If the only allowable dates are in one column in a database table then populate the dropdown with those values. No validation necessary since the only values are those that are valid. I'm I missing something?
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The problem is the Month and Year values have to be in separate dropdown lists accoding to the user. Also the month and year values do not end in December. All values can start in any month/year combination.
modified 27-Nov-11 21:33pm.
I am using MVC 2 on VS2010 and IIS 7. I created a portable area with some images embedded into it. I tried to create routing rule two ways at the time of portable area registeration. Following are the two ways I tried.
Method 1
context.MapRoute("ResourceRoute", "login/resource/{resourceName}",
new { controller = "EmbeddedResource", action = "Index" },
new string[] { "MvcContrib.PortableAreas" });
new { controller = "login", action = "index" });
In this case I tried to access the image using Url.Resource()
Method 2
new { controller = "login", action = "index" });
In this case I tried to access the image using Url.Content()
Following are scenarios where things are working fine.
1. When I run the application on my local development server (Ctrl + F5).
2. When run application after publishing it on my localhost.
3. When I run the application on different development server (Ctrl + F5), say on my friend's box.
But it does not render image (right now I have only images as static resource. No CSS or JS) if I publish on someone else's system, say localhost on my friend's box. Everything else is working fine except for the image rendering.
I have tried all possible means to get it rendered in the situation it is failing but all in vain. I need some help here. Anyone please?
Thank you in advance!
Have you taken a look at the html in the browser source, to verify it's correct when it doesn't work?
Yes I have checked. They are all good at all time.
For Method 1 I used
Here the image was located under Images folder which was under the root of Portable area project. URL of the image is rendered as "http://locahost/mysite/login/resource/Images.aw1.png"
For Method 2 I used
Here LoginPortableArea is name of the area and images are located in the folder Content/Images which was under the root of portable area project. URL of the image is rendered as "http://localhost/mysite/LoginPortableArea/Images/aw1.png".
So we see in both the cases url is correctly generated and the image also gets rendered correctly on localhost of my box but not elsewhere.
Packer L wrote: "http://locahost/mysite/login/resource/Images.aw1.png"
Looks like the image is hard coded to localhost, using a full url. With a partial url, you don't have to worry about the server name, the browser will take care of that.
If an image is embedded, then that image in the server control project must be marked as embedded in the property panel, so it gets compiled into the DLL. When the image is called for duty, the image is extracted from a webresource.axd, and the url looks sort of like ~/webresource.axd/sfdf.png
I'm pretty sure you can't embed an image in a web project.
No the image is not hard coded with localhost. For the sake of clarity I mentioned it like that. It actually is rendered as "/mysite/login/resource/Images.aw1.png"
And as a matter of fact images are being embedded in web app assembly. This can be done by setting image property "Build Action" to "Embedded Resource". I can guarantee that embeding of resource is working fine or else image would not have got rendered on my local too. Moreover I also checked the DLL through a reflector and saw that images were indeed embedded there.
Sounds like you got it figured out now. Good Job!
No but it is still not working. Everything looks good but it is still not working. Hints please!
With all due respect,
I offered sound and sane suggestions in diagnosing your issue, but you turned them all down. If you look at the browser source, and take the image url and paste in your browser url, you should be able to pull up the image, that simple.
But I have worked with folks in my lifetime ( 48 years ), in which each time they claim that they have done that, and rule out any suggestion offered, which is YOU!
You can't be helped, until you get humbled or something, or perhaps open up your mind to critical thinking.
Sorry, I'm done.
Well due respect to you too,
I had already tried all your sane diagnosing methods before I even thought of coming online for help. I just wanted to say that I have tried them already and in-fact I tried them again on your suggestion but it looks like you took it different way and that is not my fault.
Just because you have 48 years of experience doesn't mean your suggestion has to be spot on. And so far opening of mind for critical thinking is concerned, point one, I know what I am and don't need certificate from anyone and point two, do you really think you offered suggestion that required critical thinking?
And so far being humble is concerned, I always am but not now. This is the worst online reply that I ever gave to anyone and sorry to say but you forced me to do that.
I am not sorry at all for replying to you like this.
Please accept my apology.
I get frustrated sometimes, and probably should of just been more direct. On the other forum, I just ignore the questions now, and don't get involved anymore.
Sometimes you have to work backwards, and look at the final results in the browser output. If the results don't work, you have to pick it apart. So you start at the image tag, inspect the url. test the url in the browser bar.
There's a ton of information in the browser source, it just takes some learning to read the info and understand it. If you code in CSharp, then the principals are the same.
Now you work forward on the source, to make adjustments to what is sent back to the browser.
