I think the stmt before:
<br />
set xmlappSettings = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("appSettings").item(0)<br />
doesn't return a value (null). Did you checked the result of
<br />
xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("appSettings")<br />
I am using following function to print iframe . but it doent work with Firefox and works in IE..why dont work in mozilla fireox 3.0..pls gv alternate..
function Print()
var iframeE3 =parent.document.frames['pageframe1'].document.frames[2];
var iframeE4 =iframeE3.document.frames.length;
if (iframeE4>0)
alert('no selection');
try directly with help of document.getElementById('iframe12') etc..
Anshuman Singh
Anshumas wrote: try directly with help of document.getElementById('iframe12') etc..
What does it mean ? Did you read the complete requirment ?
This code is really messy, I assume it blows up in FF, given that you never check if your assumptions are correct ( that there are 3 frames, that iframeE3 is not null, etc )
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Adding to what others said,
Install FireBug and check what's wrong with the script. Or there is an Error Console available with firefox which will show the errors in the current page. Try that.
i am making on RSS feed solution ...
i am using rss.xsl file
how can i show this rss feed in my template
Please post properly . Its not understandable
CodeProject.Com MVP
like i am making a rss feed page in which i am showing latest updated properties
eg link:http://www.ibizaholidays.com/rss.aspx[^]
this rss.aspx page content i wanna to show within my master page template
just all page
jasjit jas wrote: automatically reate a new page.
What do you mean?
only two letters away from being an asset
i mean if i click on button it should navigate to another page in asp.net
Try this[^]
only two letters away from being an asset
Ohh my God !!
jasjit jas wrote: Subject: need Help(when we click on button new page should be creared )
it means
jasjit jas wrote: i mean if i click on button it should navigate to another page in asp.net
I will suggest you to buy a Beginner's ASP.NET Book and study.
CodeProject.Com MVP
jasjit jas wrote: I have to make assignment
So you are here to do your home assignment by us
Please Check[^]
CodeProject.Com MVP
hi mr.abhjit i simplay want to take help from ur site .if u dont want to help it is ok i will delete my registration .
Yes, please do delete your account. Then read some books, take some classes and come back when you have the basics down and we will help you.
only two letters away from being an asset
jasjit jas wrote: hi mr.abhjit i simplay want to take help from ur site
we are here to help all. There is nothing reason that we don't want to help you. we are here because we love to sharing knowledge.
jasjit jas wrote: f u dont want to help it is ok
I never said that I don't want to help. But the question you have asked that is irrelevant . You should search google or read some basic books of asp.net before ask here.
The subject and the requirement that you explain mark that are totally different . So Again I will suggest you to buy and read some beginners books.
About your problem that your explain to mark , you need to use only Response.Redirect()
CodeProject.Com MVP
Abhijit Jana wrote: Response.Redirect()
If its simply navigating to another page I wouldn't waste the round trip, window.location would navigate directly to the page from the client.
only two letters away from being an asset
That's true .
CodeProject.Com MVP
Hello everyone,
I want to draw charts in ASP.NET using datasets as my source for the charts.Initially I tried generating them in Excel but then I found it was slowing down the page_load.So now I have decided to draw the charts in ASP.NET using datasets and I want them to be dynamic,i.e,if I change a certain parameter in the table the charts gets updated on its own.
Please help me out!!!
If you don't have any problem then you can use some third party Chart control like Dundas. or even in .NET 3.5 SP1 , Microsoft has provided inbuilt chart control for both windows and web.
CodeProject.Com MVP
Crystal reports chats are one option.
Another option available is plotkit and mochikit.
Both are Javascript based. You need to write a interfacing engine.