How about
SelectCommand="SELECT field_defaultvalue FROM cp_productfields WHERE field_product_id=" & ProductID & " AND field_type=" & DropDownList & " AND field_Control_ID=" & ddVCAuflag
Thank you
You can avoid this issue if you use the parameterised queries when you execute the SQL commands.
hi all
i have problem ,i have a datagrid,and in my datagrid i have textboxes ,now i want to get the value from the textbox on the server side,how can i get the server control textbox value on the server side,,
with Regards
Two common steps need to be done:
+ Get reference to the TextBox control, you can look into the Items collection of the datagrid control if the textbox is placed in the item row, and use the FindControl method.
+ Read the textbox value.
i try it using this its working good ,tell me if there is some other way to get this value..........
IMO, there are two basic ways to read the value at the server side:
+ Get reference to the textbox and read the value, you can either use the FindControl method or the Controls collection.
+ Use the Request object to read the posted value under the textbox name.
My client recently received CDs from Microsoft for the Newer version of .NET and Visual studio 2005.
I am asked to give advantages and how application developemnt will affect if we use latest version.
Can anyone help me in this
Thanks in Adv
Here are some of the really useful features added in VS 2005:
XHTML support
Master pages
b { font-weight: normal; }
hi all,
i am bind a formview with datasource if the datasource is empty i want to formview is in add record mode. if datasource is not empty its work each(edit , add new ) in proper way.
pls give the solution ASAP,
-- modified at 5:15 Wednesday 12th July, 2006
Basically, to change the current mode of the FormView you can use the ChangeMode method with the FormViewMode.Insert . Here, if you programmatically bind the datasource to the control, you can simply do a checking on the length of the datasource. In case of using a datasource control, you can create a handler for the Selected event of the datasource control, then you can check the AffectedRows to see if you need to change the mode of the FormView.
Can anyone tell me, are there any 'tweaks' that can be made to the .NET framework to influence the type of HTML code that is produced?
Thanks in advance.
Harvey Turtle wrote: to influence the type of HTML code that is produced?
Hi there. What do you mean by that? Do you mean you want to edit the output html markup?
Thanks for the response. What I meant was are there any settings within the visual studio environment that can be amended to influence the HTML content?
I use Javascript merge ms excel cells,my code is :
oSheet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(2, 2)).Merge();
It report errors,
pls help me,Thank you!
I got a answer from one of my friends.
It works.
I don't know what wrong with this:
oSheet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(2, 2)).Merge();
I m working on a project in asp.net 2.0.
I want to see "web form designer generated code" in dotnet 2.0.
In dotnet 1.1 we can see this in code behind file(e.g cs file). But in dotnet 2.0 code behind file does not show this.
How can we see this................
Do good and have good.
If you are using the Web Site default template, then have a look at the cache folder of the ASP.NET 2.0:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\XXXX If you use the Web Project 2005 template, you will see it in the same folder as the code-behind source file.
If you are looking to edit this code, then you'll find that it is all auto-generated now. Editing this code, as was possible in asp.net 1.1 was never recommended.
i donot want to edit it. I just want to see that code.
Do good and have good.
Imanage to insert data from textbox into data table and bind that datatable to datagrid. actually I want following things
I am making an application in which I have to insert data in data table .and bind that datatable to datagrid.
1) but i want to insert this values from datagrid footer or datatable footer how to do that.
2) also i want to update the row of data grid . I am not using database for that . how to update a single row of datagrid from using data table there is no transection with database.
The code i wrote is follow
Dim TB As DataTable
Dim TR1 As Data.DataRow
Dim td1 As DataColumn
Dim TD2 As DataColumn
Dim td As DataColumn
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Me.IsPostBack = False Then
End If
End Sub
Function Display()
TB = New DataTable
td1 = New DataColumn
td1.ColumnName = "SHAPE"
td1.DataType = GetType(String)
td1.AllowDBNull = False
TD2 = New DataColumn
TD2.ColumnName = "SIZE"
TD2.DataType = GetType(String)
TD2.AllowDBNull = False
Datagrid1.DataSource = TB
Session("DiaDetails") = TB
End Function
Sub AddToCart(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
TB = Session("DiaDetails")
TR1 = TB.NewRow
TR1("Shape") = txtshape.Text
TR1("Size") = txtsize.Text
Datagrid1.DataSource = TB
Session("DiaDetails") = TB
End Sub
Sub Delete_Item(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As DataGridCommandEventArgs)
TB = Session("diadetails")
Datagrid1.DataSource = TB
Session("diadetails") = TB
End Sub
Private Sub Datagrid1_EditCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As tem.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs) Handles Datagrid1.EditCommand
Datagrid1.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex
End Sub
Private Sub Datagrid1_UpdateCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs) Handles Datagrid1.UpdateCommand
Dim strshape As String = CType(Datagrid1.Items(Datagrid1.EditItemIndex).Cells(1).Controls(0), TextBox).Text
Dim strid As String = Datagrid1.Items(Datagrid1.EditItemIndex).Cells(0).Text
Datagrid1.EditItemIndex = -1
End Sub
pls Send code if possible
Pls its urgent
how to do RSS feed for asp.net1.1 application
Hi friends,
in my application, i am using outlook 11.0 to send mail to the recipient whose address stored in excel. i am fetching excel and stored the address in grid view and sending the mail. For me the mail should send to all the recipients but one mail at a time. after sendnig the first mail the next mail should send. i used for loop for this. but very first email id is sending properly thro outlook. but for the next loop it gives error that item moved or deleted. i give the code. please help.
Outlook.Application o = new Outlook.ApplicationClass();
Outlook.MailItem myMail = (Outlook.MailItem)o.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem);
for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.Rows.Count; i++)
myMail.Subject = "Check";
myMail.Body = "Its a Demo Mail. Good Afternoon";
myMail.Attachments.Add("C:/New1.txt", Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);