The most common mistakes I see is in the use of Client Script Manager, and not registering the CS in OnInit. The 2nd mistake is not using CS WebResuorceUrl as the url in the image tag. The image url is a webresource.
Sample Code in vb. This is for you to just get an idea of the stucture and use of of the client script manager, and the webresource url.
Protected Overrides Sub OnInit(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim cs As ClientScriptManager = Me.Page.ClientScript
Dim rsType As Type = Me.GetType()
Select Case [Localization]
Case 0
rm = New ResourceManager("Admin_PP_Standard.labels_en", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())
ci = New CultureInfo("en-US")
Case 1
rm = New ResourceManager("Admin_PP_Standard.labels_fr", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())
ci = New CultureInfo("fr-CA")
Case 2
rm = New ResourceManager("Admin_PP_Standard.labels_es", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())
ci = New CultureInfo("es-MX")
End Select
Dim Comment As LiteralControl
Comment = New LiteralControl
Comment.Text = "<!-- SignUp V1.1 for ASP.NET 4.0 -->" & vbCrLf
Dim img_Name As String = Nothing
Dim img_Email As String = Nothing
Dim img_ProgressIndicator As String = Nothing
Dim img_Connect As String = Nothing
Dim img_BG_ModalProgress As String = Nothing
Select Case [Page_ColorTheme]
Case 0
img_Name = cs.GetWebResourceUrl(rsType, "Footer_SignUp.ico-form_person_light.png")
img_Email = cs.GetWebResourceUrl(rsType, "Footer_SignUp.ico-form_envelope.png")
img_ProgressIndicator = cs.GetWebResourceUrl(rsType, "Footer_SignUp.modalProgress32.gif")
img_Connect = cs.GetWebResourceUrl(rsType, "Footer_SignUp.btn-send_it_on_connect.png")
img_BG_ModalProgress = cs.GetWebResourceUrl(rsType, "Footer_SignUp.modal_ProgressIndicator.png")
Case 1
img_Name = cs.GetWebResourceUrl(rsType, "Footer_SignUp.ico-form_person.png")
img_Email = cs.GetWebResourceUrl(rsType, "Footer_SignUp.ico-form_envelope.png")
img_ProgressIndicator = cs.GetWebResourceUrl(rsType, "Footer_SignUp.modalProgress32.gif")
img_Connect = cs.GetWebResourceUrl(rsType, "Footer_SignUp.btn-send_it_on_connect.png")
img_BG_ModalProgress = cs.GetWebResourceUrl(rsType, "SmartWeb.ContactUs.modal_ProgressIndicator.png")
Case Else
img_Name = cs.GetWebResourceUrl(rsType, "Footer_SignUp.ico-form_person.png")
img_Email = cs.GetWebResourceUrl(rsType, "Footer_SignUp.ico-form_envelope.png")
img_ProgressIndicator = cs.GetWebResourceUrl(rsType, "Footer_SignUp.modalProgress32.gif")
img_Connect = cs.GetWebResourceUrl(rsType, "Footer_SignUp.btn-send_it_on_connect.png")
img_BG_ModalProgress = cs.GetWebResourceUrl(rsType, "SmartWeb.ContactUs.modal_ProgressIndicator.png")
End Select
ib_Connect = New ImageButton
With ib_Connect
.ID = [ID] & "_ib_Connect"
.ImageAlign = ImageAlign.Left
.ImageUrl = img_Connect
End With
The 3rd mistake I see is not registering the embedded material in the assemblyInfo.
<Assembly: WebResource("Footer_SignUp.btn-send_it_on_connect.png", "image/png")>
<Assembly: WebResource("Footer_SignUp.ico-form_envelope.png", "image/png")>
<Assembly: WebResource("Footer_SignUp.ico-form_person.png", "image/png")>
The 4th mistake is not using the proper root namespace.
root namespace.imagefilename.extension
Right click your project in ssolution explorer, , select the application tab, at the top, you'll see your Assembly Name and Root Namespace.
The 5th mistake is not declaring the right mimetype in the AssemblyInfo. "image/png"
Now you have the page lifecycle. These are the basic building blocks.
OnPreRender - Really special purpose - You don't need it
OnInit - Create the server controls, and builds the page in server memory as htmltextwriter
OnLoad - Populate the server controls with data. - Override for Page.Load
Render - Write out the htmltextwriter, and send to either design mode or browser window.
CreateChildControls - Called automatically, but you can override it
OnLoad - called automatically - but you can override it.
You can private message me your browser source, so I can see the end results. Or point me to a url where I can see the html output.
Or you can send me a sample of your code module, so I can see what you have going.
