thanks shasidhar for the links.
You can either use Login Controls or otherwise just write a query to check if user Id is already existing in the database.
hi arun,
Thanks for ur answer can i know where can i learn more abt login controls. i mean which book to refer.pls reply.
Thanks in advance.
Use Google,You'll get lot of resources and samples or use MSDN.
Hi all
I am having following code..
#region Dynamically added control to the table <br />
TableRow tr=null;<br />
int cols = 0;<br />
if (multiFile.Files.Length > 0)<br />
{<br />
msg.InnerText = "These Files Uploaded Successfully. [" + multiFile.Files.Length + " files]. ";<br />
int counter=0;<br />
foreach (UploadedFile file in multiFile.Files)<br />
{<br />
if (cols % 5 == 0)<br />
{<br />
tr = new TableRow();<br />
}<br />
string FolderPath = Server.MapPath("Images");<br />
file.MoveTo(FolderPath + "\\" + file.FileName, MoveToOptions.Overwrite);<br />
<br />
Image myImage = new Image();<br />
myImage.ImageUrl = "~/Images/" + file.FileName;<br />
myImage.Height = 150;<br />
myImage.Width =150;<br />
Table innerTable = new Table();<br />
<br />
TableRow innerTr1 = new TableRow();<br />
TableCell innerTc11 = new TableCell();<br />
innerTc11.ColumnSpan = 2;<br />
innerTc11.Controls.Add(myImage);<br />
<br />
innerTr1.Controls.Add(innerTc11);<br />
<br />
TableRow innerTr2 = new TableRow();<br />
<br />
DropDownList ddlEyeType = new DropDownList();<br />
ddlEyeType.ID = "ddlEyeType_" + counter.ToString();<br />
<br />
ddlEyeType.Items.Add(new ListItem("", "-1"));<br />
ddlEyeType.Items.Add(new ListItem("Left Eye", "1"));<br />
ddlEyeType.Items.Add(new ListItem("Right Eye", "2"));<br />
TableCell innerTc21 = new TableCell();<br />
innerTc21.Controls.Add(ddlEyeType);<br />
<br />
DropDownList ddlEyePart = new DropDownList();<br />
ddlEyePart.ID = "ddlEyePart_" + counter.ToString();<br />
counter++;<br />
ddlEyePart.Items.Add(new ListItem("", "-1"));<br />
ddlEyePart.Items.Add(new ListItem("A1R", "0"));<br />
ddlEyePart.Items.Add(new ListItem("A1L", "1"));<br />
ddlEyePart.Items.Add(new ListItem("A2", "2"));<br />
ddlEyePart.Items.Add(new ListItem("A3", "3"));<br />
ddlEyePart.Items.Add(new ListItem("A4", "4"));<br />
ddlEyePart.Items.Add(new ListItem("A5", "5"));<br />
ddlEyePart.Items.Add(new ListItem("Other", "6"));<br />
<br />
TableCell innerTc22 = new TableCell();<br />
innerTc22.Controls.Add(ddlEyePart);<br />
<br />
innerTr2.Controls.Add(innerTc21);<br />
innerTr2.Controls.Add(innerTc22);<br />
<br />
innerTable.Controls.Add(innerTr1);<br />
innerTable.Controls.Add(innerTr2);<br />
<br />
TableCell tc = new TableCell();<br />
tc.Controls.Add(innerTable);<br />
<br />
tr.Controls.Add(tc);<br />
<br />
if (cols % 5 == 0)<br />
{<br />
tblUploaded.Rows.Add(tr);<br />
}<br />
<br />
cols++;<br />
}<br />
<br />
}<br />
Its working perfectly and display all the cells with specified images. The problem is i want to retrieve all cells value on an button click but its returning null..
Is my approach wrong...????
If any one need whole code to fix this problem please let me know..
Thanks a lot..
HTML elements containing runat server attribute can be accessed on server side. You can give a try by providing id and runat=server on your table being added.
I have a custom control which contains a PopupControlExtender. I am using this control in one of the cells of a gridview. I need to remove the tabindex from the custom control.
I set
myCustomControl.TabIndex = -1;
but it is still coming up.
Any thoughts will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
you know ,its been a while I've been looking for such control ( popup cell for gridview)
and I would appreciate if you could send me that control,( and i may be able to help you with the problem too)
here is my email : shahab_et@yahoo.com
thaks you
i m trying to save value in access database,can i do this if yes then how can i implement.
thanx in advance
do u means to insert data into access db.
try and try untill reach success..
i can do in sql server,but i want to MsAccess Db.
is it possible? how can i do?
