thank u sir
but which application i am running locally same application i am deploying on server.but i am facing the problem on server.while all the dll's in web.config and bin folder are same as locally running application on server.
please help me.
I am not talking abt application .I am talking abt software..!
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I want compare old html file with a new one and highlight the differences between them, but the difference should only be the one made in the text not the html tags... like what we see in browser
waiting for a early reply
thanking you
.=====Fixed assest
.=====Current asest
=====SbH Bank
==== Hdfc Bank
account code, parent code, ac/name, acctype
| | | |
10000 assest o
101000 10000 fixed 1
102000 10000 current 1
1020200 bank 1020000 1
10202001 sbh bank 1020200 2
10202001 Hdfc Bank 1020200 2
please make this application with asp.net with c#
Thanks Regards
I am trying to add a vb class in a project that is written in C# but i do not know how and there is no toturial how to do that help please.
you mean i do not add the file directly? I have to add the dll file of the vb class to the project??
Yes..!thts a good practice
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Creating DLL for each file is not a good practice. . If there are multiple cs and that can be compile into a single dll. For single code file we can easily put into App_code folder with some Config file change.
Abhijit Jana wrote: Creating DLL for each file is not a good practice
I never mention tht for each file..! Did I?
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Don't Misunderstood me. As He was asking for the single file that's why I told.
LOL..!Just trying to chatting with u after a long time..!
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send me ur gmail id :mca_abhijit@yahoo.co.in or let me know your skype id
You can add VB class file inside App_Code Folder with in a new folder like,
App_Code > VB Class > MyVBFile.vb
and create another folder ( like :CSharpClass ) where you can put all of C# class file
Now, open Web.config file and do the following entry,
<add directoryName="VBClass"/>
<add directoryName="CSharpClass"/>
You may have a quick look into this article,
<a href="http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/AspNetAppFolder.aspx#f
Please let me know if you have any issue
Hello all, Could somebody tell me how can i close all the windows opened in my windows application except my main window.
Hi, all
would you please show me how to call following sp from asp.net
say the TEST sp is as follows takes the following parameters:
@ID , @MeetingID, @Title
how can I call this from c# (code behind file) in the folowing fashion
TEST @ID=intID,@MeetingID=intMID,@Title=strTitle
TEST @Title=strTitle,@ID=intID,@MeetingID=intMID
TEST @Title=strTitle,@MeetingID=intMID,@ID=intID
NOTE: All of these statement execute successfully from query analyzer.
Thanks in advance.
Just add the parameters below
As it is a store procedure all you have to do is to send the params to the SP..!
public static bool Update_Driver(int ID, int MeetingID, string Title)
bool result = false;
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("Your Store ProcedureName", YourConnection);
command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", ID);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MeetingID", MeetingID);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Title", Title);
result = Convert.ToBoolean(command.ExecuteNonQuery());
catch (Exception ie)
return result;
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I am developing a Web Application in ASP.NET and when I publish, I got options for publishing either only the required files to run the website OR all project files. If I choose all project files, then, lots of unnecessary files are being published that I dont want. I want to publish only the required files. But I see that, some files (zip fils) in a folder is not published, I think, Visual Studio assumes that, a zip file is not required to run the website. But thats wrong. I want to publish a zip file so that user can download that individually. Would anyone tell me how I can do that ?
Publishing is not but converting dll and make the code secure...!
So after publishing the files add the required zip files to the project where it used to be.So they will be no problem adding the zip files manually as it is not part of the code . If you want into a package i am afraid you cant add it manually..!
refer the link below it may help..!
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I’m trying to build a master-detail gridview that contain these features:
- Create at runtime.
- Adding , deleting and updating multi Records .
(that means in the adding operation I can add multi rows to both of master and detail and then click SaveAdd button on my webpage only one time to save all records ,
In the updating and deleting operation I can update or delete multi rows to both of master and detail and then click SaveUpdate Delete button on my webpage only one time to save all records in gridview)
- Paging,Sorting,Filtering,Resizing columns,Grouping
- (Hide/show)(Enable/Disable) colume
- Import/Export data
And I ‘m using ASPxGridView from Devexpress because I don’t want to build my grid from scratch,So I’m trying to start adding all the features which I need .
When I complete programming my second feature in the grid (Adding , deleting and updating multi Records ) the grid is running so slowly, just when I was traying to add or update records on it .
I don’t know the real reason for this, my main idea in the code is using datatable , that means when I did any operation I transferred the data from my grid to the datatabel and did all my changes and then transferred back the data from datatable to the gridview
eventually ,,,Is this the correct way ??? if not, what’s the better way to Adding , deleting and updating multi Records in a master-detail gridview which Create at runtime
I would appreciate any help in this
... the moving line that is found on the top of the website? like the news line and announcements?