Hi all,
I have recently started working with .NET 2.0 and as I have heard, it is recommended to stop using tables for page layout. So I have constructed my page using DIVs as recommended. I have to say it's not very easy at first as you have to get a hold on how they work and how to place them, but then i found out they are quite nice.
The page displays great with IE but I'm having a problem when I open it with Firefox. The layout is a bit messed up, the centered elements are no longer centered and the image control (inside a DIV) has simply disappeared!
Is there a known problem with DIVs and Firefox? or maybe is it the CSS that I use? (all the styling, positioning and coloring is done in a CSS file)
Thanks in advance for your insights on that matter.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
--Rich Cook
Thanks, I'll have a look
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
--Rich Cook
Can any one help me How to get Error message using Error No in Asp.net when sqlexception is raised
Catch (SqlException ex)<br />
{<br />
Response.Write(ex.Message);<br />
Hi Paddy,
Is there any class can be used to get sqlerror message by error code.
How to upgrade .net framework 1.0 into 1.1?is there any tool for that
You simply download the .net framework 1.1 and install it. The versions 1.0 and 1.1 can run side by side, but you can remove the old one if you want. The link below can give you more information:
I am posting this question fourth time and i will continue posting this question until i get the answer.
I have a datagrid and problem lies into the edititemtemplate of datagrid.
I have a datagrid in the following format
Column1 Column2 Column2
abc1 EditImage Delete Image
abc2 EditImage Delete Image
abc3 EditImage Delete Image
Now when i click at the particular editimage then the control goes to the the edititemtemplate where i am using a function to construct a table in that particular row of the datagrid in which i clicked at the editimage .In the edititemtemplate i am calling a function in the following format.
Now the table is not comming into that row but a message is being displayed in that row and the message is
But i want the structure of the table instead of this message .
I am using the following code in the LoadTable
Public function LoadTable(Byval str as string)as Sysytem.Web.Ui.HtmlControls.Table
dim con as new oledbconnection("connectionstring")
cmd=new oledbcommand("select * from abc where id=" & str , con)
dim dr as oledbdatareader
dim t as new system.web.ui.htmlcontrol.table
dim drow as System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableRow
dim dcell(1) as New System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell
drow = New System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableRow
dcell(0) = New System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell
dcell(0).Width = "30%"
dcell(1) = New System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell
dcell(1).Width = "70%"
dcell(0).InnerText = dr.Item(0)
dcell(1).InnerText = dr.Item(1)
end while
End Sub
please help me to construct the table in the datagrid row at edititem template of datagrid
I need to design a portal based on DOTNET. The requirement is to facilitate software downloads through the proposed portal.
1. big downloads(softwares/patches) will be there.
2. Need to track users based on tokens issued to there and we need to make sure only those with valid tokens will be able to download the particular software.
Please do let me know your thoughts.
IMO, you may use a seperate web page .aspx or a custom http handler to implement the download functionality instead of using a static link. Doing so, you can authenticate the user and track the user action. Jesse[^] can give you the sample code.
Hi guys,
I have implemented a simple client callback functionality (which works fine), that upon clicking an html button only a portion of the page accesses database and changes a field. Then within the same javascript I have a timer go off and once 90 seconds elapses, it changes the properties of certain fields/controls on the page. Now, my challange is to access the database again once the 90 seconds has passed and change a couple of the data fields... I cannot think about a way to do this! Can somebody PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me?
Nila Fridley
Hi there,
IMHO, you can use the setTimeout/setInterval methods to implement the client side timer, then once after a specified period of time, a custom client side function is called and you can use it to update the DB with ClientCallback. You can easily find the exampples of these two functions out there.
Thanks a bunch for your help, though Im still a little confused
I have my connection strings stored in web.config for the data access layer to deal with, and don't like the idea of accessing database directly from a javascript... I was hoping to be able to do yet another callback for that purpose(you know, like going through RaiseCallbackEvent and GetCallbackResult again). But in order to do that I had to wire that particular javascript to a specific control's Attribute collection (this.someControl.Attributes.Add("", "")...
Would you happen to know of a good article or two that may shed some light? Thank you so much
Nila Fridley
I took your advise and looked around; after putting together parts of other people's solutions I finally was able to get it right. Turns out I had to provide yet another callbackEventReference (with a function named Release(arg, context)) that would tell my server to do something, and I called that function from within the timer function... long story short, it worked and Im super happy
Nila Fridley
Hi i have a compare validator to validate a date field:
<asp:comparevalidator id="CompareValidator1" runat="server" type="Date" operator="DataTypeCheck" controltovalidate="txtDateOfOrder" errormessage="Please enter a proper date">
If i enter the date in the dd/MM/yyyy format the validator throws the error message as it wants the date to be in the MM/dd/yyyy format.
I want an dd/MM/yyyy format to be entered in my textfield.
my web.config has:
<globalization fileencoding="utf-8" requestencoding="utf-8" responseencoding="utf-8" culture="en-US" uiculture="en-US">
How can i make the validator to accept dd/MM/yyyy format????
I think your validation expression should read something like this:
but then again, this would also apply to mm/dd/yyyy...
why don't you use the CustomValidator control? that way you can write it the way you want it.
Nila Fridley
Hi ,
I am accessing certain files on run time in ASP.net.
How to check if the file exist or not on the server.
Thanks in Advance.
Deepak Surana
System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath("..\Reports\XML\FileName.txt")) Return's a Boolean
hai all,
my doubt is something abt Javascript .
in my webform i ve a datagrid with in that datagrid i ve two textbox in the 1st and 3rd column.
how i retrive its value in a javascript .
i know to take value of a cell in the datagrid using javascript.
how i take the value of a textbox in first row cells(1)?
i am using vb.net.i want to pass its value(textbox inside datagrid) to a javascript function.
i know to pass the value of a cell in the datagrid to javascript.
in itemdatabound event i can take the value of a textbox which is inthe datagrid.
CType(e.Item.FindControl("TxtRate"), TextBox).Attributes.Add("onKeyUp", "javascript: return calculate(this.value," & e.Item.Cells(0).Text & ");")
instead of e.Item.Cells(0).Text i want to pass the value of a textbox, which is inside the datagrid , to javascript function calculate.
any solution is appreciatable.
tahnks in advance
All I ever wanted is what others have....
+ The simple way to know the id of the textbox at the client side is to view source the web page. Or you may want to look at the ClientID property from the server side code.
+ Also, to pass the value of the TextBox from the server side, you first need to get reference to the TextBox control like you are doing in the ItemDataBound, then you simply access the Text property of the control.
hi there ,
I'm a beginner in programming using ASp and vb.net and sql server 2000 and I'm facing a problem of how to store and retrive the image from ms sql server databse , I need to know the following things :
1.using html file feild control in asp how do I code on submit button so the specified file will be stored in database as well as in some specified folder for a particular entry .
2.how do i retrive this image from my database and view I require the query .
I need help so who can help i will be very thankful to him|her.
S.Mohamed Radhi
I have seen this link before but i'm still unable to code that could you plz send me the link of another example based on vb.net if you can I would be very thankful to you