What do you meant by load project files to server? Are you looking for deploying an ASP.NET website?
Best wishes,
N a v a n e e t h wrote: Are you looking for deploying an ASP.NET website?
Can you please explain me what does this line means?
As its name implies, "virtual directory", does not contain any physical file. We need to define the physical file path that it will refer. We have to browse the physical path over here.
Virtual (as the name suggests) is not a folder that you create(physical directory) in windows.
It is actually a mapping directory. Means it points to the original directory for files.
Once you request a page, the link will be parsed by IIS and read the actual physical file appropriately.
For instance :
Say you place a file a.html inside a folder C:\myfolder .
Now you create a virtual directory "logical" and point to C:\myfolder .
Now from browser if you call
it will actually read a.html file from C:\myfolder.
Hope you got it.
hi friends can we send the data of grid view or datalist view through mail or can we send any othe html page through mail please help me yar and i am a beginer and required a site where i can get all information rgarding how to create a good site . Now i am working for a job portal site and give me some site's or code which i can use in my project.
chandra234 wrote: can we send the data of grid view or datalist view through mail
You can easily send it by rendering them in Table format. Read the data from data base or source, generate the message body as Html text and send it as mail.
Abhijit Jana | Codeproject MVP
Web Site : abhijitjana.net
Don't forget to click "Good Answer" on the post(s) that helped you.
As I understand, you have some data in a datagrid on your page, and you want to send the grid contents via email
you should write the following code in the code behind (in the event handler for the clikc event of the submit button).
private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
DataSet BackDataSet = (DataSet) DataGrid1.DataSource;
string xml = BackDataSet.GetXml();
Once you get the xml as above, you can transform it the way you want to be put in the mail.
I am trying to write an addition to a webpage which is called via an ad group, once the user submits the form it removes the pc from the group, but I am having problems getting the script to work out if the "pc" is in the group - I receive an error "Object Refrence Not Set To AN Instance Of An Object." at the line which starts
Dim bInIsMember As Boolean = Convert ......
can You Help ?
Here is the code
Sub Remove_PC_from_AD_Group(ByVal Asset)
Dim vSBCAD As New DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://Domain/DC=Domain,DC=COM", vADUserName, vADPassword, AuthenticationTypes.Secure)
Dim mySearcher As New DirectorySearcher(vSBCAD)
mySearcher = New DirectorySearcher(vSBCAD)
mySearcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree
mySearcher.Filter = ("cn=GP_Refresh_Web_Popup")
Dim result As DirectoryServices.SearchResult = mySearcher.FindOne
Dim vGrpObj = result.GetDirectoryEntry
Dim myComputerSearcher As New DirectorySearcher(vSBCAD)
myComputerSearcher = New DirectorySearcher(vSBCAD)
myComputerSearcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree
myComputerSearcher.Filter = ("(computername=" & Asset & ")")
Dim vcomputerobj As DirectoryServices.SearchResult = myComputerSearcher.FindOne
Dim blnIsMember As Boolean = Convert.ToBoolean(vGrpObj.Invoke("IsMember", New Object() {vcomputerobj.Path}))
If blnIsMember Then
MsgBox("Object In Group")
MsgBox("Object Not In Group")
End If
How we can do for fast execution the ASP.Net page.
It is a broad subject to answer in few sentences. Look at the performance optimization[^] search results. There are number of techniques to develop high performance asp.net applications
lrsalunkhe wrote: How we can do for fast execution the ASP.Net page.
You can take this link as one of the best
Improving ASP.NET Performance[^]
Abhijit Jana | Codeproject MVP
Web Site : abhijitjana.net
Don't forget to click "Good Answer" on the post(s) that helped you.
hi there
i have asp.net 2.0. i want cool css for my grid view
from whre i get it ??
any help really appriciate ?
thans in advnace
Rating always..... WELCOME
Be a good listener...Because Opprtunity knoughts softly...N-Joy
Just googled for it. You need to simply use color and images
Abhijit Jana | Codeproject MVP
Web Site : abhijitjana.net
Don't forget to click "Good Answer" on the post(s) that helped you.
hello sir
please help me
actually i want my crystal report record should be display in following manner.
please give me suggestion how it will possible.give any formula field or any other hint
sno roll_no student_name sno roll_no student_name
1 001 A 4 004 D
2 002 B 5 005 E
3 003 C 6 006 F
if there are 6 record then it's fine and if there is 14 then 7-7 on single page.
purpose is only page saving
Do the logic in PageBreak. I think there is an option to define formula on page break attribute.
Good Afternoon,
I know it is possible to host a site from your flash using apache.
Is it possible doing the same with ASP.NET?
Thanks in advance,
Means you want to host your flash application in IIS ?
This is very easy. Generate an html and place the flash object there. It will start running after you publish it to IIS.
Chris Tiaan wrote: I know it is possible to host a site from your flash using apache.
Is it possible doing the same with ASP.NET?
I think You need to rephrase the question..!
As far as my understanding.
You can use object tag in asp.net to make use of flash
try google like this[^]
LatestArticle :Log4Net
Why Do Some People Forget To Mark as Answer .If It Helps.
I will rephrase the question. What I mean is is it possible to host a web site from your flash drive or memory stick with ASP.NET as you can with appache?
Good Afternoon,
Can someone please point to me how the architecture of a web site where database access is required should be used…
I have a site that connects to a SQL express database and I have a provider setup in the web config file to access the database. If a user logs into the site they will use this username and password to access data and determine if it is a valid user. (This password is at this time unencrypted)
If someone should get hold of this password they can have access to the database and do what they want to. Is this correct? Or should I do something else? Also what roles should this common user have?
Chris Tiaan wrote: If a user logs into the site they will use this username and password to access data
Are you talking about the user that is registered into the database. Means are they just a single record from Users table of the Database or they are the actual user which is used to connect to the database.
Generally, uid and password can be protected using SSL connection.
Yes if you send password unencrypted, it might be exposed to others. But if they are not sensitive enough, it is unnecessary to do Encryption using SSL.
For our general websites , We take uid and password and check with db using the connection string(which has UID and password) stored in the server.
Hi Abhishek
Thanks for your reply. Currently I have the SA user in the config file for testing.
...Which earns me a BAD award
...but it is only on my local PC.
If I were to create a new user to use what rights and roles should I grant the user?
Thanks for your reply,