What has this to do with JavaScript? If you want to gove an absolute path then give one. Or precede the url with ~/
link href="~/common/etc
Thank You for the reply,
Sorry it was not particular with Javascript or css...
Its with all resource files.
I am aware of tilde "~"
I want to give an absolute location path like http://www.mydomain.com/main.css
Is that possible, If yes, Can you elaborate?
altctrlnick wrote: I want to give an absolute location path like http://www.mydomain.com/main.css
Then do that. Any resource that the browser requests can be requested using a complete url.
Despite everything, the person most likely to be fooling you next is yourself.
Is there a simple way to show and count how many invalid attempts there are to login using the login control?
I would like to be able to say, this is 1 attempt of 5. 5 invalid attempts and the account will be locked.
Please advice, thanks.
Revolutionary: Disk drives go round and round.
I haven't got access to Visual Studio from work but isn't there a column that says how many failed login attempts there are in one of the tables associated to the membership API?
If so just display that somewhere on the control, if not then just ignore my tired ramblings
At university studying Software Engineering - if i say this line to girls i find they won't talk to me
DocFlow is an application that demonstrates how to create a powerful Document Portal using the Microsoft .NET platform, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Indexing Service.
DocFlow provides documents storage and management, content search and role-based security to ensure that only right people access you sensitive data. DocFlow supports many document formats including Microsoft Office documents.
The latest version of DocFlow, along with the source code and documentation will always be available on:
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I have created one web site using Visual Studio 2005 but i want my source code become secure so that no one can access my web site source code how can i do this???
Please help me regard this or give me direction so i can understand the actual process.
Thanks and Regard's
It's amazing to me, some of the fantasy that goes on in this forum. If you have a web site, people who use the site cannot see your C#/VB/SQL code. If you are giving the website code to someone to deploy, you can't stop them reading it. There is NO way you can stop users from reading your javascript/css/html, if they want to. The browser cannot run code it cannot see.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Try googling 'precompile'
ma tju
Pengaturcara Perisian
Subang Jaya,Selangor, Malaysia
Ring Master SB MVP 2008
Subang Jaya MOP (Otai)
I have a textbox and a button. When i enter something in textbox and press "enter" key, i need to fire the button's click event. Can anyone pls help?
Wrap a panel around these two controls and then in the Panel write this: DefaultButton="YourButtonIdHere"
Thanks for the reply. But unfortunately it doesnt work. Any other ideas?
Set it as Default submit button for the form
<br />
<form id="form1" runat="server" defaultbutton="Button2"><br />
Thanks. But the page is a content holder. So I couldnot use the Form tag.
Me.Page.Form.DefaultButton = "ControlID"
Hi this is the first time I've posted something
Can someone please help me
I have a c1webgrid with a vertical scrollbar
I'm searching for a certain string in the webgrid
when the string is found I select the item , changing the selected index highlighting the item
the problem now is that I want the scroll position of the webgrid to change to the selected item
How do I do this???
I need the gridview to automatically scroll down to the found record
Is there really nobody that can help me with this,
all i need to do is programmaticaly scroll the webgrid to a
possition I give it
Dear i want to add drop down list on selected index change event of another drop down list. I am to add third one. Please help.
Here is the code.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DropDownList ddl = new DropDownList();
ddl.ID = "ddl1";
ddl.AutoPostBack = true; // if False ddl_index event handler will not be called.
ddl.SelectedIndexChanged +=new EventHandler(dd1_index);
protected void dd1_index(object sender, EventArgs e)
DropDownList ddl2 = new DropDownList();
ddl2.ID = "ddl2";
/*if set to true control disappears.
* But in ddl2.AutoPostBack = false; or ddl2.AutoPostBack = true;
* both cases dd2_index event handler not called.*/
ddl2.AutoPostBack = false;
ddl2.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(dd2_index);
protected void dd2_index(object sender, EventArgs e)
DropDownList ddl3 = new DropDownList();
ddl3.ID = "ddl2";
ddl3.AutoPostBack = false;
ddl3.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(dd3_index);
protected void dd3_index(object sender, EventArgs e)
DropDownList ddl4 = new DropDownList();
ddl4.ID = "ddl2";
ddl4.AutoPostBack = false;
ddl4.Visible = true;
ddl4.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(dd3_index);
Waiting anxiously for your reply.
Ist Glance code seems fine just give unique ID's to dropdown ,we'll see it 2 morrow
ddl3.ID = "ddl3";
ddl4.ID = "ddl4";
That's a mistake in doing copy paste of my code. Thanks for the correction.But the problem is that i have to create the dropdown lists on selected index change. The code in dd3_indx and dd4_indx do not execute so the ID's are not a big issue. I need solution or pointers.
Hi, I have to display images from a folder in imagefield. I am using following code but its not showing the image. Please help!
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("NeckLace", typeof(string));
DataRow dr;
int i = 1;
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath(@"NeckLace\")))
dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = ResolveUrl(file);
i += 1;
GridView1.DataSource = dt;
You may have to catch that in the databound event possibly and add a literal control with the image tag pointing to where it should go?
Revolutionary: Disk drives go round and round.