function openMyWindow(){
var PagetoPopup;
PagetoPopup= '<%=Session["app_path"]%>' + "MyWindowName.aspx";
var newWin = null;
newWin = window.open(PagetoPopup,"MyPopupWindow","toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=yes, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=yes,titlebar=0");
if ( (newWin == null)
|| (typeof(newWin) =="undefined")
|| (typeof(newWin .location.hash) != "string") ) {
alert('Please ensure that pop-ups are enabled!');
} else {
if (self.name != 'MyPopupWindow') {
top.close(); // Use this if you want to close the main/parent window ; otherwise comment out this code
I hope this is what you wanted.The code notifies the user if the popup blocker is activated, so that the user can de-activate it and try to open the window again.
thanx alot Vuks .. i will get back to you if i face some problem in this script ..
thanks again
Does somebody know if there is a maximum length on the ValueMember of a ComboBox. I think it is 30 but i cannot find any documentation on the matter.
Hi, I am using C#.NET to create an instance of MS Access 2003. I try to open my Access Report, but the Application just hangs as soon as I get to the part where I open my Database.
Here is part of my code:
oAccess = new Access.ApplicationClass(); //No problem
if(!oAccess.Visible) oAccess.Visible = true; //No problem
sDBPath = "C:\\Reporting.mdb";
oAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase(sDBPath,false, ""); //PROBLEM IT HANGS!!!
// Preview the report:
oAccess.DoCmd.OpenReport(sReport,Access.AcView.acViewPreview, moMissing, moMissing, Access.AcWindowMode.acWindowNormal, moMissing)
My problem is that it stops on the line that attempts to open the DB AND DOES NOT CONTINUE FURTHER.Ohh by the way I wrote the same code in VB6 and it worked just fine.Please help.
-- modified at 9:15 Thursday 6th July, 2006
I need to create a chat engine for the website i am creating..The requirements are:
authorized to members only..
once they are authorized they can enter into chat page for sending and receiving messages..
no rooms to create...
everyone can see each other...
the page shouldnt be refresed on a whole....Can anyone help me with coding part or suggest me some good articles about chat form...I prefer no database,no javascript except for simple html...that can provide scalability and performance...as messages pass their number -50, first 20 statements will be deleted..etc etc..
Hi Friends,
I have a data about the appointment for a date. when somebody click on a hyperlink, that appointment details should be exported in Outlook calendar of the client machine. I tried using java script, but i dont know the exact logic.If anybody can help me with some type of code, it will be a great help for me.
Thank you very much.
list of Email clients installed on my computer
Reposting the same question every minute doesn't seem like it's working for you. Perhaps you should try another technique. I recommend posting the question to every forum, someone is bound to respond to your vvvvvvvvvvvvery urgent request
I want to show a list of Email clients installed on my computer in a list box........can any one help me out to get that list ..........veryyyyyyyyy urgent...i hope this is doable in .net.......
pls reply if u hav any idea or read any article.. pls give link
thanks in advance
happy coding
sanjeev sharma
I want to show a list of Email clients installed on my computer in a list box........can any one help me out to get that list ..........veryyyyyyyyy urgent...i hope this is doable in .net.......
pls reply if u hav any idea or read any article.. pls give link
thanks in advance
happy coding
sanjeev sharma
plz send me code for store images n reterive images from database.<b></b></b>
Best Regards,
Apurva Kaushal
Really they are quite similar.
Best Regards,
Apurva Kaushal
I am a beginner in asp.net.I am in a problem pls help me to solve this.
My problem is after logout user can't see the pages when he click the back button of the browser.It will redirected to login page.In internet explorer i solved this problem but in mozilla it's not working.can anybody help me.
i am waiting, thanks in advance.
alex malayil
The user is not supposed to see anything in the website once he is logged out, that's the very definition of logout. It is very normal that he gets redirected to the login page if you're using Forms authentication in your website.
I'm curious to know how you managed to solve your problem with IE though
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
--Rich Cook
How to convert the contents of textfile(eg. notepad) to database.
3 Smith AAR 25
to Database.
you can use SQLLoader for this. if you want data directly from file to database.
is any other options to do manually. in my interview i had this question.like tokenizer in java.......
you can use stream reader to read file line by line and then parse each line.
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("TestFile.txt")) <br />
{<br />
string line;<br />
while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) <br />
{<br />
}<br />
Thanks. I try for that.
Hi all,
I am using .Net Framework 1.1 and in my website I have most of
the URLs displayed like MyApp/Test.aspx?ID = 1 etc. Please tell me how to rewrite these URL s to user friendly ones like
MyApp/Home.aspx , MyApp/ContactUS.aspx etc, but I cannot create these pages --- Home.aspx , ContactUS.aspx . I got the URL
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnaspp/html/urlrewriting.asp , and another one
but I find it a little bit complicated to understand and implement it. Pls anyone help me with this
what u have to do is when u r redirecting from one page to another use Server.Transfer instead of Response.Redirect.
save the id to a session variable and then give Server.Transfer(url);
and from the destination page u can give
so u can use the id from the lable and ur url will be clean.
I beleive, if I Call Server.Transer("Page2.Aspx") from Page1.aspx The Url in adddress bar remains same as Page1.aspx.
But What I need is that when I am in Page2.aspx, I want the Url in address bar to be say "FriendlyUrl.aspx" and So on , but I do not have to create any web pages for FriendlyUrl.aspx , just rewrite the Url in address bar to a any friendly one.
I have experimented the following code:
Inside the projects Global.asax.cs, add the subroutine
HttpContext hc = HttpContext.Current;
string strOldUrl = hc.Request.Path ;
string strNewUrl = "http://FriendlyURL";
if strOldUrl.equals(http://UglyURL) then hc.RewritePath(strNewURL)
But I getting the error Friendly Url does not exist.
Pl help. Thanks in advance
Pls help. Thanks in advance
-- modified at 0:20 Friday 7th July, 2006
This code will help you
Write this code in web.config