It's trivial to do. Make all your pages derive from a base class which increments your counter. Just use locking to ensure that you only have one thread accessing it at a time.
A db write is not going to slow down your page.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Thanks Christian,
Do I need to use Application/session variable for this? I do not want to keep it increasing for a single user, when he refresh page each time.
Oh, you want it per user. Then you need to use the session start event.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
protected void txtNamesearch_onKeyPress(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (e.keyvalue == 13)
if (txtNamesearch.Text.CompareTo("") != 0)
DataTable dtresult = Updatemember.GetMemberList(txtNamesearch.Text);
if (dtresult != null)
if (dtresult.Rows.Count >= 1)
GVUpdatemember.Visible = true;
GVUpdatemember.DataSource = dtresult;
GVUpdatemember.Visible = false;
catch (Exception ex)
what is the error in this programme
Well, the header you used was ridiculous, the code sucks in all sorts of ways - how about telling us what the code is supposed to do. I doubt it's even ASP.NET code, I've never seen anyone silly enough to do a postback on a key press.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Every Body
I want Upload & Crooping Image like Orkut In Asp.net2.0 or Asp.net3.0.
If anybody knows please help me with Source code.
Thanks & Regards,
Sree Reddy.
sree reddy
You can't do that in ASP.NET. I think you need to do some reading and understand what ASP.NET is. It's a HTML/javascript/css engine. That won't do what you want. you need an applet for that.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
hai frends
i am using asp.net 3.5
i am scanning a document...i want to exactraxt content in to text formate
by using asp.net with c#
is posible..?
any sites for reference..
any sugessions
very urgent please
Why is it that no-one on this site knows what ASP.NET is ?
You can scan a document, externally to your ASP.NET website, and then use ASP.NET to submit that document to your server. Then you can buy an OCR component if you want to use OCR to extract the text. ASP.NET has almost nothing to do with any step of this process.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
in one of my application i am using mscomm32.ocx for fetching data from electronic weighbridge but in this case one problem occur some time it gives wrong value(eg:the actual weight is 5900Kg some time it shows 2810Kg or 2800Kg and then again convert to 5900Kg automatically it happens frequently in some timer interval).i am using timer control for getting data to textbox.
I hope i am able to clear my situation.
Thanx in advance
You're writing an asp.net website where the server is attached to a weighbridge ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
no it is a windows based system installed at the PC where the weighbridge is directly connected
OK, so you're just asking in completely the wrong forum then ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
I´m developing a ASP.NET WEB application in Visual Studio 2008 (C#).
I'm trying to insert a standar control from the toolbox so I drag it (the control) from the toolbox to the design window. It doesn't works !!!
When I drag a HTML control from the toolbox it works but I need a standar control.
¿How can I insert one?
Thank you
Ignacio Rivera
Do you mean a server control ? Why are you using the designer ? It sucks. Write markup directly and I'm sure it will work fine.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
I am trying to refer resource files from Productions Server on to my Master Page.
But unable to accompolish that
In the above code, Instead of having relative paths I would like to give absolute paths...
Can someone help me with a work around
What has this to do with JavaScript? If you want to gove an absolute path then give one. Or precede the url with ~/
link href="~/common/etc
Thank You for the reply,
Sorry it was not particular with Javascript or css...
Its with all resource files.
I am aware of tilde "~"
I want to give an absolute location path like http://www.mydomain.com/main.css
Is that possible, If yes, Can you elaborate?
altctrlnick wrote: I want to give an absolute location path like http://www.mydomain.com/main.css
Then do that. Any resource that the browser requests can be requested using a complete url.
Despite everything, the person most likely to be fooling you next is yourself.
Is there a simple way to show and count how many invalid attempts there are to login using the login control?
I would like to be able to say, this is 1 attempt of 5. 5 invalid attempts and the account will be locked.
Please advice, thanks.
Revolutionary: Disk drives go round and round.
I haven't got access to Visual Studio from work but isn't there a column that says how many failed login attempts there are in one of the tables associated to the membership API?
If so just display that somewhere on the control, if not then just ignore my tired ramblings
At university studying Software Engineering - if i say this line to girls i find they won't talk to me
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I have created one web site using Visual Studio 2005 but i want my source code become secure so that no one can access my web site source code how can i do this???
Please help me regard this or give me direction so i can understand the actual process.
Thanks and Regard's
It's amazing to me, some of the fantasy that goes on in this forum. If you have a web site, people who use the site cannot see your C#/VB/SQL code. If you are giving the website code to someone to deploy, you can't stop them reading it. There is NO way you can stop users from reading your javascript/css/html, if they want to. The browser cannot run code it cannot see.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.