Member 4640326 wrote: "select * from nse_und_5min where date="&da&" and ticker_symbol='acc' ", con
Instead of tht use this
"select * from nysemin where date='" & da & "' and ticker_symbol='acc'"
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thanks sashidhar brother
its working fine
your younger brother
Its Ok
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hi , i have some problem in getting the selected values of my ListBox
i use some code like this :
but it just gives me the first selected value !
my list box is in multiple mode and user can select some coises !!!
how can i get the whole of selected values without using for cycle ?!
This should help:
List<ListItem> LlstSelectedItems = new List<ListItem>();
for(int LiCount = 0; LiCount < ListBox1.Items.Count; LiCount++)
if (ListBox1.Items[LiCount].Selected)
Manas Bhardwaj
Please remember to rate helpful or unhelpful answers, it lets us and people reading the forums know if our answers are any good.
u use now
fine sure work now
could you explain exactly what your problem is? Do you get an exception or error message?
First of all, post your question in the right forum.
Next, buy a good book and start reading it.
After that, when you have some problem, mention the problem in the correct problem in CP and people will be more tha happy to help you.
Manas Bhardwaj
Please remember to rate helpful or unhelpful answers, it lets us and people reading the forums know if our answers are any good.
1. Buy a book
2. Read the book
3. Find a problem
4. Google the problem
5. Last resort, ask a specific question here, showing your code that fails and the error you get
6. Try another career
Ashfield Consultants Ltd
Proud to be a 2009 Code Project MVP
Hi all,
Im using a wizard control.I want to find the contorl in Java script. Can any one help me please.
document.getElementById('<%= YourControlId.ClientID %>');
var question = (_2b || !(_2b));
var strUserName = document.getElementById('<%=CreateUserWizardStep1.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("UserName").ClientId %>');
thts an example With the help of tht use ur Value
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unction ValidateUserName(oSrc, args)
var strUserName = document.getElementById('<%= CType(CreateUserWizardStep1.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("UserName"), TextBox ).ClientID %>');
alert("User Name is - " + strUserName.Value);
args.IsValid = false;
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i am using sql server 2000.
i want to pass a string parameter to sp. my problem is when the length of parameter increase 4000 then i gives error.
In 2005 sql server we can use nvarchar(MAX)
but how we can increase the length in sql 2000
One person's data is another person's program.
probably by using a BLOB, I would think. One more reason not to use a version of SQL Server that's two versions out of date.
this is, of course, not an ASP.NET question.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
I'm Using File Upload Control in ASP.NET.. The textbox in File upload is not displayed when it is opened by Google Chrome... Other Browsers r displaying properly... Can Anyone tell me the solution??
Shalini_U wrote: I'm Using File Upload Control in ASP.NET
The Google Renders The File Upload Control Differently
U Will Find Only The Button But Not The TextBox .But the Functionality Works Fine .
If U Want the look And Feel Of the File Upload Control U need to Use TextBox And Button and write code
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Hi I am New To SSRS.I need To Implement In asp.net
I Have Gone through the Wikipedia about SSRS In That I have seen two ways
The ReportViewer control processes reports in one of two ways: (a) server processing, where the report is rendered by and obtained from the Report Server; and (b) local processing, where the control renders the RDL file itself.
Please Can Any one Give me the links to work in the second way ie
local processing, where the control renders the RDL file itself
Any Help is Greatly Appreciated
I already Posted this Question in General Database .
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i has been created one login.aspzx page and one master.aspx page
when i login ,i m directly redirect to master page.master page contain logout button(linkbutten).
when clicked on logout button,the page has redirect to login page.
My problem is that,in that (after i clicked the logout button)when i clicked the "Back" it will move to master page.
i want clear the session or history?????
login.aspx page :
protected void buttonLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox1.Text))
{ //Focus box before showing a message
// textBoxUsername.Focus();
//MessageBox.Show("Enter your username", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Response.Write("<script> alert('Enter your username');</script>");
//Focus again afterwards, sometimes people double click message boxes and select another control accidentally
// textBoxUsername.Focus();
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBox2.Text))
// textBoxPassword.Focus();
// MessageBox.Show("Enter your password", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Response.Write("<script> alert('Enter your password');</script>");
// textBoxPassword.Focus();
using (DataTable dt = LookupUser(TextBox1.Text))
if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
// MessageBox.Show("Invalid username.", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Response.Write("<script> alert('Invalid username.');</script>");
//Always compare the resulting crypto string or hash value, never the decrypted value
//By doing that you never make a call to Decrypt() and the application is harder to
//reverse engineer. I included the Decrypt() method here for informational purposes
//only. I do not recommend shipping an assembly with Decrypt() methods.
string dbPassword = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["Password"])…
string appPassword = (TextBox2.Text);
//we store the password as encrypted in the DB
if (string.Compare(dbPassword, appPassword) == 0)
Session.Add("islogin", true);
//You may want to use the same error message so they can't tell which field they got wrong
// MessageBox.Show("Invalid Password", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Response.Write("<script> alert('Invalid Password');</script>");
master page :
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
lblTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
if ((Session["islogin"] == null) || (Session["islogin"] == ""))
protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
please send me response aor solution as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!
shru_dhuri wrote: please send me response aor solution as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!
If this is a paid job ( allowing you to set a time limit ), please place it in the job section.
shru_dhuri wrote: //MessageBox.Show("Enter your username", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
It's clear you're barely learning how to use ASP.NET. You're clearing the session. The question becomes, how does each page make sure that the user is logged in, and redirect them if they are not ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
There's a lot of comments in this code that are wrong. Did you copy this code from somewhere ? In any case, I have to wonder why it is that you want help 'as soon as possible', but don't respond when someone answers.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
Hi all,
In a ASP.NET website, I have used Login View to show the Login Status. For Login I have used Login Control.
It is showing status correctly. But after few idle minutes, it is automatically login view text changing to "login"
But user is already logged in. I think this is Session problem. I have used below line earlier. I commented it now.
Still same problem.
<sessionState mode="InProc" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" sqlConnectionString="data source=;Trusted_Connection=yes" cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="1400" />
pl.help me out
Ramesh Sambari
Knowledge is like honey.
Collect it, to make life sweet.
Hi all,I am developing one project and right now i have the task to develop forum can anyone gimme some idea how i should proceed.I know the functionality of forum but problem is how to do implement it technically anyone please help.Like how to store into database,how to display etc...