Ch.Gayatri Subudhi wrote: but whn i clicked the enter button of keyboard i want to stop that
Did you mean from clicking mouse things are working but you want to stop doing any thing from "keyboard enter button" hit?Thanks,
Arindam D Tewary
yes sir..how to stop that
Put this code in your button's onkeypressevent
onkeypress="return eval((event.keyCode==13)?false:true);"
Post back hiting "enter" from keyboard would be stopped but from mouse click flow would be as it is.
Please let me know if it helps.Thanks,
Arindam D Tewary
Thanks a lot sir..now its working f9..
You are welcome !!! Thanks,
Arindam D Tewary
Hi all,
I am using 'Report Viewer Control ' in my project. I am using sub-reports in many cases. Whenever I export such reports containing sub-reports to 'Excel' format which is the major client requirement in our project, the exported excel file shows 'Subreports within table/matrix cells are ignored.'
Can anybody tell me the solution for this? If not possible in reporting service then is there any other way to get data in excel format?
Use ExcelRecord instead in Excel.
i.e. ExportFormatType.ExcelRecord
for eg:
ReportDocument.ExportToHttpResponse(ExportFormatType.ExcelRecord, Response, true, "Report");
Till SSRS 2005: This is a known limitation in the excel rendering. The problem occurs when subreports and/or any data regions are nested in table/matrix. Microsoft I mean SSRS doesn’t support exporting these to Excel format.
Other way to get it done is:
Embed the sub report within a rectangle rather than within a table. It will export ok.
P.S.: SSRS 2008 (shipped as part of SQL Server 2008) provides a full solution to this, since it has a new engine and rendering extensions. Excel rendering will now always render subreports contents.
Thanks for reply,
ok iam placing the sub report into list control instead of Table then it works am i right?
but in sub report Data is populating inside Matrix control then is it ok ?????/?
Yes it should work.
In SSRS 2005, subreports embedded in tables does not export properly in excel.
Hey guys need advice
Currently i am using CR chart for my report however i need to set the color of the stacked bar, I can only set the color when using color by group. However i need to use color by series as i am using stacked bar.....
any ideas or solution. Please advise!
Thanks Bros
KaKaShi HaTaKe
iam having many fields in table which includes images fiels also.
how to update and delete the images from database using asp.net with c#
can you give me a simple example which helps me.
Here is the link that will help you out:
Inserting and Retrieving images from SQL Server Database using C#[^]
Just change the query to insert/update/delete based on your need.
CP isWe are building this repository of asking Q&A in CodeProject. Asking questions here[^] would help you in tracking you and other people who face something similar. Try it. You can also mark answers as accepted if it resolves your issue.modified on Sunday, March 14, 2010 12:30 PM
Sandeep Mewara wrote: We are building this repository
We? I don't seen you as a member of the CP staff or even much of a contributor. I know the language. I've read a book. - _Madmatt
Updated! that didn't mean the way you took... yet!
BTW: I thought every member of CP is a contributor and very much a part of CP...modified on Sunday, March 14, 2010 1:00 PM
i want the same solution in asp.net with c# in web application not in windows application
It would be same as you would delete any other record from the database. A quick google search should reveal it.
hi, iam using asp.net 2.0 with c# with ajax and database is sql server.
so when iam using a textbox control when user enter the any part of column or any filed in the text box it should come like popup in the textbox from database . can you give me a simple example which helps me.
developerit wrote: when iam using a textbox control when user enter the any part of column or any filed in the text box it should come like popup in the textbox from database
Can you clearer? It's really difficult to understand what you are trying to ask right now.
like: Where from column came into question when talking of textbox? What do you mean by, field in textbox should come like popup in textbox from database?
Elaborate a little and tell where DB comes into picture and what exactly needs to be displayed in the popup?
iam having table fields in sql server
branchname nvarchar
address nvarchar
emailid nvarchar
phoneno nvarchar
mobileno nvarchar
iam having textbox in asp.net when user enter any value either branchname oraddress or emailid or phone no or mobileno the solution should comes like autocomplete extender . popup should come in textbox text
using asp.net with c#. give me a example which helps me.
My method adds parameters to stored procedure as:
public void AddParameter(string StrName, SqlDbType objType, ParameterDirection objDirection)
SqlParameter l_Param = new SqlParameter();
l_Param.ParameterName = StrName;
l_Param.SqlDbType = objType;
l_Param.Direction = objDirection;
public void AddParameter(string strName, SqlDbType objType, ParameterDirection objDirection, object objValue)
AddParameter(strName, objType, objDirection);
I have send parameters to stored procedure using above method and used ExecuteScaler and ExecuteReader both. But it displays error while executing stored procedure.
What is the error message?
sharad Pyakurel wrote: SqlParameter l_Param = new SqlParameter();
l_Param.ParameterName = StrName;
l_Param.SqlDbType = objType;
l_Param.Direction = objDirection;
Looks like you forgot to add:l_Param.Value
l_Param.Value = objValue;
You shouldn't be needing the other AddParameter method. All can be done in one.