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I am working on a dotnet 3.5 project where i need a customized google search box in my application. There are some results which i need
The search box should search only within a particular site/sites
The search box should search only selected directories within a site
The search results page should not show google logo and i should be able to customize the search results
(for eg by default the google search results page will show all search results on a single page , I want to divide the page into two frames and left side i want to show the results in xml,xsl format and right side i want to open the documents)
Any such type of service google is providing pls reply me
If you don't know how to find the google site yourself, how do you hope to interact with it ?
jabbarsb wrote: The search box should search only within a particular site/sites
jabbarsb wrote: The search box should search only selected directories within a site
Not sure if it's possible
jabbarsb wrote: The search results page should not show google logo
If this is possible at all, I expect it would cost quite a bit of money.
Christian Graus
No longer a Microsoft MVP, but still happy to answer your questions.
Christian Graus wrote: jabbarsb wrote:
The search results page should not show google logo
If this is possible at all, I expect it would cost quite a bit of money.
Good one chris. Google worth lots of money now
The Developer - CEH
i have a javascript function in which i m calling another javascript function but there is error in passing arguments saying undefined..plz help me out..
function imageview(position,count,imgFile)
preview = window.open("", "","resizable=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,menubar=no,status=no,directories=no");
preview.document.write('<title>'+imgFile+' <\/title><\/head>'
+'<body onload="javascript:timer('+position+','+count+','+imgFile+');" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">'
+'<a href="javascript:self.close()">'
+'<img border="0" alt="Image loading please wait...." id="IMG1">'
+'<div id="timer"></div>'
Thanks </img></a></center></body>
Please check whether JScript.js is accessible or not from this function
yor code is not understanble. Please repost.
if you are talking about Argument on java script , use
function MyFunction()<br />
{<br />
var args= MyFunction.argumets<br />
alert(args[0]);<br />
you can now pass any number of argumetns and cas access as args[0], args[1] etc... .
which are these arguments..gives args[0] undefined..
Insert the statement "debugger;" as the first line of the function that is failing. This will allow the VS debugger to stop on this portion of the script, and let you examine the arguments and the call stack (the JS call stack).
Really though, this looks like the hard way of doing things. Why not just create a shell page with all the HTML you need and then load it with window.open() Then you can just manipulate the parts you need to with using javascript.
I have a gridview on one user control and and a button on another user control when a button is clicked then a data is inserted in the table(database) now how can i reload the user control which contains a gridview
I am again in need of the professionals on this form. Thanks for the help in past.
I have freetextbox,a dropdownlist and a button in my application. when ever user selects a value in dropdownlist and presses button that particular value should be inserted on the cursor location in the freetextbox. if any one have any sample code or any idea as to how to achieve this please reply.
I suggest you click reply to my post, then view source. Have a look at the javascript that is run when you click 'quote selected text' on this page. Assuming it's in the page, and not an external js file, but, you know you can type the path to those js files into the browser, in order to view them.
Christian Graus
No longer a Microsoft MVP, but still happy to answer your questions.
thanks christian
is there any way to do the same in code behind using c#.
Well, yes, but of course, if you do that, the person is going to see their page disappear and refresh, so that's not really as nice a solution. C# code obviously only runs on postback, unless you use AJAX, and why would you use AJAX to do somethign you can do on the client ?
Christian Graus
No longer a Microsoft MVP, but still happy to answer your questions.
I am using freetextbox which does not provide onclientclick event. so how to call client side events for freetextbox like onkeyup, onkeydown etc and also I am unable to find javascript in the view source of the reply page
thanks for your reply. Hope u will soon reply with my requirement.
Thanks again
hi all
i am facing format problem of date as my client has two server and i am using the date format dd/MM/yyyy. this format works on server but not working of second server. if is use mmddyyyy then this work on second server but not in first one.
i dont know to check the format of date
Check the culture settings of the second server.
Ahsan Ullah
Senior Software Engineer
Hi guys
I am working on content page and using java script code on code behind page
on page load
but that is not working
my code is
Private Const CrLf As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbCrLf
Dim sb As System.Text.StringBuilder
sb = New System.Text.StringBuilder()
' Register script with page
Me.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "onLoadCall", sb.ToString())
any one can help me
krishna veer singh
Please check whether you have used Ajax or Not??
ya on that page i am using ajax tool kit
krishna veer singh
That's why you are facing problem.Please Register the code like this
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(),"Sample", strPopupScript, true);
As Brij, Says, are you using Ajax , the use ScriptManager insted of ClientScript.
I am using outlook APIs in my .net application.I am able to fetch contacts and mails from inbox of my account (xyz@mpcs.co.in)., now I want to show the mails and contacts of different user (abc@mpcs.co.in).
Don't say to configure outlook for abc@mpcs.co.in.. )
Can we set this emailId through code....any idea.
What does this have to do with ASP.NET ?
Christian Graus
No longer a Microsoft MVP, but still happy to answer your questions.