New one wrote: Now in my aspx page after add a data to database i call this method to show data has been updated like...,
Where is your apsx code to call this method
New one wrote: The method is excecuting here i checked in debug mode...,
Is it going in the if block ?
I got the things but want to see how you are calling aspx.cs method from aspx after which event and how ?
Thanks and Regards
If If you look at what you do not have in life, you don't have anything,
If you look at what you have in life, you have everything... "
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Hi Mr.Abhijit & Sandeep Thanks for ur kind replies,
Ya in my cs file i have changed the code, its working fine:
System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(aspxPage, aspxPage.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "alert('" + strMessage + "');", true);
Once again thanks lot for u guys
Thanks & Regards,
NeW OnE,
please don't forget to vote on the post
well Done !!!
iam having a text box where iam using to save this type of text
hi <username> age <age> mobile no is <mobile no=""> ...now iam saving this data in the database .now wen iam retriving this data it is taking the above content as tags and iam not getting the actual content which i saved it is getting like this
hi age mobile no etc.how to solve this problem
I've read your question three times and what you want is still not clear to me. Is it that you pasted XML and somehow turned off the 'auto encode HTML when pasting' option ?
Christian Graus
No longer a Microsoft MVP, but still happy to answer your questions.
sir, can you please check this post. I am also confused .
Thanks in advance.
Check Post[^]
Please re-post your question so that at least i could understand it.
Ahsan Ullah
Senior Software Engineer
I have One Excel sheet and i want record from that
excel sheet where first column rows contains Manager word
how do i use like query?
Hi friends,
I am using reports in my application. In reportviewer i am using local report in my code.Its working well. But for print icon display is needed in my application.So i am using server report. But errors occurred in the code.
The Error is " datasource is not a member of Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport". What can i do? I can't run the application using serverreport.
For ur's reference i put the code using local report
Page.Title = "Reports Based On Company"
dsGetValue = New DataSet
objReport = New clsReport
ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local
Dim report As LocalReport = ReportViewer1.LocalReport
dsGetValue = New DataSet
If paramCompanyName = "All" Then
'Temp DataTable to Concatenate the Address fields
dtTempTimeSheet = New DataTable
'Temp DataSet to Concatenate the Address fields
dsgetTempSheet = New DataSet
dsgetTempSheet.DataSetName = "PmsDataSet"
' Add the new table
dtTempTimeSheet = dsgetTempSheet.Tables.Add("DataTable3")
' Define the columns
With dtTempTimeSheet
.Columns.Add("strCompanyName", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
.Columns.Add("strRelationshipType", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
.Columns.Add("strAddress1", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
.Columns.Add("strContactNo", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
.Columns.Add("strWebsite", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
End With
dsGetValue = objReport.getDetailedReportForCompany(paramstrRelationshipType, paramCompanyName)
For intloop = 0 To dsGetValue.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
dbrow = dtTempTimeSheet.NewRow
With dbrow
.Item("strCompanyName") = dsGetValue.Tables(0).Rows(intloop)(0)
.Item("strRelationshipType") = dsGetValue.Tables(0).Rows(intloop)(9)
.Item("strAddress1") = dsGetValue.Tables(0).Rows(intloop)(4) + "," + dsGetValue.Tables(0).Rows(intloop)(10)
.Item("strContactNo") = dsGetValue.Tables(0).Rows(intloop)(6)
.Item("strWebsite") = dsGetValue.Tables(0).Rows(intloop)(2)
'Add New Row
End With
End If
'This Case Works If The Selected Company Name Is All
If paramCompanyName = "All" Then
Select Case dsgetTempSheet.Tables(0).Rows.Count
Case Is > CInt(0)
report.ReportPath = "ReportsNewUI/CompRelType.rdlc"
Case Else
report.ReportPath = "ReportsNewUI/ReportWithError.rdlc"
End Select
Dim strDatasource As New ReportDataSource()
strDatasource.Name = "PmsDataSet_DataTable3"
strDatasource.Value = dsgetTempSheet.Tables("DataTable3")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'This Case Works If The Selected Company Name Is All
ElseIf paramCompanyName <> "All" And paramstrRelationshipType = "All" Then
dsGetValue = objReport.getDetailedReportForCompany(paramstrRelationshipType, paramCompanyName)
Select Case dsGetValue.Tables(0).Rows.Count
Case Is > CInt(0)
'report.ReportPath = "ReportsNewUI/detailedReportForCompanyDetails.rdlc"
