Hi , please i hae a question & i want you answer me please
asp.net is one of the different programming languages that i have learned this year ,i learned it myself , & saw videos & ...
but the problem is that i learned some of asp.net 2.0 not 1.1 & here in ma country we don't have VS 2005 yet , we have just VS 2003 so that mean i have to work with asp.net 1.1
when i tried to work with that stuff i found that many things in asp.net 2.0 do not exist in the previous version or if it is , the syntax is so different & i got a problem
now i ask you , if i instal .netframwork 2.0 & use VS 2003 can i work as i have asp.net 2.0 ? or there is not relashionship between the two things ?
thank you very much
try to be good if you can't be the best
The .NET 2.0 framework will run code compiled using VS 2003, however, because VS 2003 targets .NET 1.1 you will not be able to use any of the new features of the 2.0 framework.
Jim Conigliaro
thnx man , don't you have a solution to that ?
try to be good if you can't be the best
No solution, it is what it is. While Microsoft was very careful to make the .NET 2.0 framework backward compatible, it would have been physically impossible to make VS 2003 forward compatible. Until VS05' is available to you, you are going to be stuck using the 1.1 framework for development.
Jim Conigliaro
but this is the problem ,,
VS 05 is not avaible to me right now cuz we don't have it yet here
we have just VS 2003 , & i feel so bad working with that stuff cuz 2.0 is a little easier & more clear
thank you anyway , you are great man thnx for your help
try to be good if you can't be the best
Download VS Web Developer 2005 Express Edition it's free.
i already did , but when i finish my application i can't deploy it because ity doesn't has the configuration project
do you have a sugestion
try to be good if you can't be the best
I have a solution - i can place vs2005 on ftp and you will download it...
With best gr shmAlex
cool but so crazy
thank you very much i will download it just give me the link of that ftp
thank you
try to be good if you can't be the best
Hi , can you do this favor for me please ? i appriciate your help please place it in that ftp & give me the link
try to be good if you can't be the best
Hi ,
to send data through a hyperlink in asp.net 2.0 , there is a propriety called NavigateURL where you can involve the data you want to send
e.g :
in the navigateURL propriety you write this
whith this statement you send the value "Amine into page1 through the hypelink , so when you click this hyperlink you can see the "Amine" value shown in a label in page1 isn't it ?
label1.text = request.item(value).tostring()
if the line over is false don't matter i just forgot how to request it & i can review my courses , the neccessary is to know how can i send something like that in asp.net 1.1
thank you very much
try to be good if you can't be the best
You just have to aasign the querystring value with the navigateURL property of the hyperlink. Same thing what you have done here.
Best Regards,
Apurva Kaushal
are you sure it will work in asp.net 1.1 ?
i think i tried it & it doesn't work
well i will ry again but please can you make sure of this ?
try to be good if you can't be the best
Yes i am quite sure of it. You just put a hyperlink control in a page and just set the navigateurl property of that.
The control in html will look like this.
<code><asp:HyperLink id="HyperLink2" style="Z-INDEX: 103; LEFT: 264px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 240px"
runat="server" NavigateUrl="iframe.aspx?Value=kaushal" Height="32px" Width="192px">HyperLink</asp:HyperLink></code>
Best Regards,
Apurva Kaushal
If u want to transfer the values from one page to another u can either use server.transfer method or u can use response.redirect method with strings of values attached which u want in the other page. i will give sample code.
Source Web Form
private void Button1_Click
(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
string url;
url="anotherwebform.aspx?name=" + TextBox1.Text + "&email=" + TextBox2.Text;
Destination Web Form
private void Page_Load
(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Source Web Form
Add following properties to the web form:
public string Name
return TextBox1.Text;
public string EMail
return TextBox2.Text;
Now, call Server.Transfer.
private void Button1_Click
(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Destination Web Form
private void Page_Load
(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//create instance of source web form
WebForm1 wf1;
//get reference to current handler instance
thnx , but actually i didn't understand the second part ,
i know how to use server.transfer but i didn't understand that context .& stuff ...
can you explain more ?
& i have an other problem , even when i use that server....
this prob is : keeping the same url
i have 2 pages : the first named FirstPage.aspx & the second called SecondPage.aspx
in the first i have a textbox & a button & in the second i have a label
so i want when i click the button in the first page the value in the text box been sent into the sencond page
private sub button_click()
server.transfer(secondpage.aspx) isn't it ?
end sub
in the second i request this value by writing :
label1.text = Request.form("textbox1").tostring()
the problem is that when i click that button in the first page i get the result in the label, but the browser keeps the same url i mean that it keep the url for the first page , it doesn't change it to the secondpage.aspx & i don't understand why , can you tell me why ?
i hope i was clear , i don't think so but i hope so
thank you very much , waiting for your answer
try to be good if you can't be the best
-- modified at 8:35 Tuesday 18th July, 2006
the main advantage of using server.transfer is to transfer the content from one page to another without being shown in the url. and because of that the url will not change. if u want the url to be changed when u click the then u will have to use the response.redirect.
How to retrieve data from GridView cell when bound field property visible is set to false ? When i'm calling GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text i'm getting empty string. Please help
u should take GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[0] and not GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[1]
gridview has selection enabled so .cells[0] is null I have found temporery solution for my problem. If gridview column has property visible set to false it wont be databinded.
GridView1.Columns[1].visible = true;
Now GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text have value. I'm still waiting for any other ideas.
+ You can access from the datasource which is bound to the gridview, it means you need to repopulate the datasource.
+ You can persist the value bound to the invisible bound field somewhere else so that you can access it later, for example in the DataKeys collection, in an extra column which you can make it invisible at the client side with the style settings.
+ Keep using the current column, but instead of using the Visible property to hide the column, you can set the style to make it invisible.
Just some ideas.
set cssClass attribute of ControlStyle, Footerstyle, HeaderStyle and ItemStyle to "NonVisibleText" (without quotes)....
this worked for me
-- modified at 16:26 Sunday 19th November, 2006
you should put this in your html:
color: Black;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Sans-Serif;
Hi everybody,
i have a little problem, i deployed an application "web services" in my provider. this application should get data from a data base already deployed also. the problem is that i can't get the data, the connexion to the web services goes just fine but i have an error telling me that the data are in format HTML and not XML.
Have an idea??? i need some help please
Often when you receive an error indicating the response is in HTML format and not in XML format you are receiving a server error. A server error will be returned in HTML format because it doesn't know or care that you are trying to reach a web service. These errors are often service unavailable, access denied, or file not fount type of errors. Can you use a debugger or an HTTP sniffer to get the exact data that is being returned?
Jim Conigliaro
I create datalist,
what mistake this code,
Dim oBut As ImageButton = CType(datagrid1.Items(datagrid1.SelectedIndex).FindControl("image"), ImageButton).Attributes.Add("onMouseOver", "window.open('webform1.aspx');"))
Error is end of statement expected