How to create AJAX enabled website in VS 2010
I had placed script manager and update panel.But on each menu su-item click the full page ie header,content placeholder and footer are refreshing.Need help....
Just placing a script manager, or any other control, on the page doesn't make it Ajax. You need to actually write some code, javascript and server-side. I would suggest you do some research and understand what Ajax is and means first.
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The update panel is part of the System.Web library, in which it allows you do async post-backs to the server, so only the content or HTML markup inside the update panel is makes a round trip to the server, instead of the whole page.
Microsoft AJAX is part of the AJAX Control Toolkit. You have to download the project, and compile it. Then you make a reference to the AjaxControlToolkit.dll inyour project, so you can access the tools.
Search for the AJAX Control Toolkit and you'll get a blue colored website, in which you can test the tools, and download the source. There is a video you can watch as well.
I had downloaded and installed ajax control toolkit and given reference and registered it in aspx page.I had placed update panel and script manager.But still the whole page refreshes.
I can't remember what the update panel tag looks like exactly, I write in pure code behind, but make sure you have all the components needed to make an update panel work.
1. Update Panel
2. Content Template Container
3. Trigger - Usually a Async PostBack Trigger.
The content in an update panel will render, but to issue a postback of just it's content, you need a button with a trigger wired to it. The trigger contains the button ID or name, and something else. Just make sure everything is wired up to each other.
Don't copy and paste the code, it's hand written, just reference to give you an idea. But the update panel is not part of the AJAX Control toolkit. It's a member of System.Web.Ext I think.
<asp:updatepanel runat="server" ID="updatepanel_ContactForm" updatemode="conditional">
<asp:contentTemplateContainer runat="server">
<asp:panel runat="server" ID="panel_ContactForm" style="width: 850px;">
<asp:trigger ID="bt_ContactForm_Submit_Trigger" ControlTarget="bt_ContactForm_Submit" Event="click">
There is only Content Template and Trigger inside Update panel.That did not work out.
Suggest some url .
Hi All!
I have built a new ASP.NET Web Service and it is working fine. Now, I need to apply validation on inputs within the WSDL of my service like following:
<xsd:simpleType name = "SampleTypeName">
<xsd:restriction base = "xsd:string">
<xsd:pattern value = "\d{20}"/>
<xsd:pattern value = "\d{0}"/>
I've copied this from a WSDL of an existing web service.
I don't if I can do it programattically in my web service or is there some other way to acheive this.
Thanks & Regards
Umair Hafeez Mughal
That looks like a XSD file to me.
You can do a couple of things, when you define your WSDL or XSD file, like assign a data type, min or max length.
But normally, you validate the xml on the server when you read the data. If it's strings, then you run regex against the values, make sure it's not an sql injector code, or malicious code. If you detect an error, you stop and return an error code and description back to the request, and make the client developer fix his mistake.
If you have fixed values, then you add enumerators to the XSD or WSDL file, so they can only choose from the list.
hi, excuse me.
now I am creating Crystal report in Visual Studio 2005.
I want to create like that below:
Document1.aspx and ViewReport.aspx file.
When I clicked the link in Document1.aspx then,
it will carry query string value and go to ViewReport.aspx.
ViewReport.aspx will show report corresponding query string value.
I been to this forum discussion you provided.
I don't understand.
I want it in C# code.
pls provide another example, passing query string value to Report in VS2005.
yesterday I tried to display Crystal Report with parameter pass in visual studio 2005,
web application.
thank thatraja.
the link you provided is helpful.
But my problem is not solved yet.
I tried like this tutorial you provided.
But the report automatically request to input parameter in Textbox, when I click "ViewReport" link.
when I typed integer parameter in this textbox, the report show correct result.
I described my problem in detail below.
Let's say two documents.
1. Document1.aspx
2. ViewReport.aspx
First I put hyperlink in Formview of Document1.aspx.
I take ID value using QueryString to another page (ViewReport.aspx), Like below,
using hyperlink tag
then, in ViewReport.aspx.cs, I coded like below,
string id = Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["id"]); //take query string value
string connStr;
string strSQL;
ReportDocument cryRpt = new ReportDocument();
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM requests WHERE id=" + id; //make sql statement with parameter
ReportDocument rptDoc = new ReportDocument();
connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["IThelpdeskConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection(connStr);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, sqlCon);
SqlCommandBuilder cmdBldr = new SqlCommandBuilder(da);
da.Fill(ds, "requests");
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rptDoc;
the Error shows on Line.... rptDoc.SetDataSource(ds);
Invalid file path error
Exception Details: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LoadSaveReportException: Invalid report file path.
I don't know how to solve this error.
Anyboxy, pls help me.
I am using VS 2005 professional, web application (C#).