I am not sure,but there is no need of return statement after the response.redirect();
i dont think so any statemnt will be executed after page is redirected.....
If You want to be Dobly Sure use this
This will end the excecution of Current page .....
No Need of using Return
Is that the problem that you are afraid that below code will execute after Response.Redirect executes, isnt it?
so dont be afraid.
if the program reaches that Response.Redirect line, it normally stop executing that process and pass the control to next process, it will never execute below coding
int x = 5;
int y = 4;
Thanks San for your helpful answer.
hii m using the access database in my website.
its working f9 but as soon as i use to modify or update the data it gives error.
however on localhost its working f9.what shud i do....
The access database is in appdata folder of website.
plz guide...
do you get a specific error message? If yes, please post the message. By the way, what means f9?
no it doesnt shows the details of error....
it shows:
To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customerrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customerrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".
f9 means fine...
Then I would suggest that you enable the details of the error message by adding the tag as described. If you did that, run the code again to get the details of the error message and post it.
i have done but it gives same error...
Can you login to the machine that hosts your app? If yes try to create the error during a localhost-session. Then you will hopefully see more error details. (You could also take a look into the System Event Log if the error message is described there in more detail).
check your access. You might not have access.
how do you connect to databse on localhost?
Hi ,
Sorry , this question is into sql.How to replace null values of a sql left join result.Is there a way to do it in query itself ?
General Database is the correct forum for this one.
It's not necessary to be so stupid, either, but people manage it. - Christian Graus, 2009 AD
The value is in the cache for more than a minute, does it have something to do with the datatype being saved? I already tryed utcnow but the result is the same, and also, i tryed using a timespan of 1 minute and guess what... not working either, i dont think its my machine, because it doent work either on my server
If you have the time, check it please
I know i could use the NoBot control in ajax but i really want to know whats wrong with this
Private Function IsRobot() As Boolean
Dim IP As String = Me.Request.UserHostAddress
Dim key As String = "Contact_" & IP
Dim obj As Object = Cache(key)
Dim Counter As Integer = 0
If obj Is Nothing Then
Cache.Insert(key, Counter, Nothing, Now.AddMinutes(1), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration)
Counter = obj
End If
If Counter >= 5 Then
Me.lblError.Text = "Too many emails"
Me.lblError.Visible = True
Return True
End If
Cache(key) = Counter + 1
Return False
End Function
Thanks for your time
Alexei Rodriguez
In my application i want to keep one session objects value for a long time.I have used <sessionstate timeout="60">.But it is not working properly.can any one give some idea how to keep the value for atleast 6 to 8 hrs.
thanks in advance
The safest way is to write them to a database - that way you can have long timeout periods simply by using a timestamp on the record.
Thanks for the response.I am storing the user id in the session object.now multiple user can login at the same time.Now if i store the data in the data base.How do i identify each users request.
santu321 wrote: I am storing the user id in the session object
santu321 wrote: if i store the data in the data base.How do i identify each users request
You've answered your own question... by storing the userid in the database with the session state!
increase the session time in your web.config file...
timeout="enter your required time here"
use database to store the session
Thanks for response.I am storing the user id in the session object.now multiple user can login at the same time.Now if i store the data in the data base.How do i identify each users request.
You can also use the profile wich is saved in the database and is user level, also it remembers the user even if they close the browser (it relies on cookies to identify each user)
Alexei Rodriguez
thanks for the response.but cookies is not reliable for every situation.
how can i make an image move to end of window(left) and to move back(right)
using javasript....