its aply for oldest version 2003
Piyush Vardhan Singh
Yes would be
Parwej Ahamad
R & D with IIS 5.0/6.0
anybody knows how Direct Dowloading file from webserver? using response object in Vb.net with Asp.net
please reply me.
<br />
System.Net.WebClient objDownloader = new System.Net.WebClient();<br />
objDownloader.DownloadFile("http://yourfile.nl/file.zip", "c:\\destination.zip");<br />
objDownloader.Dispose();<br />
r aa j wrote: response object in Vb.net with Asp.net
Are you looking at WriteFile or TransmitFile?
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar
Personal Homepage Tech Gossips
A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all - he's walking on them. --Leonard Louis Levinson
hi all
i have a web page and a gridview inside it. In this gridview i added an item template, inside this item template i have a table called table main. Inside table main, in the last tr i have another table called tblOperator and an html button called btnview so the code looks like:
<asp:GridView ID="gvRaison" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
PageSize="5" ShowHeader="False" Width="100%" DataKeyNames="RaisonId" EmptyDataText="No Data found">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Name">
<table style="width: 100%;" Id="TableMain" class="TableMain">
<input id="btnview" type="button" onclick="ShowHideTable(this);" value="Show" />
<table id="tblOperator" class="TableMain" style="width: 70%">
i have wrote a javscript function to view/hide the tbloperator
function ShowHideTable(args)
if (args.value=='Show')
args.value= 'Hide';
else if (args.value=='Hide')
args.value= 'Show';
iam getting an error on this line tblOperator.style.display="none";
the error says tblOperator.style is null or not an object.
how can i reference the tblOperator table and set its display?
var tbl = document.getElementById("tblOperator");
if (tbl)
tbl.style.display = "none";
I believe that window.tblOperator may work, but setting an id does NOT create a global variable of that name.
Christian Graus
Please read this if you don't understand the answer I've given you
"also I don't think "TranslateOneToTwoBillion OneHundredAndFortySevenMillion FourHundredAndEightyThreeThousand SixHundredAndFortySeven()" is a very good choice for a function name" - SpacixOne ( offering help to someone who really needed it ) ( spaces added for the benefit of people running at < 1280x1024 )
I have already triewd this however it is giving me a design time error that tblOperator is not defined. ur right setting an id does not create a global variable of that name. Any other alternative.
check what name we are geting in 'tbl'.
and also check table,tr and td tags properly closed or not.
I found that there are no td tags on your table.
Have you checked the source of the rendered page and confirmed the availability of the table?
If you make the visibility as false by default, the control wont be rendered to the page.
yes i did, it exists as tbloperator.
i am using ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript to give an alert message in a button click. After that i am moving to another page. then i come back to the first page with back button in ie 6.0 the alert message come again. How to avoid the alert message while coming back.
This is not happening in firefox.
modified on Friday, April 18, 2008 6:10 AM
If you are calling a javascript on button click then you can register your javascript by using this code also
Button1.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "javascript:DoClick();");
DoClick is the javascript function name
As ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript Registers the startup script with the Page.
Could you post the code ?
Or you can use RegisterClientScriptBlock instead i think will also help you
Thanks and Regards
If If you look at what you do not have in life, you don't have anything,
If you look at what you have in life, you have everything... "
hi we need some logical checking. according to the logical output the alert has to be made.
did you get any pointers on this?
I am trying to resolve the "extender controls may not be registered after prerender" problem. I am using a CollapsiblePanelExtender from the Ajax Control Toolkit and everytime I run the asp project I get this error. Please help!
I think you should register on prerender event.
I don't want to use the SessionID which is already expired. How can I avoid that in ASP.NET 1.1.
RegenerateExpiredSessionId is available in later versions for this. Can anyone tell me the work around for 1.1.
Migrate to 2.0?
Hey - SOMEONE was going to say it
Soz - Don't really have an alternate answer
- Reelix
When you close the web browser and open it again, wouldn't ASP.NET create a new one for you?
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar
Personal Homepage Tech Gossips
A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all - he's walking on them. --Leonard Louis Levinson
i want to display some mails in gridview whcich i stored in database,when it appears in gridview,read mails have one colour other
mails have another colour...how to do dis...reply wit codes..
use this tag for the gridview
change the colour of one row in a gridview according to value from database........
maybe something like this then:
if e-mail = blah blah
RowStyle-BackColor = blah
else if e-mail = blah blah
RowStyle-BackColor = blah
put that in the c# on the row created method