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AnswerRe: Fileupload problem, please help. Pin
Sandeep Mewara27-Mar-10 9:02
mveSandeep Mewara27-Mar-10 9:02 
GeneralRe: Fileupload problem, please help. Pin
Farraj27-Mar-10 9:09
Farraj27-Mar-10 9:09 
AnswerRe: Fileupload problem, please help. Pin
Not Active27-Mar-10 9:12
mentorNot Active27-Mar-10 9:12 
AnswerRe: Fileupload problem, please help. Pin
Farraj27-Mar-10 9:18
Farraj27-Mar-10 9:18 
GeneralRe: Fileupload problem, please help. Pin
michaelschmitt28-Mar-10 23:48
michaelschmitt28-Mar-10 23:48 
GeneralRe: Fileupload problem, please help. Pin
Farraj29-Mar-10 2:05
Farraj29-Mar-10 2:05 
GeneralRe: Fileupload problem, please help. [modified] Pin
michaelschmitt29-Mar-10 3:35
michaelschmitt29-Mar-10 3:35 
What i was trying to say is that your posted code does not include any interaction with
your access database. It just takes the selected filename from your upload control and saves this
file to the desired folder. This code alone would not insert the filename into your access-database table.

To clarify:

"~/photo/" is the virtual path of your upload folder. Server.MapPath is needed to tranform this to the corresponding
physical directory on your web-server (e.g.: c:\http\mysite\photo). FileUpload1.SaveAs(...) saves your file to this folder.


string virtualFilePath = "~/photo/" + FileUpload1.FileName;

to get your desired Path und save it to your database.
modified on Monday, March 29, 2010 9:43 AM

Questionfetch date and time separately from datetime field in Pin
ships_agr27-Mar-10 6:57
ships_agr27-Mar-10 6:57 
AnswerRe: fetch date and time separately from datetime field in Pin
Tarakeshwar Reddy27-Mar-10 7:19
professionalTarakeshwar Reddy27-Mar-10 7:19 
GeneralRe: fetch date and time separately from datetime field in Pin
ships_agr27-Mar-10 7:38
ships_agr27-Mar-10 7:38 
GeneralRe: fetch date and time separately from datetime field in Pin
Tarakeshwar Reddy27-Mar-10 7:50
professionalTarakeshwar Reddy27-Mar-10 7:50 
QuestionMessage Removed Pin
27-Mar-10 3:29
kunjumonu27-Mar-10 3:29 
AnswerRe: sending email with text and url Pin
Not Active27-Mar-10 3:43
mentorNot Active27-Mar-10 3:43 
Questionemail sending with some text and url Pin
kunjumonu27-Mar-10 3:23
kunjumonu27-Mar-10 3:23 
AnswerRe: email sending with some text and url Pin
Not Active27-Mar-10 3:42
mentorNot Active27-Mar-10 3:42 
QuestionMessage Removed Pin
27-Mar-10 3:16
kunjumonu27-Mar-10 3:16 
AnswerRe: image button in placeholderr Pin
Not Active27-Mar-10 3:40
mentorNot Active27-Mar-10 3:40 
GeneralRe: image button in placeholderr Pin
kunjumonu27-Mar-10 23:51
kunjumonu27-Mar-10 23:51 
GeneralRe: image button in placeholderr Pin
kunjumonu27-Mar-10 23:52
kunjumonu27-Mar-10 23:52 
QuestionTool For monitor all kinds of things on the web server. Pin
Samarjeet Singh@india26-Mar-10 23:18
Samarjeet Singh@india26-Mar-10 23:18 
AnswerRe: Tool For monitor all kinds of things on the web server. Pin
Arindam Tewary26-Mar-10 23:28
professionalArindam Tewary26-Mar-10 23:28 
GeneralRe: Tool For monitor all kinds of things on the web server. Pin
Samarjeet Singh@india31-Mar-10 4:09
Samarjeet Singh@india31-Mar-10 4:09 
Questionuser should not login again if he is loggedin once during same browser [modified] Pin
vikas shukla26-Mar-10 22:52
vikas shukla26-Mar-10 22:52 
AnswerRe: user should not login again if he is loggedin once during same browser Pin
Arindam Tewary26-Mar-10 23:19
professionalArindam Tewary26-Mar-10 23:19 
AnswerRe: user should not login again if he is loggedin once during same browser Pin
Farraj27-Mar-10 9:13
Farraj27-Mar-10 9:13 

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