Have you tried my solution? when you click the link, the browser will open the pdf file for you in the browser, if the browser does not know how to open your file, it will offer it for download. e.g.
I don't think you are going to find any other way around this, oh well you can always try something after one thing fails.
Happy coding,
Yes, the pdf file opened in a browser.. I agree with you. But I need it in some specific area as shown in the below link.
When I tried the same using iframe tag, its not working. Its showing blank rectangle.
<iframe src="C:\TablesProject\Copy.pdf" width="60%" style="height:10em" align="right">
<a href="C:\TablesProject\Copy.pdf">the document</a>
And when Acrobat Reader is configured to open as a stand alone application, you cannot do that.
HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid. Detailed Error InformationModule IIS Web Core
Notification BeginRequest
Handler Not yet determined
Error Code 0x80070021
Config Error This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the section is locked at a parent level. Locking is either by default (overrideModeDefault="Deny"), or set explicitly by a location tag with overrideMode="Deny" or the legacy allowOverride="false".
Config File \\?\C:\inetpub\wwwroot\omaxe\web.config
Requested URL http:
Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\omaxe
Logon Method Not yet determined
Logon User Not yet determined
Config Source
117: </modules>
118: <handlers>
119: <remove name="WebServiceHandlerFactory-Integrated"/>
how to resolve this problem?
Thanks for your reply.But my problem is solved.
modified 23-Nov-11 23:57pm.
now I imported all tables of aspnetdb to my another database using aspnet_regsql command. it is ok. then
In this database, I created only other user info table (including userid, name...) , beside aspnetdb's aspnet_Users table.
Creating New user is also inserting into both tables. It is OK.
now what I want to ask is:
after one user is logged in, i want to take this userid and name and
take them to another page using QueryString.
how I have to do?
please help me.
You already have the idea of using query string to pass your parameters to the next page and all you could have done is googled how to use query string, let's see if this helps:
Response.Redirect( "home.aspx?userid=" + userid.Text + "&name=" + name.Text() )
and on home.aspx page load event you can retrieve your parameters from the query string like so:
if( Request.QueryString[ "userid" ] != null && Request.QueryString[ "name" ] != null )
String userid = Request.QueryString[ "userid" ];
String name = Request.QueryString[ "name" ];
Want more:
Passing variables between pages using QueryString[^]
Happy coding,
Hi I am new to Microsoft visual we developer express.
I have several computers, and have started a website on one and would like to be able to work on it with all of my computers. So my question is can this be done? and how?
Thanks in advance
[edit] fixed typo and grammer
Frazzle the name say's it all
frazzle-me wrote: I have several computers, and have started a website on one and would like to be able to work on it with all of my computers. So my question is can this be done? and how? Frankly your question is confusing. Are you talking about hosting the site in one system(Server) & want to see the site in other systems(client)? If yes then its possible. You need to host the site using IIS[^]. If no then edit & update your question.
Thank You for Your reply.
I was talking about the source files, not the web site.
I did figure it out. sorry I didn't post on the subject. I just shared the folder on My network.
1st web site is finnished! wooo hoooo!
Now to try web application, then MVC.
My first Wpf application is annother story.
Frazzle the name say's it all
I have a Web application (ASP.NET WebForms) . I want it to be able to display an image and perform the following manipulations with it:
- To Zoom In / Zoom Out the image. There must be a scrolling when the image is zoomed in
- To Rotate (Flip) the image on 90 degrees
I can use only HTML+JavaScript for this task. I CANNOT use Java applets, Flash or Silverlight
Is there a control/JavaScript/anything that provides this functionality? I have already looked at DevExpress for this and found nothing
To open many aspx pages in my application il use parameters and sometimes the user name and password as required. For instance :
Response.Redirect("subscribe.aspx?From=LoginUser&UserName=" & txtUserName.Text & "&UserEmail=" & txtEmail.Text & "&UserPassword=" & txtPassword.Text)
the probem is that after running this code the URL become :
Response.Redirect("subscribe.aspx?From=LoginUser&UserName="toto" &UserEmail=" toto@yahoo.fr"&UserPassword="totototo")
You undertand this is not a ggod thing because user can see theses information and worse google can record thes infos.
Is there any way to crypt URL Informations?
Thanks in advance
I want to import all tables of ASPNETDB to my own SQL database.
how to combine two sql database?
You should rephrase that.
1. You want to export the database on the server to a database on your personal computer?
2. You want to copy a database on your server to a SQL database on your server?
3. You want to copy a third party database on the web to your sql database on your personal computer?
I want to help, but the 3 different scenarios are 3 different solutions.
In a website a DataTable is stored as an entry in the Cache object. On each page load some rows from the table may be removed based on some criteria and also RowFilter property of its default view is manipulated and some fields of the table are set. The question is as the DataTable object and DataView object are not thread safe for write operations ,what is the best way to prevent simultaneous changes to the table stored in cache. lock statement ? is it an expedient way ? or copying the table stored in cache and doing writes on that ?...
A good advise from an erudite programmer is welcomed. Thanks in advance .
