Generally once the search engine has an entry of a site, it takes time to update.
For the time being, you might use a Redirection page to the site that is in search engine.
Response.Redirect on the page.
If you are using .NET 4.0 you might use Response.RedirectPermanent which might make it appear to the search engine as permanent.
Clearly, there is no way to delete an entry from search engine(if not given you access to that).
how do i call a c# funcation in html code, on link's onclick?
i have already called a function onclick, i need to call another function.
kindly help me out....
call function2 from function1 which is defined in onclick
there are various pages in my ERP, i have a search panel, which is displayed according to the pages. i can not use all those funtion in js, as i have to hide and show various textboxes and button.
Can there be any other event,on the HTML Link to call the functions according to the page.
i have done that with asplinkbutton...but i m using now an expandable menu.
which does not work if i use asplinkbutton.
did you try adding attribute to the link from code behind and assigning desired function name?
Gamzun,thanks buddy.......
can u tell me 1 thing, when i use the asplinkbutton in plcae of html link in the collapsible menu, the collapsible property of it stop working.if i can slove this problem.......all other headache will end.
Thanks again.
can u show me the code, so that i can get a clear view how to use it.
Saurab, I didn't get your scenario properly what exactly you're trying to do. What I'm assuming is that you've a search panel which is displayed where ever you navigate to but it shows controls according to the page you're on. Is this your scenario?
then why are you calling particular function on menu click, instead of that why don't you set search panel controls from page's load event?
i have used,iframe and my page is divided into two parts..left and right.
left i have fixed,where i display the search panel and in the right panel, the page loads(in iframe).
thus keeping the main page stable and loading the page and search panel in side that main page.
the main page contains all the attributes of search panel.
can u help me,with using asplinkbutton instead of html link.
as i told u before, when i used it....1st page on click works fine along with search panel and after which the collapsiable proerty stop,until the main page is refreshed.
so, if i can use the asplinkbutton......all the problems will be sloved in the collpsiable menu.
thanks in advance dear......
where's your collapsible panel located? is it on main page or page?
my menu is placed on the left panel of main page.
left panel is divided into two parts
upper: have search panel
lower : has menu.
well lets try this, add html link with attribute runat='server' then try.
i have tried this out, but there was no event on which i can call the function.If you can help me with restoring the property of the menubar after i have used asplinkbutton.
I don't prefer using asp menubar, however, can you workaround with the help of querystring?
no its not an asp menu bar.........but i used it before(asp link button)
where i had 'onclick' and 'onclientclick' events, from which i called the page from one and corresponding search panel with another one.
now in case of html menu,i just have 'onclick' event.
i call the page using js,where as my search panel is called from c# code.
i m unable to manage both on one click event...
okie picture is clear now, try calling this on html links
onclick='__doPostBack('method name to be called on postback','in arguments you can send id of page or something by which you can get which link is click! '
In your main page's code-behind, the method which is defined in __doPostback, set your search panel accordingly and open the page as per argument send by request.form['__EVENTARGUMENT'] (i might be wrong about this request.form's parameter just google how to get the value from it) and you're good to go
let me know if you need further help
Please don't forget to mark 'Good Answer', if you find it really a good one!
sure i will..........
let me try once
You can try this:
(1) JS:
PageMethods. backmethod (latlng,myCallBack);
(2) C#
[System.Web.Services.WebMethod]//you must write this;
public static String backmethod (Object xingcan)//must be static
…… //your logic
function myCallBack(result) {
var di = document.getElementById("Label1"); //for example
The order is (1)-(2)-(3)。
Comm100 - Leading Live Chat Software Provider
modified 27-May-14 21:54pm.
using System.Windows.forms;
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SaveFileDialog s = new SaveFileDialog();
I want to open a saveDialog box to save a Web page...But When i run this coding it is showing me a error:
Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your Main function has STAThreadAttribute marked on it. This exception is only raised if a debugger is attached to the process.
How to rectify this error?
Wrong Forum
Actually i wanted to save .aspx page as .html page