I am using Visual Studio 2005 and Report viewer version 9.0.0 when i try to print the report using the print icon it shows a popup message
"Unable to load print control" and i am not able to print , i tried installing the reportviewer updates but nothing worked, appreciate a response.
It seems that the client Print Control Active X object is not getting installed at client system due to security setting.
In IE go to Tools ->Internet Options->Security->Custom Level , configure the setting to allow downloading of Active X controls.
Prakash Kalakoti
Hi All -
I have a problem. I want to arrange n number of items in the minimum group. There is maximum upper range for the group. I will explain in detail
Assume database contains below values
Emp1 10
Emp2 2
Emp3 4
Emp4 3
Emp5 11
Emp6 1
Emp7 4
Emp8 9
Emp9 5
Emp10 7
Emp11 14
Emp12 1
Emp13 4
Now I want to create minimum number of groups, where sum of the elements should not exceed say 15 like below
Group 1
Emp1 10
Emp2 2
Emp4 3
Group 2
Emp3 4
Emp5 11
Group 3
Emp6 1
Emp8 9
Emp9 5
Group 4
Emp7 4
Emp10 7
Emp13 4
Group 5
Emp11 14
Emp12 1
Application is ASP .net with C#. Is there any predefined algorithm for achieving this?
Thanks in advance
Roshan P Mohammed wrote: Is there any predefined algorithm for achieving this?
No, you're on your own
I know the language. I've read a book. - _Madmatt
please guide me in the right direction
I know the language. I've read a book. - _Madmatt
You have to implement your own logic to accomplish this.There is no readymade algorithm for that.
I created suppose 10 buttons dynamically......
how to get ID of a clicked button
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Button b1 = new Button();
b1.ID = "b" + i.ToString();
b1.Click += b_Click;
in event hander of click how to retrieve the ID of clicked button.....
protected void b_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//want ID here........
Here in the eventhandler sender denotes the which which has invoked the event.So you can get the ID here as
protected void b_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button b = (Button)sender;
string buttonId = b.ID;
Dear All,
I am new to ASP.Net with c#. I am working in Menu control. I am trying to place a javascript function in MenuItem click event.
when MenuItem are clicked certain action should be taken based on javascript function.
any ideas to implement it in c#.
Abdul Rahaman Hamidy
Database Developer
Kabul, Afghanistan
You don't need to implement it in C#, add an onclientclick to the menu item markup or do it from javaScript
I know the language. I've read a book. - _Madmatt
You can do this on server side, codebehind cs file:
foreach (MenuItem item in myMenu.Items)
item.NavigateUrl = "javascript:CallaMethodOfJavascript();";
thx, I have used following to do it.
using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
using (HtmlTextWriter htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(sw))
using (HyperLink menuLink = new HyperLink())
menuLink.NavigateUrl = item.NavigateUrl;
menuLink.Text = item.Text;
if (isEndNode)
menuLink.Attributes["onclick"] = "return displayControlName('" + item.Text + "','" + item.Parent.Text + "');";
menuLink.Attributes["onclick"] = "return msgOnly();";
item.Text = sw.ToString();
Abdul Rahaman Hamidy
Database Developer
Kabul, Afghanistan
<a href=”somepage.htm?foo=32” onClick=”functionName('val')”>foo 32</a>
<input type="button" value="123" onclick="func('123')" />
"I am trying to place a javascript function in MenuItem click event. "
or do you mean OnClientClick="func();" ?
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClientClick="func();" />
I have created imagebutton as imagebutton im =new imagebutton and set its image url and add it to placeholder and click event is fired but i want to display the clicked image buttons image but its displaying the last placed imagebuttons image . how can i spolve it .pls give me a soln
I have tried a lot sir . am just a student
my code is like this
string path = MapPath("~/cards/");
string full = path + Session["file"] + "/";
string[] s = Directory.GetFiles(full);
//Label1.Text = full;
foreach (string str in s)
string f = Path.GetFileName(str);
ImageButton im = new ImageButton();
im.Width = 150;
im.Height = 150;
im.ImageUrl = "~/cards/" + Session["file"] + "/" + f;
Session["selected"] = im.ImageUrl;
im.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(im_Click);
protected void im_Click(object sender,ImageClickEventArgs f)
but in editor.aspx its only showing the last imagebuttons image in the page.
i dont know anything more sir . and i have checked the session entry in page load and also im_click . its not working
Are you trying to change the image of the imagebutton after clicking it.
If yes where are you doing this?
-is editor.aspx is same page where you are creating your imagebutton?
What is your actual requirement.Not clear here?
editor.aspx is another page which shows the image of the clicked image button. my requirement is to show the image of the imagebutton am clicking but after clicking on the imagebutton i get the last imagebuttons image on editor.aspx.i want the image of the imagebutton which i have clicked . have used the session[selected"] to get the value of the selected imagebutton to the next page.but am getting the last ones sessionvalue
hi all,
i an having a data table it contains lakhs of records, when i am getting this data, my browser is becoming slow.
how can i get the data to a specific range(example :1000 at one time)paging concept will work for this....
help me..
S.Inayat Basha.
Yes, paging will definitely work for this scenario. You can implement paging at grid itself or for better performance you can try implementing paging at database level.
Prakash Kalakoti
In this scenario,Paging at DB side will be better.
Definitely the DB paging is always a better option, but its little complex in implementation.
Prakash Kalakoti
I actually suggested it because in the given scenario ,its having lakhs of records which is not feasible to store at server memory and if its going to be user specific then its going to hazardous for the server and performance of application
In all it depends on the requirement and the size of data
I have a database (access) that contains a table GALLERY.
Now i need while uploading a file to insert the path in this way to the db
What i get right now is only the file's name.
This is what i used for saving the path
FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/photo/" + FileUpload1.FileName));
I've tried it with and without the Server.MapPath.
The resault without the server.mappath was "The SaveAs method is configured to require a rooted path..bla bla bla"
With the Server.MapPath it works but not the way i need it. as i said it inserts only the file's name to the DB.
Can anyone please help me with that.
Thank you,
The FileUpload control has a SaveAs(string path) method. You can use that method to save the file to any path using any filename you want. Just make sure ASP.NET has permissions to write to that path. So, you can do something like this to save the uploaded file to the uploads folder in the root of your website:
+ System.IO.Path.GetFilename(fileUpload1.FileName));