Sagar Singh Biswakarma wrote: Like how to store into database,how to display etc...
Either the forum is by far the most complex part of your project, or you're in a real mess.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
I am completely new to web services, but after doing some reading around, I have found that the WCF Web Services fits the bill. My project are looking to use the Web Service to get an XML document from a server and pass it through the same web service to another application and pass messages back in XML. The Web Service will not being doing anything except passing documents back and forth.
The Web Service will be called from an ASP.Net application.
Being completely new, is there an example I can follow that shows me how to pass an XML through a web service to an application and back again?
Abhishek Sur wrote:
Unfortunately both the links provided by you are not explaining what OP is asking.
You can read the XML file into a string and pass it like sending normal strings. After receiving the XML string, you can load it to XmlDocument class.
Hello friends,
Pls can you explain me difference between the document.write() and document.writeln() in JavaScript language?
modified on Monday, September 14, 2009 2:31 PM
writeln is almost similar to write, the only difference is writeln places a newline character after each expression.
Actually you cant see them in browser as newline character in browser is <br/>. But the html will be placed in newline.
writeln is almost similar to write, the only difference is writeln places a newline character after each expression.
means to say that if we use code something like
document.write("Hello I am new here.");
Hello I am new here.
no .. as I already told you...
It places newline on the html not in its output.
Output will be
HelloHello I am new here.
but if you look into innerHTML it will write like
Hello I am new here.
To make the output appear newline, you need to use <br/>
I gave you the link to the documentation in my previous response. I would suggest you read through that a few times then create a test HTML file and see for yourself what the results are.
I have created virtual directory in my production server..
how would I map it with my default website...
I want my virtual directory to be accessed if user browse the url xyz.com..
Hemant Thaker
why do you need to create Virtual Directory inside the Default Website?
Place the document in the Default web site and then configure it.
Yaa... thanks...I did the same and able to browse my website..its online now...
You can check it "x-student.com"...
Infact i m confused so far as IIS ,, virtual directory and Home directory....
can you tell me what is the importance of virtual directory in website development and deployment or making it online..
Hemant Thaker
yaa.. It happens sometimes. ... When you are in the beginning of your learning process we do mistakes .. but through this we all learn.. So dont worry about that...
Well virtual directory is just a directory inside the main web site. It is just given the flexibility to create multiple website inside the same web site and to use different application pool for the same web site.
Say you have
It might point to c:\xyzmain folder. The folder might contain a folder called c:\xyzmain\mno .. this is also a virtual directory. But the flexibility that IIS gives is to have a website running altogether in a virtual directory.
Means let www.xyz.com/mno points to C:\my documents\mywebsite .
This is the main advantage of Virtual directory. Although there are lots of more advantages.. .
I have just downloaded the sql server 2008 version. I am currently developing a web application which is to be uploaded on the internet Now the web application and the database both will be uploaded on the same site .To be precise I am new sql server, whenever i try to run the website ,the login page comes perfectly but when I try to enter the id and password it shows me an error that :
Login failed for 'user\Guest'.
I think (but not sure) that this is sql server error and might be caused because of some roles or logins.
Can any one please help me with the problem that is am I correct , is there a way to resolve it
i am giving You the screenshot of the error here:
I still dont know which will be the best forum to post this thread, so I am posting it here.
Any help shall be appreciated
you should give permission of ASP.net to the virtual directory. It shouldnt be login using user\guest, rather it should login using asp.net account.
thank you Abhishek,
the problem was later solved by me as I was using integrated security=true which should have been false. in case of sql server authentication.
I have created menu using accordion and while click on the header the accordionpane should expand simultaniously with click event.
Code i have used:
<cc1:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server" SuppressHeaderPostbacks="true" FadeTransitions="false"
FramesPerSecond="80" TransitionDuration="250">
<cc1:AccordionPane ID="AccordionPane3" runat="server">
<li id="li_Recom5" runat="server"><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('<%=Linkbutton1.ClientID%>').click()">Header</a></li></ul>
<li id="li2" runat="server" style="display:none">
<asp:LinkButton ID="Linkbutton1" runat="server" OnClick="Linkbutton1_Click"></asp:LinkButton></li></ul>
this code is working fine in IE but in Firefox, it shows error message as Function not defined.
Thanks in advance.
Have you tried putting javascript: in front of the method call, or creating a simple method that you call instead ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
i tried both, still getting same error
Is there any other solution to for this..............
It's very urgent.
antony beula wrote: It's very urgent.
Of course it is....
It has to work, you just need to work out how. I'd simplify the task and add elements until I worked it all out.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
I would recommend using a library such as JQuery[^] to help with the cross browser issues.
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