please reinstall Visual Studio 2017 and check again.
Thank you very much buddy
Nothing I've read about this error seems to be the problem, because the problem is not the code. My co-worker created a solution in Visual Studio 2019 that has a web application and a WCF web service. He had it working on his machine, then he put it into our source repository. I checked it out of the source repository and made NO CHANGES to it. When I tried to update/configure the service reference with the address on my machine, I got the above-mentioned error message.
We're thinking it must be some option or setting in Visual Studio 2019 that is different on our machines. We both have .Net Framework 4.8.
Can anyone help?
The difference in the data that you are sending to the service. Service is expecting text/xml, but you are sending over a SOAP based message. Check if sending a plain XML document works in this case.
Since we do not have the access to the code, there is not much that we can do to help you here. See this maybe, wcf - Content Type application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 was not supported by service - Stack Overflow
The sh*t I complain about
It's like there ain't a cloud in the sky and it's raining out - Eminem
~! Firewall !~
After a lot of digging, we found that the problem apparently was in the code, after all. When I checked the solution back into source, and my co-worker checked it out, he then received the same error message as I received. We don't really know why his worked initially, because we had compared our web.config files, and they looked the same.
We were finally able to resolve this by adding
to the service item in the web.config.
Thank you for your response.
hi everybody here, I have requirement, in the following way, i have some button or link, when its clicked it opens a new Window, i want to pass some values or (maybe state) from parent window to child window like user id, user name etc (just user id is also enough), in the child window user enters values and clicks on the submit button, what i want is
1. either the data from the child window to be posted along with the user id information, then the components like grid, dropdown, textbox etc in the main window refresh with the newly entered values without page flickering
2. or all those values to be transferred to the main window to refresh with new values, and main window submit button submit those values.
Anybody please give me an example for it or is there any better approach for it than React iFrames, any help - thanks in advance.
Any given div-based modal would be better than that. I'd be hard pressed to give a good reason to use an iFrame in HTML5 that wouldn't be better served by another approach.
"Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity."
- Hanlon's Razor
Since you mention react, react modal could be one option. If not, then bootstrap too provides a modal dialog.
"It is easy to decipher extraterrestrial signals after deciphering Javascript and VB6 themselves.", ISanti[ ^]
iFrames are old school, outdated and are not really PCI compliant in my opinion. They can be hijacked and used for other purposes.
I would just use a modal window, in whatever responsive framework you have chosen.
Write a click function and pass the userId in HTML5, then use that Id to select the record and use the same function to populate the modal display fields and show the modal.
Something like
<button (click)="userInfo(model.userId);"></button>
userInfo(userId: string): void {
const user = getUser(userId);
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Is there any SDK or API available to integrate with CISCO IP Phones.
The idea is to make a call out to the user's CISCO IP phone from an Incident management system. So the call will be initiated from the application instead of phone. then the users should hear the text passed along with the call as voice message.
Is there any way or any samples to do in ASP .Net ?
You probably need to ask CISCO, it's their device.
It looks like CUCM uses several different possible API plugins, partially dependent on version. There may be third party software to do what you want, but if you want to do this plan for it to be a fairly complex project.
You might want to learn more about your company telecom platform to determine which approach is best, but it looks like a SOAP interface is going to be your path of least resistance.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CallManager) - Programming Guides - Cisco
"Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity."
- Hanlon's Razor
Hi all,
I want to display multiple PDF files from one folder for one user.
I m having multiple users, each and every user uploading multiple PDF files, those pdf files storing to the folder, every user having a separate folder. Now I want to see pdf files for one user, that user pdf files want to display same web page using to see navigation without merge pdf files.
In Web applications it is usually the user's decision as to what is displayed at any time, based on selections made from choices offered to them.
Hi all dears,
I have an unordered list, the items in the list are diaplyed vertical always, I am trying different approaches, but still not working, I set the inline style attribute display, to flex or inline but nothing works, can anybody please help me who has gone through the same issue anytime previously.
