DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
Make sure the HH is in upper case, that makes it military time (24 hrs format)
Nila Fridley
Hello Friends,
Can anyone tell me how to print a datagrid in a window application using C#. Iam having a very big grid. first it should be shown to a printpreview page and from there it has to be printed. Help me to get the entire grid to a printpreview page.
Try the c# forum, this is for web based apps.
Hello All,
I want to resize the iframe depending on the the size of the document loaded
into to the iframe so that i can use IE to scroll
you can set scroll to the iframe
Thanks for u reply.
I dont want to use the Iframe's scrollbar instead i want to use the IE's scrollbar
Hello ,
I am alex, i need ur help ,the code for reading csv file and dump into sql server database using asp.net c#.help me
i am waiting alex.
thanks in advance.
Hi, Before master pages we were able to use indexing server to add search capabilities to a website and it worked a treat. To improve the ranking of a particular page we could just add meta tags to the page with what we would think the user would enter as search text. Now with masterpages, we can't add meta tags to the child pages as the head tags are in the masterpage file. Does anyone know how to improve the ranking of a page when using master pages? Alternatively, does anyone know of any other product that overcomes my problem?
lucasfong wrote: Now with masterpages, we can't add meta tags to the child pages as the head tags are in the masterpage file.
I think you can add the meta tag from the content page with one of the following options:
+ Use the Page.Header property in code.
+ Place a meta tag which is marked with the runat="server" , you then can expose it via a public property in the master page so that you can access it from the content page.
+ Place a contentplaceholder in the head template and you can specify the meta tag from the content page.
i'm curruntly developing web site and one of its services is to broadcast videos via cameras,can anyone help me ???!
IMHO, you may consider using the Windows Media for streaming the video as it can save much of your effort. You might want to check out the home site for more information.
Sorry for this question but i need some quick answers.
Ive just learny 1.1 to a reasonable standard. However im planning on creating a new project for a client in .Net and need to purchase hosting for it.
Therefore i need to know the following:
1) Is 2.0 significantly different to 1.1 in terms of coding and application creation via .Net studio?
2) Will a 2.0 web server still run a 1.1 project?
2) Yes
1) There are plenty of blogs and forums out there that discussion the differences. I'd give one but can't find the right search at the moment
hai guys,
some of the diff b/w .net1.1 and 2.0 are
good no of controls with extended functionality
navigational layout, site map, integration of main page and content page, grid view, and its functionality,...so many things i found developer can reduce his time by using 2.o
Regards, sriniw8z
munklefish wrote: 2) Will a 2.0 web server still run a 1.1 project?
Yes, as long as the hosting company hasn't uninstalled 1.1, which i have heard of. 2.0 and 1.1 can run side by side quite happily.
Can anyone suggest an approach on how to work seamlessly with typed DataSets and TableAdapters when preparing a DAL for use with both PostGres and MS SQL servers, if there is such a way? I'm in a situation where support for both postgres and MS SQL is needed, but i don't want to give up the beauty of typed datasets.
-- modified at 18:23 Thursday 20th July, 2006
Hi All
I have problem regarding updating DataTable.
First let me explain, what i'm actually doing. i have datatable with several columns like rownumber, date etc. I need to sort table by latest date first.
table is having 1001 records, and i'm using following code.
after using this code i see all the rows with same data. when i debugged it, i observed somehow tempRow array data is changing, but i'm not updating tempRow array at all.
Can some one go through this code and help me where i'm doing wrong.
Here is the code i'm using.
// Reading sorted data to array
DataRow[] tempRow = resultsTable.Select("", "proc_date DESC"); resultsTable.ColumnChanged += new DataColumnChangeEventHandler(resultsTable_ColumnChanged);
int cnt = resultsTable.Rows.Count;
for (int k = 0; k < resultsTable.Rows.Count; k++)
dr = resultsTable.Rows[k];
for (int j = 0; j < resultsTable.Columns.Count; j++)
if (j == 0)
dr[0] = cnt; // Updating Row Number column
else {
dr[j] = tempRow[k].ItemArray[j];
// updating other columns of resultstable, by tempRow array data
dv = new DataView(resultsTable);
/////////////// column Changed Event method ///////////////
void resultsTable_ColumnChanged(object sender, DataColumnChangeEventArgs e)
if (e.ProposedValue == null)
//throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
ive got a asp.net 2.0 treeview and when i click on any node, the font size of the text of the nodes gets one size larger - but after first time it does not change again any further.
any idea what the hell is going on?
i am not changing the size in C# CODE anywhere, all i did was changed node font from times to verdana in the property grid of the treeview. with times new roman this wasn't happening.
As I don't see how you declare the treeview control, so I don't have much to say, but IMO you might want to check the style settings (or css) of the control before and after the postback occurs.
Hi guys,
I need some help regarding ASP.NET. Ok i'm actually developing an asp.net page to be accessed by a pocket pc IE. In my page I actually wanna allow the user of the pocket pc to download a file from the server.
What i did was to include a command button and this in the code behind file:
<br />
Dim file As System.IO.FileInfo = New System.IO.FileInfo(URL)<br />
Response.Clear()<br />
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & file.Name)<br />
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString())<br />
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"<br />
Response.WriteFile(file.FullName)<br />
Response.End()<br />
I managed to get pIE to download my file. However the file i downloaded, no matter what the size and file format only creates a 520 kb file with the same name and file format as the downloaded file. Is there any solution to this problem?
My second problem relates to the activex windows media player embedded object on the asp.net page. I understand that we need wmp10 mobile to allow activex support for pIE to embed wmp10 mobile on our page. I've downloaded wmp10 mobile for that purpose. But i can't seem to find any code to allow my page to embed wmp10 mobile on my asp.net page. Can anyone please help!