wEb GuRu... wrote: www.domain-name.com/category/
Arghh extension less URL's, I love them, but it's not possible to do that with IIS6.0. Possible solution is to create "category" folder and put an empty "index" file there. If you are on windows server 2008 or Vista which comes with IIS 7, you can make URL-Rewritting works in the early stages of HTTP pipeline.
hi all
I have problem when debug with vs2005 on window vista untimate
I set my web project use IIS web server when run on vs2005
But when i bug have error "Unable start debugging on web server. An authendicate error occurred while communicating with web server"
Some body help me ???
Hello all
In my one of the project i want to implement following functionality.
My website contain information about user which are suffering from disease. On every day or two or three time in a week a doctor doing checkup for my patient and updating his status in to database. Suppose it could happen that one of the patient data is not updated in to database from last 2 week that means doctor forgot to check that person then in that case i want to send the email to admin and doctor about that patient. Current status of that user is not updated from last 15 days (doctor dosenot check that patient since last 15 days).
How can i implement this functionality. What i have to do?
Please provide me some guideline....
I want to check data for each user registered with my site...
People Laugh on me Because i am Different but i Laugh on them
Because they all are same.
Well you will need a piece of code in your application which runs everytime your application opens. This bit of code will contain a query checking if any dates in the patient data that don't have updated info are more then 15 days old. If there are, it will loop all the records brought back and send an e-mail reminder for each one.
Hope this gets you started
That means each time when application open it should check edited date of which user is less that 15 days from current date then it should retrieve id for all that user and send mail.
Can u plz guide me little about the query...
People Laugh on me Because i am Different but i Laugh on them
Because they all are same.
Your best bet is to write a windows service and get it installed on the server. This service should be able to check the database and send mails. Here is an article[^] which explains about how to get started with windows service.
Hope it helps
I want to implement this functionality in a existing site.
So can i use this window service in an existing site?
Thanks i am reading that article? Hope so it help me..
People Laugh on me Because i am Different but i Laugh on them
Because they all are same.
Windows service don't have any connection with the website. It works independently.
If i create a window service for that then when the service start running?
If i want to use this service with my application i just want to deploy
it on server and it start running.
People Laugh on me Because i am Different but i Laugh on them
Because they all are same.
rahul.net11 wrote: then when the service start running?
In the installer project you can set the service starting type. Manual/Automatic.
Is there any other method rather that creating window service.
Can u tell me how can i start window service. I am having one application i wan to test? how can i install that service.
I have gone to command promt then run installutil.exe from following path
it says
cannot start service from command line dubugger. a window service must be installed using installutil.exe and started with server explorer. Window service administrative tool or window net start method.
People Laugh on me Because i am Different but i Laugh on them
Because they all are same.
hi all,
How to create crystal reports dynamically from datatable during runtime.
modified on Tuesday, April 1, 2008 6:10 AM
hi all
iam using this JS
if (needToConfirm==true)
return "Warning";
a popup confirm window appears. i need to handle the ok button i.e. i want to assign a value to a local variable when ok is pressed.
Use confirm
if (confirm('Message'))
I have been battling with setting gridview column width. Can some one help me out? I have a gridview that is bound to a datatable. Im using a session object as the datasource to my datatable and i want the gridview column width to be set to some value. Below are my various trial
Protected Sub grdDetails_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles grdDetails.RowDataBound
'If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Header Then
' 'If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
' 'e.Row.Cells(0).Width = New Unit(1400, UnitType.Pixel)
' 'e.Row.Cells(1).Width = CInt(Server.HtmlDecode(2400))
' e.Row.Cells(0).Attributes.Add("style", "width: 100px;")
' e.Row.Cells(1).Attributes.Add("style", "width: 100px;")
'End If
'grdDetails.Columns(1).ItemStyle.Width = CInt(Server.HtmlDecode(1400))
'grdDetails.Columns(2).ItemStyle.Width = CInt(Server.HtmlDecode(2400))
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
e.Row.Cells(0).Text = Date.Parse(e.Row.Cells(0).Text).ToString("d")
'format the numeric values
For j As Integer = 3 To 5
e.Row.Cells(j).CssClass = "ralign" 'Amount Col
e.Row.Cells(j).Text = Decimal.Parse(e.Row.Cells(j).Text).ToString("n")
'ElseIf e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Footer Then
' 'display summary data in the appropriate cell
' e.Row.Cells(4).Text = "Total :"
' e.Row.Cells(5).Text = GetTotal().ToString("n")
End If
End Sub
any help will be appreciated
Hi dear,
First u tell me in yr grid AutoGenerateColumn is set to true or false??
Rana Krishnraj
autogeneratecolumn is set to false
That means u have to right the code like this :
Note: below code is exa. purpose only.
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="tid" HeaderStyle-Width="5%" HeaderText="Id" >
<ItemStyle Width="5%" />
<asp:BoundColumn DataField="tName" HeaderStyle-Width="15%" HeaderText="Keywords" ReadOnly="True">
<ItemStyle Width="15%" />
Hope u get an idea.......
best of luck
Rana Krishnraj
its not working yet. there is no asp:BoundColumn. I used asp:BoundField yet its not working
Try This on Page Load
GridView1.Attributes.Add("style", "word-break:break-all;word-wrap:break-word")
Roopali Gupta
i am developing a page having a grid view. For one system it is displaying the gridview properly... but in other system the same grid view is not displayed properly.. i could find that the first row of the gridview overlap with the header...
both the machines are having IE7
Thnkx in advance....
plz find the ASp.net code fr the grid view
<br />
<br />
<div style="overflow:scroll;" id="GridDiv" ><br />
<asp:GridView ID="GrdSeverity" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="90%" ><br />
<Columns><br />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText = "Index" DataField="Index" SortExpression = "Name"><br />
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" /><br />
</asp:BoundField><br />
<br />
<asp:HyperLinkField HeaderText="Name" Text="Name" DataTextField = "Name" DataNavigateUrlFields = "NavSeverity"><br />
<br />
</asp:HyperLinkField><br />
<br />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Description" DataField = "Description"><br />
<br />
</asp:BoundField><br />
<br />
</Columns><br />
<br />
<HeaderStyle BackColor="#FFC0FF" /><br />
<br />
</asp:GridView><br />
</div><br />
<br />
Is in both IE the sign size the same?
What about an ItemStyle-Width="...PX" ?
I am asked to do an user control which takes the input for the PageSize
and PageNumber.The User control also has a button on clicking which would set the PageSize and Page Number of a Grid.Grid is not part of a user control.
If a Page has a Grid control and my user control is registered in it.
How should I be doing this?I need an approach.Do I need to raise an event
from user control which will be captured by the page containg grid.
So that I can do databinding in that by assigning the values of pageSize and Page Index from User Control.
Any suggestions or links would be helpful.
Today is a gift, that's why it is called the present.