That's a complex question.
To the best of my knowledge, you can only cache html, css or webforms, and that data is not cached by the web server - IIS6, 7 or 7.5
As far as threads goes, that depends on the app pool settings you choose for the website on the webserver. Classic or Integrated.
If your using SQL Server, or even MySQL, the data will be written, and the cache will be updated upon a write.
I am having problem trying to use a linq to sql datasource on a detailsview control in a C# 2010 web form new application. What I want to be able to do is use the linq to sql datasource listed below to update records in the table called 'Atts". According to a Devexpress online tutorial that I looked at, it said to remove the ' new statement' in the select statement, and then you can do an edit.
The following is the select statement: Select="new (Att_id, Prior_Cutoff_Date)" statement.
However visual studio 2010 will not allow me to remove the 'new' statement. I am guessing the reason why is the column called 'Att_id' is an identity column.
Thus can you tell me what I can do so I can setup the edit feature to work? Is there something I can do with the linq to sql dataource to work around the identity column? Should I have a second linq to sql data source where I would have one linq to sql datasource for inserting and another dataource for updating? Let me know what your recommendation is and/or point me to a reference I can use to solve my problem
Here is the code I have so far:
<asp:LinqDataSource ID="LinqDataSource1" runat="server" ContextTypeName="Support.AttDataContext"
Select="new (Att_id, Prior_Cutoff_Date)"
TableName="Atts" Where="Att_id == @Att_id"
<asp:SessionParameter Name="Att_id" SessionField="AttID" />
<asp:SessionParameter Name="Att_id" SessionField="AttID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" runat="server" Height="50px" Width="125px" EnableModelValidation="False"
AutoGenerateRows="False" DataSourceID="LinqDataSource1" BorderStyle="Solid" HorizontalAlign="Center"
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Att ID">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxAttid" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Att_id") %>'
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Prior Cutoff Date" SortExpression="Prior_Cutoff_Date">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Prior_Cutoff_Date") %>'></asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Prior_Cutoff_Date") %>'></asp:TextBox>
Looks like your SQL Statement is not valid. I went and looked up a reference and rewrote it. Not tested, I have nothing to test it with, just off the top of my head.
TableName = "Atts",
Select="new (Att_id, PriorCutoff_Date FROM Atts),
WHERE Att_id=@Att_id,
I thought the linq to sql data source was correct since it initially loaded the detialsview control with the information I am looking for. I will try your suggestion and see what I find out.
I've never used linq, but I know it's popular in India, where I see hundreds of linq questions. I stopped binding controls years ago, because of certain side affects that occur during deployment. Keep in mind that I've been doing this for over 10 years now, so I use a direct connection to the sql connector.
Never the less, It is a quality solution. I looked up the documentation on the control binder, and that was the correct use of binding a select statement with more than 1 column to request,
Select new(column1, column2),
Where column1 = 'blah',
Tablename = "Att",
Update = True,
Insert = True,
Delete = True,
I remember reading, to use the Update = True, in which I assume that the control will automatically generate Update, insert and delete SQL commands for you, you just have to make a button, give it a name and id, and click on it to generate a function in code behind, then you can use code behind to attach to the linq control, and perform your operation.
Sample Update command
UPDATE Att (column2='blah') WHERE Column1=56;
I think you had an Identity Question as well, that is an automatic increment to the first column, which is usually an id of the record number, that is indexed in the table. Each time you add or insert a record, the Identity will calculate the next id number to use, and automatically insert that number into the column of the new record.
The user of the new web form pages wants the buttons you click on, outside of the detailsview control. Thus to accomplish this task, I am trying to determine what method and/or event is called within the detailsview control when a record is updated. Can you tell me and/or point me to a reference so I can see where theis occurs?
This is the closest I can find on the web. It's like Deja Vu, I've seen this question before on Code Project, about 3 weeks ago. Only they had the data part figured out, just needed the external button. Same Discussion group, Around October 25th 2011
i have site map like
<siteMapNode url="~/DE/index.aspx" title="DE Home" description="DE Home">
<siteMapNode url="~/DE/Parts.aspx" title="Part" description="DE Part" />
<siteMapNode url="~/DE/SubParts.aspx" title="Subpart" description="DE Subpart" />
<siteMapNode url="~/US/index.aspx" title="US Home" description="US Home">
<siteMapNode url="~/US/Parts.aspx" title="Part" description="US Part" />
<siteMapNode url="~/US/SubParts.aspx" title="Subpart" description="US Subpart" />
<siteMapNode url="~/UK/index.aspx" title="UK Home" description="UK Home">
<siteMapNode url="~/UK/Parts.aspx" title="Part" description="UK Part" />
<siteMapNode url="~/UK/SubParts.aspx" title="Subpart" description="UK Subpart" />
everything is working fine but last link in my breadcrum is showing as link rather it should show as label or span. how to get control over the generation of site navigation link and detect the link is last link and if the link is last link then span will be render other wise anchor tag will be render for site navigation in the page. how to achieve it. thanks