aref87 wrote: DO I do it true?
I don't know, does it seem to work ?
Christian Graus
No longer a Microsoft MVP, but still happy to answer your questions.
i do not underestant your question
what is your SCOPE?
Gosh - are you serious ? You posted a bunch of code and said 'is this right'. No-one is going to trawl through your code with such a vague question. Why do you ask ? Is it working as expected ? What is your specific concern ?
Christian Graus
No longer a Microsoft MVP, but still happy to answer your questions.
I want to use compressing of message for my weservice.
I want a dataset that it is full of orders table of Northwind,then i want send it to client compressin.
I tried with 2 ways
the first way is in this address:[it is vb.net and i converted to C#]
the second way is in this address:
that the second address is codes that you saw in my post in codeproject.
i tried very much for getting a true answer about compressing,but non of the above could guid
me to a true result.
it seems that i have lost true way for getting a good result , and i want anyone help me.
Is there one who help me?
with thanks
when i use from using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib or
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.zip
and then when i want to produce dll file ,i go to following path:
and i produce dll file from this code:
csc /t:library /r:System.dll,System.Web.dll D:\inetpub\wwwroot\myApp\App_Code\HttpCompression.cs
but i get this error:
there is not ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.zip
But i add ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll to my project and put it to bin folder.
This is a rather obscure question but:
I was wondering if there was a way that when a user clicks a button to take data(either in a single or multiple datagrids, or arraylist etc,doesnt matter) and store it in a xls with multiple worksheets and then email it as an attachement? All automatically without using Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel" or Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel" or any other technique that will open up excel on the clients machine? Currently I use my sqlserver 2000 database(xp_smtp_sendmail stored procedure) to send the email.
So far my only idea is to use the server side technique of having excel installed on my web server. Create a template of the file I want on the server and having it fill in the relevant data each time it needs to be sent. Then send the absolute path as a parameter to my database that will then email it as an attachment.
My only other idea would be to use the client to create the xls file and then instead of having it open on the client, have it be sent to the server and then emailed?
Sorry if this is confusing, I will be happy to elaborate,
NM, I think i got this working using a 3rd party dll to save locally to xls and then used SmtpMail.Send.
Thanks for reading,
gamerdrew wrote: Sorry if this is confusing
A bit, what I don't understand is why you want to send a mail with the file.
If you don't want it opened on the client you can use Response.AppendHeader
Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel"
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=testfile.xls")
Response.TransmitFile( Server.MapPath("~/temp/testfile.xls"))
I was wondering how i can upload pictures with the fck editor?
best regards
shadow17 wrote: I was wondering how i can upload pictures with the fck editor?
You have fallen victim to a navigation error, the FCKeditor forums are over here[^]
led mike
Can anyone tell me why "Japanese currency symbol is displaying a single strikethrough on “Y” (i.e. “¥”) instead of double strikethrough (i.e. “¥”)." I am useing Asp.net and C#.
Thanks in advance
mdpavel wrote: single strikethrough on “Y” (i.e. “¥”) instead of double strikethrough (i.e. “¥”).
Please remember to rate helpful or unhelpful answers, it lets us and people reading the forums know if our answers are any good.
I believe it's different fonts.
I have an xml file stored in database. This XML files defines asp/html controls, its size, layout etc. Sample XML file is given below:
<Label Field="Label1" Top="22" Left="24" Height="31" Width="485" Align="Left" Caption="Title Text"><br />
<Font Name="Garamond" Size="27" Color="FFFFFF"/><br />
</Label><br />
<Image Field="Image1" Top="0" Left="0" Height="80" Width="735" File="Image1.jpg"/><br />
<Label Field="Label2" Top="25" Left="18" Height="29" Width="493" Align="Left" Caption="Sub Title"><br />
<Font Name="Garamond" Size="24" Color="FFFFFF"/><br />
</Label><br />
Is there any way without XSLT I can tranform this XML file into an ASPX/html page during run time.
Thank you,
Krishnaraj Barvathaya B
will it store in each single node ?
Krishnaraj Barvathaya B wrote: Is there any way without XSLT I can tranform this XML file into an ASPX/html page during run time.
Not a nice idea though, but you can parse this xml and create control at runtime.
Please remember to rate helpful or unhelpful answers, it lets us and people reading the forums know if our answers are any good.
Thank you for your comments. Now I think it won’t be possible to convert to html from xml without defining a XSLT. Can anybody tell me the best way to write an xslt for the above code segment? All the controls have been defined in the xml in the same order it must appear in the web page.
Krishnaraj Barvathaya B
Converting to HTML is a canonical example, any XSLT book or website will show examples.
Christian Graus
No longer a Microsoft MVP, but still happy to answer your questions.
How to validate listbox control. in listbox control has many items. The selection mode for this is multiple.The condition is that user can select only 3 items.if it exceeds error msg to display. please give me the solution for this with code.
dhandapani_pp wrote: please give me the solution for this with code.
Gimme your pay check
Anyway, the idea would be to check the number on selected items on every SelectedIndexChanged Event. If it is greater than 3, show the error message.
Please remember to rate helpful or unhelpful answers, it lets us and people reading the forums know if our answers are any good.
Send me code for that one
One thing you can do
Take a hiddenvariable.set it 0 .Increment it by one every check.When it excedds from 3 show a error message.
Can u send me code for this
I have some data passed to a function as a string like:
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?><Patient xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\"><FirstName>Joe</FirstName><LastName>Klink</LastName></Patient>"
I load this data into an XmlDocument object as follows:
mXmlDocument.LoadXml(var) - var has the xml string above
how can I validate this XmlDocument object against an existing schema.
Background: I can easily validate an xml file against a schema if am reading it from a physical file using XmlReader. My challenge is when am dealing with a loaded XmlDocument.