32 PM
hi experts i want to build an server
intrested plz help me with the php source code
plz help me through as i don't know php
This is a very late reply. Let somebody like me get benefit. (i searched a lot and could not even get a tail for these).
You want to setup a server by using PHP?
If i were to do so then i will choose C/C++ 32bit to do so.
You need to know about sockets. The simple concept of client and server. and some basic idea of an existing client server protocol. better if HTTP.
Today's Beautiful Moments are
Tomorrow's Beautiful Memories
Hello, I have installed Mono version on Linux Redhat OS.
I m facing the error "This is a marker file generated by the precompilation tool, and should not be deleted!"
Earlier I had version in which it was working fine. For some other bug fix, i had installed the latest version.
Any thoughts on this? Pl. revert
Hi Friends
I am new to this forum and a beginner in the world of website desinging..
I need help from you guys.
1. I want to create a Online form where people can come login with their username and passwords and
submit the data by using a form there.
2. Then i need this data should come to a database (includes my hosting plan).
3. Now i want to create different login ids as per my requirement to give acess to this database online where people can come and check date wise.
I know i am asking too much help, but plz help me out with this, i appericiate and thanks in advance.
Two month ago i was made a project by php where i made joint in ,login and logout page.
I think u need these .I send u the php source code.
1.Joint in page-..........................
< ? php
require_once ('phplib/populator.php');
if( isset($_POST[email]) ){
$Q="INSERT INTO `studentdetails` ( `name` , `reg` , `email` , `add` , `phone` , `pass` ) VALUES ('{$_POST[name]}', '{$_POST[reg]}', '{$_POST[email]}', '{$_POST[add]}', '{$_POST[phone]}', '{$_POST[pass]}')";
$R=mysql_query($Q) or die("Can't execute That entry. ".mysql_error());
//$_SESSION['login']=true; /this off becauce of auto login kabir
< ?php
//echo "<p>If you are a member already click <a href='home.php?sid=$sid'>here</a> to access the lab management software.</p>";
if(isset($_POST[email])) die("Your account has created");
2.Log in -.........................
< ? php
require_once ('phplib/populator.php');
3.Log out-...........................
< ? php
...............populator.php ......................
< ? php
function teststr(){
return "hello this is a line";
function initdb(){
$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die("Could not connect : ".mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("lab") or die("Database Missing");
Just a note, that you should edit your post and put your code in PRE tags, because it will make your code more readable as it can preserve formatting and uses a mono-space font therefore it will make your post more useful.
function example($e)
echo $e;
Can you see how much nicer that is to read?
ps. PRE tags also support some syntax highlighting.
If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.