You open the project by
1) opening Visual Studio
a) File -> Open -> Project/Solution
b) Navigate to the Project/Solution file
2) Find the Project or Solution file in Explorer. (They will have csproj (for C#) or sln extension)
a) Double click and let Visual Studio open
After Visual Studio starts with this project and it has been successfully built you can run it by pressing F5 or Ctrl + F5 to start without debugger.
Unless specified otherwise in the code the output will be in Bin folder under the project folder where the project files are located.
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Thank you Mark! That was perfect noob-speak!
You're welcome
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I am looking for a Expression Builder that allows users to build their build nested expression dynamically like
(A and B and (C or D))
((A or B) and (C or D))
The math expression also needs to be restoreed in the database. A,B,C,D can be the value retrieving from the database.
1. What is the best way to store the math expression in the database? using XML?
2. Is there any opensource codes can be used?
modified 29-Nov-11 14:51pm.
To the best of my memory, JQuery does not really do math. For math, it's just pure Javascript.
There are Jquery testers, where you can test Jquery on the web, but I've never seen a builder. JQuery is pretty simple to implement, and the expressions are pretty short in length.
To store and expressionin sql, I would imagine you just store it as a varchar.
you can use jquery AJAX to write a JSON call to a web service, that will write to the database.
I Want to make SQL database primary key in Format. Something like that:
Primary key
....and so on.
Currently my primary key increase like that..
3....and so on.
I already tested with GUID but it is too long, complicated number & characters.
I don't want it. i want primary key in specific format.
how I have to do it.
how I have to generate insert sql command query in C#.
how I have to increment correctly.
thank to NILesh,
thank for your provided link.
I learned already.
it is helpful.
I found Stored Procedure for generating specific primary key.
now what I want to know more is:
how i have to use this procedure from my c# project.
how I have to make increment number.
This is a little off topic, but what is the problem with GUIDs? Unique keys and their values are of little relevance to me, as I usually am writing a program that takes care of them. I only rarely have any need to know a specific value at all, usually while debugging or while the program is not yet complete. In any case, it's never so bad that using GUIDs or any other format would make any difference. If GUIDs are so problematic for you, this might be an indicator that you should perhaps give the way you go about developing your application another thought or two.
And from the clouds a mighty voice spoke: "Smile and be happy, for it could come worse!"
And I smiled and was happy And it came worse.
Perhaps you mean something like this?
int x = 0;
string myKey = "A" + (x++).ToString("D5");
However, I would recommend (strongly) against generating a primary key outside of the database itself (such as in C#).
What type of database are you using? Microsoft SQL Server? This can be accomplished with a before-insert trigger within the database.
ys I am using MS SQL server 2005.
thank for all reply.
if you found any sample like I want,
pls share me.
On each menu or sub-menu-item click,the full page ie header,content placeholder and footer are refreshing.Need help.....
Suggest some url.
I had tried placing header and footer as seperate user control.But it failed on each menu item click or sub-menu item click.
To stop this you can use Iframe to open your page.
But it will effect on your application performance.
I want validation for text box in a text box enter only whole numbers(no decimal). The keypress event is not available in ASP.Net.
How to get key press event?
Can it be done using regular expression validator?
modified 28-Nov-11 7:23am.
ASP.NET is serverside. You will have to use javascript.
JQuery validation is a good plave to start
yes you can use regular expression ie) [^0-9].
You can use a MaskedEdit textbox and set the mask to only accept numbers. No validation or event handling needed.
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Use a javascript/jquery function to achieve this:
1. HTML Mockup
<input id="txtNumbersOnly" runat="server" onkeypress="Validate($(this));" />
Above, "onkeypress" is the client-side keypress event. For more accuracy, you could replace "onkeypress" with "onkeyup" which only fires when you let go of a "key" (on your keyboard).
2. Javascript/jQuery
function Validate( sender )
if( parseInt( sender.val() ) )
alert( 'Sorry, only whole numbers are allowed in this input field. Please try again.' );
I have a Web Form and wish to scroll to a specific row when the DataGridView is populated. This is especially relevant when the user has clicked the Edit button having scrolled down the screen and I want to present the row to be edited, not the first row of the grid.
I have seen many solutions on how to achieve this in a Windows form; principally by using the DataGridView.FirstDisplayedScrollingIndex property.
But I am working in a ASP.net Web form environment where this property is not (obviously) available.
Can someone point me in the right direction of the equivalent C# program code for achieving this in a Web Form. Maybe there's some other "System." assembly I have to include upfront that will enable the constructs that I need.
You can du this by adding an anchor on each row and then link to mygrid.aspx#anchorname to scroll to that row.
Add an <a name="<%#Eval("id")%>"></a> and link to mygrid.aspx#123
What does the following parameter syntax mean?
@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Title)
Particularly, the => symbol?
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
modified 27-Nov-11 16:07pm.
OK, I see that's the Lambda syntax. I have to learn about that now.
The difficult we do right away...
...the impossible takes slightly longer.
I am working on a C# web form 2010 new application and I have a question about how to setup a validation control. In a dropdown list control I would only like to list the dates values that are in a certain date column in the table called 'master'. I would like a validation control to make certain the only dates allowed are in the 'receive date' column of the 'master' table. How would you set this up?