<pre>import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import '../css//bootstrap.css'
import xxxHeader from '../images/header/xxxclassic-ca.png'
import xxxClassicTwitter from '../images/header/xxxclassic-twitter.png'
import xxxx from '../images/header/xxxclassic-linkedin.png'
import CalxxxxInfo from '../images/header/xxxclassic-ytube.png'
import xxxxClassicEmail from '../images/header/xxxclassic-email.png'
import HeaderOrganization from '../images/header/header_organization.png'
const divStyle = {
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center'
const HeaderMenu = (props) => (
<div className="header-top-outer container-fluid" style={divStyle}>
<div className="container">
<ul className="header-top" style={divStyle}>
<li><a href='http://www.xxxx.xxx' target="_blank"><img src={xxxHeader} alt="California dot gov website" /></a></li>
<li><a href='https://twitter.com/xxxxResources' target="_blank"><img src={xxxClassicTwitter} alt="xxxx Resources Board Twitter" /></a></li>
<li className="header-top"><a href='https://www.youtube.com/user/calxxxxinfo' target="_blank"><img src={CalxxxxInfo} alt="xxxx Resources Board Youtube" /></a></li>
<li className="header-top"><a href='https://www.linkedin.com/company/california-xxxx-resources-board' target="_blank"><img src={xxxx} alt="xxxx Resources Board LinkedIn" /></a></li>
<li className="header-top"><a href='https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/xxxx/subscriber/new?topic_id=listserv' target="_blank"><img src={xxxxClassicEmail} alt="xxxx Resources Board Email" /></a></li>
<div className="container">
<div className="header-bottom clearfix">
<div className="float-left">
<a href="http://xxx.xxxx.xxx"><img src={HeaderOrganization} className="xxxx-logo" alt="California xxxx Resources Board Logo" /></a>
<ul className="nav float-right" style={divStyle}>
<li className="nav-item"><a className="nav-link" href="https://ww2.xxx.xxxx.xxx/community-xxxx-quality-portal">Home</a></li>
<li className="nav-item"><a className="nav-link" href="about.html">About</a></li>
<li className="nav-item"><a className="nav-link active" href="index.html">Preview</a></li>
<li className="nav-item"><a className="nav-link" href="data.html">Access Data</a></li>
<li className="nav-item"><a className="nav-link" href="mailto:aqview@xxx.xxxx.xxx">Contact</a></li>
export default connect()(HeaderMenu);
Any help please
You most likely have rules in the header-top or nav CSS classes with !important set, which overrides the style attribute. Try using your browser's developer tools to inspect the list element to see what's going wrong.
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
Sure thank you Richard, yeah actually I did - thanks Richard
Hi, I am converting an ASP.Net MVC jQuery application into React Web api application, in a situation when I was converting the app into React, i have come across the following Code, can somebody please suggest me to have same functionality but convert this into React Code, any help,a code snippet, a link or even a suggestion helps me great - thanks in advance.
<div class="comment-section">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="survey-monkey container">
(function (t, e, s, n) {
var o, a, c;
t.SMCX = t.SMCX || [], e.getElementById(n) || (o = e.getElementsByTagName(s), a = o[o.length - 1], c = e.createElement(s), c.type = "text/javascript", c.async = !0, c.id = n, c.src = ["https:" === location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://", "widget.surveymonkey.com/collect/website/js/tRaiETqnLgj758hTBazgdzgtBo_2F6tfoVOyv2tOWZS06jxcEDEbnlRlhzBZ5fovBO.js"].join(""), a.parentNode.insertBefore(c, a))
})(window, document, "script", "smcx-sdk");</script>
Basically I want to convert
function (t, e, s, n) part into React, that whole function call into React - any help please
When I put as it is in the React jsx, its giving me error saying that "Syntax error: Unexpected token (121:45)" Any help please
modified 24-Sep-19 17:24pm.
That's not JQuery, it's compressed Javacript.
There's no reason to convert that script for React.
It's part of SurveyMonkey to initialize a survey.
I can't tell what line 121 char position 45 is to answer the question
If it ain't broke don't fix it
Discover my world at jkirkerx.com
modified 24-Sep-19 18:32pm.
Hi all, I am Trying to convert an ASP.Net MVC jQuery application into ASP.Net React API application, in a situation I needed to import multiple images from almost same folder or folders from same root directories, hence I decided to write a function that returns array to be able to read the image url in the component.
