Hi everybody !
RSS help us to update the content from another site.
Can anybody give me the guide(step by step) to do this task for an example site.
Thanks and Regards!
Is there any module in python for extracting cab files.
Whoops, just realised that msilib doesn't read CAB files it only creates them. Sorry about that.
Yes. Its called the Windows API, which has in built CAB support.
If everything was not true, would it be not true that everything is not true? So by saying everything is not true, you are automatically denying that everything is not true. Im so confused...
- An open source modern
MS-DOS/PC-DOS replacement.
Wow, sarcastic and devoid of content. Bravo. Add a stupid character to the end of your handle and win a prize. You're a winner.
First off, it's NOT the _WINDOWS_ API. It's the CAB SDK. Second, said SDK is not exactly trivial to implement, unlike the current Python zip support. Third, there currently isn't a py module to wrap the CAB SDK but if the OP wants to download the CAB SDK, there are some commandline tools that come with the SDK which can create and extract cabinet files albeit rather unintuitively.
Firstly, I wasn not being sarcastic.
Secondly, why reply to a post that is so old?
And you will in fact find that Windows does have in-built CAB support.
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
Hi Friends,
I am now developing one web application using PHP. In that i need to add chat concept(like gmail popup chat)
I am new to php so i don't know how to do this, please help me with your valuable ideas.
Hi Friends,
Now i developing a site in that i add sms feature for the customer. but i don't know how to do that.
If i using OZEKI NG SMS Gateway first i will give my user name and password and then only send my message. But i dont want to do like that. Then how i integrate the sms module in my websit. Please help me with you valuable ideas.
If you ask them they should provide you with documentation/code samples. If it's inadequate tell them, they'll be more than willing to help - considering they want you to use their product - but don't expect them to do all the work for you.
Hi all,
I am writing a perl script which will do forking. However, once in a while, it will create Dr Watson error. Any experienced help on this?
how do you code a login form of an e-learning system.
Like you would for any other system. Help[^].
If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.
How to change the index position of dropdown list,for example if i select 2nd index value of dropdown ,after showing the result again it moves to 0th index , i want it to be remain in 2nd index value... need help.
Before the page has been loaded, use the selected attribute.
<select id="selectbox">
<option>Not Selected</option>
<option>Also Not Selected</option>
<option selected="selected">Selected</option>
If you want it during run time; then use javascript.
document.getElementById('selectbox').selectedIndex = 2;
If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.
Thanks for your fast reply,I want the dropdown index should be changed during runtime,I dont want to assign the static value as 2,
For the next if i select 3, then it will still remain in 2, I want the index to be changing as per user input.
It was just an example. Obviously you would put it in a function.
function changeSelectedIndex(id, index)
document.getElementById(id).selectedIndex = index;
changeSelectedIndex('selectbox', n); Obviously, n can be any index (number) of your choice.
If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.
Make a bit clear,changeSelectedIndex('selectbox', n); the 'n' is user choice or it changes dynamically at runtime.I want the index should be changed dynamically at runtime.I dont want to edit in code.
Well I don't know how you're calling the index change so all I can do is put a variable there!
If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.
Not sure if this is possible but I thought I'd ask:
I'm using mobile phone verification that checks to see if a mobile number was turned on in the last week using a service from liquid11 - which I've tested and works brilliantly. The only problem is it requires the mobile number to be formatted with the country code prefix - e.g. "+44".
So.. how can you get country dialling code from a mobile phone number?
i.e: If a user enters 07123456789, and the phone is in the UK it would need to be converted into the format "+447123456789"
And I can't get the users to enter the prefix either (which would make life a lot easier), so it has to be some form of lookup.
Any ideas?
You could store all the prefixes (country codes) in a database as well as the numbers (NDD National Prefix) to be replaced. This would only be useful if the user selects the right country from another input. I would store both the initial and the replaced numbers, just in case the user decides to change thier country at a later date. Only the replaced number should be place in text, to make sure the user selects the right country.
It could be added on to an existing language table, such as those used for translations etc, without too much hassle.
The source I got my data from: http://www.kropla.com/dialcode.htm[^]
If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris.