as u suggested if i create a new project and let it be shared by both , then both keep references, this cannot be allowed, what i want is, both should be able to this Customer object, what is the possible way.
The update on this problem is that now I have created a masterpage in a new project that contains the same layout as in my website project. In the test project the accordion works. When I move the page and the master page from the test project into my website project it does not work!!
When I do a view source on the page that works and the page that does not I see a difference in the the line
onsubmit="javascript:return WebForm_OnSubmit();"
from the line in the page that does not work:
the section for SAME PAGE and SAME MASTER PAGE - different projects????
Original post was as follows:
Accordion working on page but when put in contentpage of a masterpage it doesn't. What is the solution? I have tried everything and it is not apparent to me. This question has been asked many times in the internet, but no answers. Help please. A good suggestion would be appreciated.
This page is an accordion on a contentpage I believe.
Ok - I have created a new test project and I have the contentpage with the accordion and 4 panes and it works, but when I move the page to my website project it does not. The only difference is the masterpage. In my website I have login controls, themes, and a menu. The scriptmanager is in the masterpage even in my test project.
Getting closer - surely I am not the only person that has had this problem.
I have seen this happen when your DOCTYPE is different on the two different pages.
The best way to accelerate a Macintosh is at 9.8m/sec² - Marcus Dolengo
DOCTYPE is exactly the same. I have tried that but no difference. Good idea though. Thanks for the response.
See my update to this problem in the edited post
I found my answer - the following section was missing from my web.config file. I am not sure how it gets in there in the first place or why it was missing, but once added the accordion now works.
<add name="ScriptModule" type="System.Web.Handlers.ScriptModule, System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35">
Thanks for MY OWN help!!
I have a client that needs to upload files ranging from 30 - 100MB. These files needs to be uploaded via the internet. I have created a web application for them and they obviously get timeouts.
Is there any other way to upload a file via the Upload control in asp.net? I have been looking at possibly uploading via FTP but thus far my searches has been fruitless.
Can someone please point me in the right direction or link to a good use case?
Illegal Operation
You'd have to write an FTP application that was then installed in your page as an applet. Nothing else exists in ASP.NET because nothing else exists in HTML.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
I have used this [^] control to upload huge files with no problem. Darren has done marvelous job.
Oh didn't you notice, analogous to square roots, they recently introduced rectangular, circular, and diamond roots to determine the size of the corresponding shapes when given the area. Luc Pattyn[^]
Hi All,
My senario is: once a user clicks a button on web form, say Save, how can i disable this button to prevent user click it again.
Because this is a web form, so this one: btnSave.Enable = false wasn't working unitl the web fom refreshs, but i just want this button to be disable as soon as the user clicks it.
could someone in here guide me or point me to the right direction as i am struggling to get this work long time already.
Thanks heaps.
use javascript to disable the button.
In the button click event you can write the btnsave.enable=false as a first line ,or else you can do it by using the javascript also ....
S Kumar
this is a web form, not a windows form, what you said in here wont work....
Are you using UpdatePanel?
Rajdev KR
I have done pretty much the same thing. I ended up using a little jscript. I call it with the "true" or "false" that I want the item to have.
function applyvalidate(myenableflag) {
document.all.validate.disabled = true;
if (myenableflag == true) {
document.all.validate.disabled = false;
if (myenableflag == false) {
document.all.validate.enabled = false;
The name of the button is "validate". I do this so that the person has to have a valid form (actively check with jscript) and when it is valid, the validate button lights up. they can then hit the validate button that provides a code for entry into a checklist. Then I light up the submit button.
At anytime when the formcheck becomes invalid, i use the same functions to disable the buttons on the fly.
Does that help?
ya it does help. thanks a lot.
Glad it helped. I can't even remember how and where I stumbled across that... allowed me to do a TON of client side automation on forms. Probably NOT the best solution, but in specific areas, it works well...
<br />
Response.Clear()<br />
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & fileName)<br />
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"<br />
Response.TransmitFile(FullFilePath)<br />
Response.End()<br />
with this code i am unable to open the downloaded files, if browser is FireFox.
I have a Calendar Extender/JavaScript Calendar[I tested Both] in a TextBox control. There is another TextBoxcontrol below this one. When the Calendar pops up, it is over the lower TextBox and the text and header from that TextBox are showing up over the Calendar. Is there a way to make sure the Calendar is always on top?
See if it supports z-index
hey there, I'm still learning C# and am having some issues with a login I've created. The login page gets the user info into an object and sets the cookie no problem. But when I go to the next page I can't seem to figure out how to get at the object I created on the login page. Here's a snippet of what I've got...
private void cmdLogin_ServerClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
UserDetails oUserDetails = validateUser(txtAssocNum.Value, txtUserName.Value, txtUserPass.Value);
if (oUserDetails != null)
Response.Cookies["UserID"].Path = "/";
Response.Cookies["UserID"].Value = oUserDetails.UserID.ToString();
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(txtUserName.Value, chkPersistCookie.Checked);
else {
lblMsg.Text = "The information you provided does not match our database.";
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel PanelMain;
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
UserDetails oUserDetails = new UserDetails();
PanelMain.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table>"));
PanelMain.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr><td>First Name : </td><td>" + oUserDetails.FirstName + "</td></tr>"));
PanelMain.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr><td>Last Name : </td><td>" + oUserDetails.LastName + "</td></tr>"));
PanelMain.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
oUserDetails = null;
Thanks in advance.
liamderice wrote:
First Name : " + oUserDetails.FirstName + "
Last Name : " + oUserDetails.LastName + "
oUserDetails does not exist on this page, therefore you can't access it.
I suggest you learn some OO and C# first, then move on to ASP.NET.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
I had wondered that, but thought there might be a fancy new way of keeping the state of an object between pages in c#. Thanks.
There are ways, but they're neither fancy nor are they new.
I suggest that you google
Asp.net request.querystring
Asp.net session
Asp.net Page State
for the most common methods to pass data between pages.