For this, when user login to application ,also retrieve the type of user say administrator etc and save the type of user in session.And on every pageload, you can just check the type of user and accordingly yoy can take decision which buttions/links you need to disabe/hide.
And if user goes direcly to the page which is not for it ,you can show "Access Denied" message.Cheers!!
how to give access permission on menu control using asp.net wit c#
give me example which helps me
iam using asp.net2.0 with c# with sql serever i want to store the employees details in the database which includes image of employee also so how to retrieve the image from database and display in image control
please give me suitabe solution which helps me
You can save the image path in database and store the image in physical location. So, when you are retreiving the from database, retreive the image path and then load the corresponding image from physical path.
You can have a look into this article as a ref.
Displaying Image in Gridview from Database[^]
Let me know if you need any help !Cheers !
Codeproject MVP
oh i dint see your post bro...
No Problem ! Cheers !
Codeproject MVP
store file name of image in db. and image in some folder in your application.
retrieving to image control..
image.imageurl="physical path where you hav stored images"...
LogoProject.ImageUrl = "~/test/" + id + "_" + img;
developerit wrote: please give me suitabe solution which helps me
Doesn't work like that: what happens is you try to work it out for yourself using the years of experience and knowledege you already have. Then when you are still stuck you come here and say 'This is what I have already tried: can you help me see where I am going wrong?'
In any case, if you googled you'd probably find a thoudand and one ways to do this.Tychotics
"The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program. And if we become extinct because we don't have a space program, it'll serve us right!"
Larry Niven
iam using asp.net2.0 with c#,in my website iam using
requiredfield validators and ajax controls. if iam entered any incorrect values in textboxes then i want to clear the text boxes then i have return the code for clearing the controls in clear button . but when i click clear button then validation controls and ajax validator calloutextenders is displaying and the textboxes are not clearing. how to solve this situations please give me example which helps me
set the
CausesValidation = "false" property of the clear button.
thanks it really helps...thanks for codeproject team
can anyone let me know how to use sql profiler 2005???
Hi, This is ASP.NET Forum. SQL Profiler has nothing to with ASP.NET. Better place to ask Database related question is General Database Forum.
BTW : You can check this, which I wrote few years back
SQL Server Profiler Step by Step[^]
and here is many more,
How to use SQL Server profilerCheers !
Codeproject MVP
i m sorry...i wanted to post in sql but dint notice i was still in asp.net forum...sorry for the inconvenience...and thanks for providing the links...
No Problem. Its happened sometimes. Please do it from next time. Let us know if you need any more help. Cheers !
Codeproject MVP
hi i need to make an entry in the session table once the user logs. need to use web service methods for everything. i ve written a stored prov for login and within that i ve called the session procedure. while running web service method i m getting an error "string or binary truncated. statement has been terminated".
as i couldnt spot the error i tried writing a separate method for session in webservice and tried calling it from login method. i m not getting any error but the entry is not made in the session table.
can anyone help me out?
may i know what was the problem??? i dint ask for the coding too...i just wanted to know where i had gone wrong...
Didn't read the link that I mentioned ."3.Keep the subject line brief, but descriptive.".Also somthing may be urgent for you not for others.. Cheers!!
So, you want to store session information in a table from Web Services ? or any thing else you are expecting ? Can you please rephrase your question. Cheers !
Codeproject MVP
ya i want to store session information in table from web service
< Updated Subject >
So, what you have written in your code? Can you please show us the code? Did you debugeed your code? Are you able to access session variable in Web service ? Cheers !
Codeproject MVP