report.ReportPath = "ReportsNewUI/ReportWithCompanyInformation.rdlc"
Case Else
report.ReportPath = "ReportsNewUI/ReportWithError.rdlc"
End Select
Dim strDatasource As New ReportDataSource()
strDatasource.Name = "PmsDataSet_DataTable3"
strDatasource.Value = dsGetValue.Tables("DataTable3")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
ElseIf paramCompanyName <> "All" And paramstrRelationshipType <> "All" Then
dsGetValue = objReport.getDetailedReportForCompany(paramstrRelationshipType, paramCompanyName)
Select Case dsGetValue.Tables(0).Rows.Count
Case Is > CInt(0)
'report.ReportPath = "ReportsNewUI/detailedReportForCompanyDetails.rdlc"
report.ReportPath = "ReportsNewUI/ReportWithCompanyInformation.rdlc"
Case Else
report.ReportPath = "ReportsNewUI/ReportWithError.rdlc"
End Select
Dim strDatasource As New ReportDataSource()
strDatasource.Name = "PmsDataSet_DataTable3"
strDatasource.Value = dsGetValue.Tables("DataTable3")
'Send Paramteres To Report File
'Dim StatusParameter As New ReportParameter()
'StatusParameter.Name = "strCompanyName"
'StatusParameter.Values.Add("Company Name" & " " & paramCompanyName)
'Dim parameter() As ReportParameter = {StatusParameter}
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
dsGetValue = Nothing
objReport = Nothing
I hope ur's reply soon.
Every Successful Person Have A Painful Story
how to copy structure of gridview to other gridview
What do you mean by structure? You mean columns?
Ahsan Ullah
Senior Software Engineer
Mhiny wrote: how to copy structure of gridview to other gridview
do you want copy one grid view data to another Grid view or Copy only the fields ?
yes.i want to copy column's structure from first gridview to second gridview at runtime.
I guess you should add columns dynamically rather then copying them.
An after thought to my previous answer. I think DataGridView.Clone property will solve your problem as well
Ahsan Ullah
Senior Software Engineer
modified on Tuesday, August 19, 2008 1:36 AM
then do the same thing that you have done for grid1.
Me and my friends are developing a software.The software is for designing and customising business cards.
In this software user can rearrange the name and address in it.that means user can drag each control and place it in their own decision.In it we cannot restore the whole one with keeping position.in one resolution it is working perfectly.but changing the resolution a computer.it is not keeping the position.
Could you help me to solve this problem.
thanks and regards.
You're doing drag and drop in a web application ?
Obviously you need to write resolution agnostic code.
Christian Graus
No longer a Microsoft MVP, but still happy to answer your questions.
i think if you use % instead px.
I will do my best?
I don't think it's even clear that he's using ASP.NET, I doubt he is.
Christian Graus
No longer a Microsoft MVP, but still happy to answer your questions.
sorry mr. Christian Graus but i didn't mean what u want to say "I don't think it's even clear that he's using ASP.NET, I doubt he is." will you clear what you want to say?
I will do my best?
Thank You guys for your response. I would like give the actual idea about our project. The core part of this project is to provide the customer a tool by which the customer can select a design from a collection. From there the application provides the tools for making the business cards according to their idea. i. e they can drag any field for eg: the name, address, or the phone no. Then they can change the font the colour .. . We were succeed in creating these all . We are storing the X,Y co-ordinates of each field and we have to restore all these fields for that customer to view later. At that time on the normal screeen resolution the restoring is successfully happened. But if we changed our screen resolution then the background image exists without any problem but the fields are not keeping the saved position. Here we are of no idea that how we have to set this for every screen resolutiong available in any system. Here the width and height of the Background image i.e the business card is set to a width of 300 px and height of 200 px. We have used divs for each data field in this business card.
We expect a good solution from all of you.
Thanks and regards
test test test test test test test test
Here is my code.
Front end
<asp:scriptmanagerproxy id="ScriptManagerProxy1" runat="server" xmlns:asp="#unknown">
<asp:timer id="Timer1" runat="server" interval="1000" ontick="Timer1_Tick1" xmlns:asp="#unknown">
<asp:updatepanel id="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" updatemode="Always" xmlns:asp="#unknown">
<asp:panel id="PanelHeader" runat="server" cssclass="">
<asp:asyncpostbacktrigger controlid="Timer1" eventname="Tick" />
Protected Sub Timer1_Tick1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
End Sub
it never triggers the tick?
i dont know what it cant be.