Firstly u add <appSettings> tag in web config file
attach data base
<add key="ConnectionStrings" value="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source={0}"/>
<add key="dbfile" value="~/App_Data/data.mdb"/>
then after
Pro = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionStrings"].ToString();
MyPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbfile"].ToString();
Conns = String.Format(Pro, HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(MyPath));
con = new OleDbConnection(Conns);
string st = "Madhaya Pradesh";
string qql = "INSERT into Registration(UniqueID,Name,FName,DOB,TMarks,OMarks,PMarks,PClass,PLine,Board,District,Division,Category,Sex,PChallange,Address,Pin,RDistrict,State,Phone,SchoolAddress,SchoolPincode,SchoolDistrict) values('" + lbluniquid.Text + "','" + txtname.Text + "','" + txtfathername.Text + "','" + tbMyDate.Text + "'," + txttotalmarks.Text + "," + txtobtainmarks.Text + "," + p + ",'" + rdpresent.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + rdpovertyline.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + rdboard.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + ddldistrict.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + lbldivision.Text + "','" + rdcategory.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + rdsex.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + rdphysically.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + txtaddress.Text + "','" + txtpincode.Text + "','" + ddldistrict1.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + st + "','" + txtcontact.Text + "','"+ txtschooladdress.Text +"','"+ txtschoolpincode.Text +"','"+ ddldistrict2.SelectedItem.Text +"')";
cmd = new OleDbCommand(qql, con);
int res;
res = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
res = 1;
This code useful for u..
firstly add <appsettings> tag in web config
<add key="ConnectionStrings" value="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source={0}"/>
<add key="dbfile" value="~/App_Data/data.mdb"/>
After then
Pro = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionStrings"].ToString();
MyPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbfile"].ToString();
Conns = String.Format(Pro, HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(MyPath));
con = new OleDbConnection(Conns);
string st = "Madhaya Pradesh";
string qql = "INSERT into Registration(UniqueID,Name,FName,DOB,TMarks,OMarks,PMarks,PClass,PLine,Board,District,Division,Category,Sex,PChallange,Address,Pin,RDistrict,State,Phone,SchoolAddress,SchoolPincode,SchoolDistrict) values('" + lbluniquid.Text + "','" + txtname.Text + "','" + txtfathername.Text + "','" + tbMyDate.Text + "'," + txttotalmarks.Text + "," + txtobtainmarks.Text + "," + p + ",'" + rdpresent.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + rdpovertyline.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + rdboard.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + ddldistrict.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + lbldivision.Text + "','" + rdcategory.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + rdsex.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + rdphysically.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + txtaddress.Text + "','" + txtpincode.Text + "','" + ddldistrict1.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + st + "','" + txtcontact.Text + "','"+ txtschooladdress.Text +"','"+ txtschoolpincode.Text +"','"+ ddldistrict2.SelectedItem.Text +"')";
cmd = new OleDbCommand(qql, con);
int res;
res = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
res = 1;
if javascript is disabled on the client browser is it posibble that ajax will still work. i mean xml http requests will be posted to server.
No. AJAX is just a particular use of javascript.
I am not sure but there are a few a hacks available with GreaseMonkey for FireFox, but in general the answer is NO.
Manas Bhardwaj
Please remember to rate helpful or unhelpful answers, it lets us and people reading the forums know if our answers are any good.
YEs exactly if htere is no javascript . there is no ajax.. in the common terms.
try and try untill reach success..
Hi Rajeshwar,
If you reply me, the OP does not get notified. Its always better that you reply to the OP so that he know he has an answer.
Btw, you are 100% right.
Manas Bhardwaj
Please remember to rate helpful or unhelpful answers, it lets us and people reading the forums know if our answers are any good.
No, javascript is mandatory for AJAX and must be enabled on browser.
We have a report in html Table form. When he gives print, say the table would take 5 papers to print, he wants the table headers in all pages. How to do this.
Thanks for your reply.
But, i am not using reporting services.
I am getting data from SAP and from there i am just placing them in labels inside a table format in my webpage.
And, when i take print of this webpage, i need header text in all printed pages
Sorry ! Presently i working with ssrs thts y i gave u the link .
SUDHAKAR PALLAM wrote: I am getting data from SAP
i Have No Idea
If It Helps Click It as Answer
Does anybody have knowledge of how to implement Bitkoo Keystone with ASP.Net 2.0
Best Regards,
Mini Thomas
Hi Mini,
To use the BiTKOO Keystone Auth component do the following:
1. Add a reference to it and then create a variable such as auth1 and instantiate it
2. Set the ApplicationId property to an application you create in the admin app
3. Set the PrimaryAuthUrl to the URL of the Keystone auth web service
4. Optionally set the SecondaryAuthUrl to the same or different auth web service
5. Call the auth component instance's Login method. There are several overloaded methods.
You can call like this: auth1.Login("bitkoo", "username", "password")
Make sure to substitute username and password for their correct values.
The above steps allow you to authenticate. The Login method returns true if the user you specified in username has at least one role in the application.
You can store the auth instance in the session and re-hydrate it on every page load.
Since the authorization metadata is now cached in the auth component, you can call one of the auth component's methods to check whether a user has access to a resource. Consult the manual for a list of methods.
If you need more information, BiTKOO is always happy to provide fanatical support. Just send an email to support@bitkoo.com