Can you explain your problem little bit more
Can We Visible And unvisible Asp.net Panel By Using JavaScript.
Yes, you can. Just get the document id and make it's property visible true or false.
panel.ClientId to get the client id which is rendered to the browser. Pass it to hidepanel and showpanel javascript function when needed.
To hide panel use
function hidePanel(objId)
document.getElementById(objId).style.display = "none";
function showPanel(objId)
document.getElementById(objId).style.display = "block";
Hope you can make it yourself now easily.
hey guys
i would like to restrict the user from inserting more then 70 letters in the
ajax html editor contect
can someone help me ?
modified on Thursday, November 5, 2009 7:06 AM
which editor you are talking about ?
If it is just a textbox you can check like this
txtbox keypress="javascript:return checkNosofLetters(this, event);"<br />
function checkNosofLetters(evt)
var e = evt || window.event;
return e.srcElement.value.length < 100;
Hello friends
I display the pdf file using ashx handler in aspx page
now i want to display the particular page in that handler
suppose my pdf document contains 8 pages and i display the page number near to it. onclicking the page number, i want to open that particular page what user click
ie suppose user click page number 3 means i want to open page no 3 among that 8
i am using ashx handler for display the pdf document.
Did you mention
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
Response.AddHeader("content-length", yourbufferlength);
Yes sir
i use this method to display the pdf
now i need to move to particular page when user select the page number.
ie there are 8 pages in that pdf document i provide the link to the page number nearby. where user click page number 3 the document should display the page number 3 content
In that case you need to put some commands I guess to the PDF plugin of browser.
I dont know if it is possible or not. But I do think you need to somehow read the pdf in server and create pdf with only the page number that the user wanted to see, loading the PDF in IFrame .
But in that case there would be postback for every page calls to the server.
i retreive the data from the database in binary format and render in ashx handle.
so i dont know how to generate that particular page
if it is possible its solves my problem
there will be both public and private keys in a strong name
how private key in a .snk file can be easily compromised.
Can u please explain me the exact approach for this?
How to Add Handlers for dynamically created web controls in ASP.net ?
I have tried below code but..event is not getting fired..Can anyone help it out..?
<pre>For iCounterVar As Integer = 0 To sAnswers.Length - 1
Dim t As New TextBox
tblCell = New TableCell
tblRow = New TableRow
t.Text = sAnswers(iCounterVar).ToString
AddHandler t.TextChanged, AddressOf MyTextChangedEvent
Protected Sub MyTextChangedEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
lblMessage = New Label
lblMessage.Text = "Cuaght TextChanged :" & DirectCast(sender, TextBox).Text & " In " ' & DirectCast(sender, TextBox).Parent.ID.ToString)
End Sub</pre>
Are you assigning handler to Dynamic Control On Page Load Event (ie- On Every Postback) ??/
No i am not assigning any handler in page load,
in page load i am just calling the method to create these controls, evrything is in the method itself and that code i have alredy pasted.
Thanks for your quick reply on this.
If you are calling a method in Page_Load it automatically means you are in Page_Load.
Read this :
As far as I suggest, add eventhandler in Pre_Init than Page_Load
Spamming again in forum.....
Kindly stop posting these messages. If people want your solutions they can look on your web site.
modified on Thursday, November 5, 2009 7:22 AM
Hey,.... I have a better solution than your link.. .
DbNull.Value.ToString returns empty string.
Your (so-called) tips sucks. Get lost from here you dumb.
Hi Experts
I Have used stringBuilder To Fetch Data.....i want to bind that data to any of my html control which is on .htm page....Please Help
In Short i want to just Find a Control on my html page and Bind the data to that control
Please Help.........
modified on Thursday, November 5, 2009 4:28 AM
Please elaborate in detail what exactly you're trying to do.