For some reason its giving me error, here in this below Code I am attempting to write function within const but if I can write it in a separate js or jsx file for common usage and reference it in my const component it would be really helpful for me. But before that I am getting a syntax error as below in the line at "const"
const images = importAll(require.context('./images', false, '/\.png/'));
My full code for this component is as below:
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import '../css//bootstrap.css'
import ArbHeader from '../images/header/arbclassic-ca.png'
import ArbClassicTwitter from '../images/header/arbclassic-twitter.png'
import xxxx from '../images/header/arbclassic-linkedin.png'
import CalxxxInfo from '../images/header/arbclassic-ytube.png'
import xxxClassicEmail from '../images/header/arbclassic-email.png'
import HeaderOrganization from '../images/header/header_organization.png'
import ARBFooterTwitter from '../images/footer/twitter.png'
import ARBFooterYouTube from '../images/footer/youtube.png'
import ARBFooterLinkedIn from '../images/footer/linkedin.png'
import ARBFooterEmail from '../images/footer/email.png'
let url = '../images/header';
const Dashboard = (props) => (
function importAll(r) {
let images = {};
r.keys().map((item, index) => { images[item.replace('./', '')] = r(item); });
return images;
const images = importAll(require.context('./images', false, '/\.png/'));
<div className="header-top-outer container-fluid">
<div className="container">
<ul className="header-top">
<li><a href='http://www.ca.gov' target="_blank"><img src={ArbHeader} alt="California dot gov website" /></a></li>
<li><a href='https://twitter.com/xxxResources' target="_blank"><img src={ArbClassicTwitter} alt="xxx Resources Board Twitter" /></a></li>
<li><a href='https://www.youtube.com/user/calxxxinfo' target="_blank"><img src={CalxxxInfo} alt="xxx Resources Board Youtube" /></a></li>
<li><a href='https://www.linkedin.com/company/california-xxx-resources-board' target="_blank"><img src={xxxx} alt="xxx Resources Board LinkedIn" /></a></li>
<li><a href='https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/xxxx/subscriber/new?topic_id=listserv' target="_blank"><img src={xxxClassicEmail} alt="xxx Resources Board Email" /></a></li>
<div className="container">
<div className="header-bottom clearfix">
<div className="float-left">
<a href="http://arb.ca.gov"><img src={HeaderOrganization} className="xxxx-logo" alt="California xxx Resources Board Logo" /></a>
<ul className="nav float-right">
<li className="nav-item"><a className="nav-link" href="https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/community-xxx-quality-portal">Home</a></li>
<li className="nav-item"><a className="nav-link" href="about.html">About</a></li>
<li className="nav-item"><a className="nav-link active" href="index.html">Preview</a></li>
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<li className="nav-item"><a className="nav-link" href="mailto:aqview@arb.ca.gov">Contact</a></li>
<div className="footer-outer container-fluid">
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<h2>Contact Us</h2>
<a href="tel:8002424450">(800) 242-4450</a> | <a href="mailto:helpline@arb.ca.gov">helpline@arb.ca.gov</a>
<p>1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814</p>
<p>P.O. Box 2815, Sacramento, CA 95812</p>
<p className="version">AQView Version 1.0</p>
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<ul className="footer-right-social">
<li><a href="https://twitter.com/xxxResources" target="_blank"><img src={ARBFooterTwitter} alt="Link to ARB Twitter" /></a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/calxxxinfo" target="_blank"><img src={ARBFooterYouTube} alt="Link to ARB YouTube" /></a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/california-xxx-resources-board" target="_blank"><img src={ARBFooterLinkedIn} alt="Link to ARB LinkedIn" /></a></li>
<li><a href="https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/xxxx/subscriber/new?topic_id=listserv" target="_blank"><img src={ARBFooterEmail} alt="Link to ARB Email" /></a></li>
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<li><a href="http://registertovote.ca.gov/" target="_blank">Register to Vote</a></li>
export default connect()(Dashboard);
Any help would be greatly helpful - thanks in advance.
modified 24-Sep-19 19:29pm.
Is importAll a function that you or somebody in your group wrote?
If so you should ask the author about it.
I would imagine that you just call or import each image's physical location in the React component,
And then use something like webpack to gather the physical images and copy them to the final location that you stated in the component. The webpack can also compress the images as well. It would be a waste of CPU for the component to handle this task.
Import all files in folder · Issue #705 · rails/webpacker · GitHub
By the way, I live in California and use that website.
If it ain't broke don't fix it
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modified 25-Sep-19 15:03pm.