So what is this main problem? A special relation or just the whole design?
While building a website or any kind of software, please remember, to ensure the success and quality you have to plan first hand and stick to it earnestly. There are mainly 4 phases as you may already know in agile development - Envision, Plan and Build, Stabilize and Deploy. So, if you ask where to begin, I shall point you to the first phase of course. You are quite lucky that you have a meaningful requirement document. First plan out the FLOW. Make a prototype, not in HTML if time does not permit, in powerpoint will suffice or even pen and paper. Draw out how you are going to materialize the requirements - Page by Page. Then start building it.
Envision takes a lot of activation energy, in my terms, and then it becomes smooth, believe me.
Good Luck! If you need more help post it here, We will be around!
Hope this helps.
Some escape, some stay back and fight!!
Hi Is there a way to hide the parameters passed when using response.redirect? ie instead of displaying : www.codeproject.com/script/Forums/Edit.aspx?fid=12076&floc=/script/Forums/View.aspx
something like:www.codeproject.com/script/Forums/Edit.aspx
I can use sessions but if the data is too large what can be done?? plz help
You can use cookies as well, but Cookies is not a reliable source to store data across requests as client has complete control on them.
how to use fck editor in asp.net?
please explain in detail with code
Place a 'u' between the 'f' and the 'c' and then google it. Tons of results.
The best way to accelerate a Macintosh is at 9.8m/sec² - Marcus Dolengo
I had created a stored procedure. Now i need to alter the procedure coding. How it is possible without drop the procedure?
Have you tried changing create procedure to alter procedure ?
People say it helps...
Please suggest me whether default login control is best to use in production?
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
Hi, this s my first project for database operations using procedures.
I created a sample table and executed successfully the procedure.
create procedure ins_sam
@roll varchar(10),@nam varchar(10)
insert into sample values(@roll,@nam)
In Dotnet, I wrote the coding as this.
com = new SqlCommand(ins_sam, con);
com.Parameters.Add("@roll", TextBox1.Text);
com.Parameters.Add("@nam", TextBox2.Text);
catch (Exception ex)
I got this error.
The name 'ins_sam' does not exist in the current context
Can anyone correct it?
Karthick_gc wrote: com = new SqlCommand(ins_sam, con);
Putting ins_sam within double quote should solve your problem.
com = new SqlCommand("ins_sam", con);
i want to fetch 25000 records from a excel sheet and store it in sql server 2000.
please give me a soln on that...
Read the data, then insert it into your SQL database. Which part are you confused about ( seriously, do you want us to give you all the code, have you tried anything your self, did you try google,. etc )
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
By using export/import tasks option of database,you can directly upload any number of rows from excel sheet to the particular table,
when you are uploading you have to set some properties like source,destination and destination table and match the table columns with excel sheet columns
hi all,
i have a master page in my project on that page have a java script menu.
now i want to add another java script menu on page but while having master page i can't add a menu.
so plz give me some solution...
You're not using ASP, you're using ASP.NET. You can add any javascript you want to your page. The issue is you have no idea what you're doing. Until you post code and describe your problem, neither do we.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
when i am inserting data from access to ms sql server table
Your SQL has an error, and you are a moron. We can't say more, based on what you've told us ( that you think we can fix your code without seeing it, is what makes you a moron )
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
hi all,
i have code that i believe built in delphi as follows :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<upload_item xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
XMLHTTPRequest1.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','text/xml; charset=utf-8');
XMLResult := XMLHTTPRequest1.responseText;
how can i do it in asp.net?
thanks and regards,
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