i am not able to open the links it says
server error:
404 - File or directory not found.
thanks for the reply
i am actually doing:
i want an editor to be opened(as a new page say page2.aspx) on the click of a button or textarea and retreieve the values from the editor and get in inside the textarea in the first page.now on the click of the save button below the editor in page2.aspx the page should be closed and the values of the editor should be got in the textarea of page1.aspx
I can't find some property in web service,
but if i write it anyway i'm getting this error:
'Property Name' is ambiguous because multiple kinds of members with this name exist in class 'WebService Class Name'
Can some one please help me???
Start here[^]. (bit slow but it will get there).
"If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur." Red Adair.
nils illegitimus carborundum
me, me, me
Thanks for the reply,
i really using VS 2005 with visual studio,
but i can't understan what i need to do in order to handle the case sensitive problem.
MSDN: 2.If you cannot rename the members in the defining type, remove the cited programming element from your code. You cannot access an element that appears to Visual Basic to have multiple definitions.
modified 14-Dec-11 8:46am.
i m trying to fill my dropdownlist from dropdown object.
in my class
public DropDownList Bind_DdlBranch(int ZoneId)
DropDownList ddl = new DropDownList();
clsMasterBranch obj = new clsMasterBranch();
ddl.DataTextField = "testfieldname";
ddl.DataValueField = "valuefieldname";
ddl.DataSource = obj.MasterBranch_FetchByZoneId_DataSet(ZoneId);
return ddl;
here i m getting value in ddl object. but while i m trying to bind the ddl object to dropdownlist in my c# code
clsDropDownList obj = new clsDropDownList();
ddlBranch = obj.Bind_DdlBranch(3);
page was build with no error but drop down ddlBranch is empty...
Plz guyz help me to find out the mistek....
thanx is advance....
Vijay Jain
"One thing you can't recycle is wasted time."
obj.MasterBranch_FetchByZoneId_DataSet(ZoneId); return DataSet then rty to find the index of table
ddl.DataSource = obj.MasterBranch_FetchByZoneId_DataSet(ZoneId).Tables[0];
I Love T-SQL
"VB.NET is developed with C#.NET"
If my post helps you kindly save my time by voting my post.
thax for reply....
returning value to the dataset...
my problem is that
clsDropDownList obj = new clsDropDownList();
ddlBranch = obj.Bind_DdlBranch(3);
is not binding data to the physical dropdownlist.
is returning the dropdownlist
Vijay Jain
"One thing you can't recycle is wasted time."
Did you try to
Bind() ddlBranch control after you call function which return DropDownList
clsDropDownList obj = new clsDropDownList();
ddlBranch = obj.Bind_DdlBranch(3);
I Love T-SQL
"VB.NET is developed with C#.NET"
If my post helps you kindly save my time by voting my post.
sorry.... i forgot to copy that line in my code...
but i have already do that...
Vijay Jain
"One thing you can't recycle is wasted time."
First of all, How is your dropdown list added in the UI? Please make sure you are adding the same dropdown returned from the function in a panel or a table.
Secondly do check if your dropdown is filled while debugging in your function scope (Bind_DdlBranch in this case).
Hope that helps...
When you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.
I want to insert one value to sql database table.
when inserted, I want to check if this value is already stored in database table.
if the present value is already in database,
I want to show message box or something notification to user.
if the present value is new one, it will be inserted to database.
So, how to check for this condition?
I want to check the present inserting value against all inserted value in database.
If Not Existes(Select fieldname From tablename Where fieldname=yourvale)
hope this will help
Vijay Jain
"One thing you can't recycle is wasted time."
Hello there.
I have a web service which I know in working condition. I just modify it and want to test out. I run it in debug mode. IE appears and the address is http://localhost:2962/xmlService/Service1.asmx.
I am accessing the web service from a PDA. (I connect the PDA to my PC using ActiveSync.) However it cannot connect to the web service. I have searched the web and find out better to use the computer name. I change the address to http://mypc:2962/xmlService/Service1.asmx as my computer name is mypc.
And again, it fails. Error message: The remote name could not be resolved.
I even changed to IP address. Error: Unable to connect to the remote server.
I even use IE in the PDA to access both address. Both fails.
Please help.
modified 7-Dec-11 7:25am.
It may be that your pda cannot resolve the name localhost.
Your computer gets a ip address, dns resolvers from a dhcp server, or is hard coded. I don't know where your pda gets it's ip numbers. Most cellphones get it from the cellphone network for single radio device, so a cellphone won't recognize names in your network. If your pda is using wireless in your office, then it should get it's numbers from your wireless router, but if your wireless router's dhcp has it's dns set to the router address, then the names won't resolve, because it's pointed to an external dns server.
I really can't imagine the webdev (F5) supporting anything outside of windows or your box, and beyond the computer itself because the webdev has no security features, and cannot protect the Windows OS, from being modified from an outside source. It may be restricted to just your desktop. The built-in IIS server is restricted to your subnet only, so you can't use it as a commercial web server.
modified 7-Dec-11 15:12pm.
I tried that. I tried the No it does not work.
Well I already had a test environment setup for other testing, but it didn't work for me. And my firewall is turned off.
I want to place print option as user control.
How to pass gridview control id,some label and texbox id etc to user control.
Hello All,
There is a form when user fill all the details and click on the save button and data shall be saved in the respective table in database as well there should be a screen shot of that form and save in the folder at server side in the form of image .
Please update
yrishi wrote: Please update
Please make your question clear.
Unrequited desire is character building. OriginalGriff
I'm sitting here giving you a standing ovation - Len Goodman
There is a form when user fill all the details and click on the save button and data shall be saved in the respective table in database as well there should be a screen shot of that form and save in the folder at server side in the form of image .
You can easily save the data from your form, there are many resources that cover ASP.NET and ADO.NET.
You will not be able to have a screen shot. Code-behind is executed on the server not the client, so there would be no screen. The only way would be to use JavaScript or have an ActiveX control. The latter could easily be disabled by the user, if they allowed it to be installed at all. With the former there is no functionality available that I know of to allow a screen shot to be taken. Would you want some web page you visit to be able to take shots of your screen?
No comment
You can create a PDF file of that form instead on image.
You know the format of page, so create a string with proper formatting and from this string create PDF file using iTextSharp or any other PDF library.
hi friends
i have a gridview and a link button on each row of the gridview on the click of the link button i need to get the datakey value of that row so how to do it.....
anyone to help me plz...