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QuestionWPF memory leak BitmapImage Pin
Leif Simon Goodwin21-Feb-18 1:53
Leif Simon Goodwin21-Feb-18 1:53 
AnswerRe: WPF memory leak BitmapImage Pin
#realJSOP22-Feb-18 1:32
professional#realJSOP22-Feb-18 1:32 
GeneralRe: WPF memory leak BitmapImage Pin
Leif Simon Goodwin22-Feb-18 5:30
Leif Simon Goodwin22-Feb-18 5:30 
AnswerRe: WPF memory leak BitmapImage Pin
MadMyche22-Feb-18 4:09
professionalMadMyche22-Feb-18 4:09 
GeneralRe: WPF memory leak BitmapImage Pin
Leif Simon Goodwin22-Feb-18 5:31
Leif Simon Goodwin22-Feb-18 5:31 
GeneralRe: WPF memory leak BitmapImage Pin
MadMyche22-Feb-18 8:31
professionalMadMyche22-Feb-18 8:31 
GeneralRe: WPF memory leak BitmapImage Pin
Leif Simon Goodwin23-Feb-18 2:36
Leif Simon Goodwin23-Feb-18 2:36 
AnswerRe: WPF memory leak BitmapImage Pin
Gerry Schmitz22-Feb-18 4:46
mveGerry Schmitz22-Feb-18 4:46 
GeneralRe: WPF memory leak BitmapImage Pin
Leif Simon Goodwin22-Feb-18 5:29
Leif Simon Goodwin22-Feb-18 5:29 
GeneralRe: WPF memory leak BitmapImage Pin
Gerry Schmitz22-Feb-18 5:54
mveGerry Schmitz22-Feb-18 5:54 
GeneralRe: WPF memory leak BitmapImage Pin
Leif Simon Goodwin22-Feb-18 23:57
Leif Simon Goodwin22-Feb-18 23:57 
AnswerRe: WPF memory leak BitmapImage Pin
Leif Simon Goodwin8-Mar-18 22:35
Leif Simon Goodwin8-Mar-18 22:35 
Question"Cylinder lens" scrollbar Pin
kalberts19-Feb-18 3:33
kalberts19-Feb-18 3:33 
AnswerRe: "Cylinder lens" scrollbar Pin
Gerry Schmitz19-Feb-18 6:53
mveGerry Schmitz19-Feb-18 6:53 
GeneralRe: "Cylinder lens" scrollbar Pin
kalberts19-Feb-18 22:18
kalberts19-Feb-18 22:18 
QuestionPassing Data From a window to the mainview(shellViewModel) using EventAggregator - WPF Caliburn.Micro Pin
Dwayne Barsotta27-Jan-18 6:05
Dwayne Barsotta27-Jan-18 6:05 
AnswerRe: Passing Data From a window to the mainview(shellViewModel) using EventAggregator - WPF Caliburn.Micro Pin
Gerry Schmitz27-Jan-18 12:10
mveGerry Schmitz27-Jan-18 12:10 
GeneralRe: Passing Data From a window to the mainview(shellViewModel) using EventAggregator - WPF Caliburn.Micro Pin
Dwayne Barsotta27-Jan-18 12:20
Dwayne Barsotta27-Jan-18 12:20 
GeneralRe: Passing Data From a window to the mainview(shellViewModel) using EventAggregator - WPF Caliburn.Micro Pin
Gerry Schmitz27-Jan-18 12:54
mveGerry Schmitz27-Jan-18 12:54 
GeneralRe: Passing Data From a window to the mainview(shellViewModel) using EventAggregator - WPF Caliburn.Micro Pin
Dwayne Barsotta27-Jan-18 19:47
Dwayne Barsotta27-Jan-18 19:47 
GeneralRe: Passing Data From a window to the mainview(shellViewModel) using EventAggregator - WPF Caliburn.Micro Pin
Gerry Schmitz28-Jan-18 8:28
mveGerry Schmitz28-Jan-18 8:28 
QuestionWPF ListCollectionView CustomSort - how to turn off live sorting Pin
Jonas Thor27-Jan-18 1:16
Jonas Thor27-Jan-18 1:16 
AnswerRe: WPF ListCollectionView CustomSort - how to turn off live sorting Pin
Gerry Schmitz27-Jan-18 12:19
mveGerry Schmitz27-Jan-18 12:19 
GeneralRe: WPF ListCollectionView CustomSort - how to turn off live sorting Pin
Jonas Thor31-Jan-18 4:00
Jonas Thor31-Jan-18 4:00 
GeneralRe: WPF ListCollectionView CustomSort - how to turn off live sorting Pin
Gerry Schmitz31-Jan-18 6:03
mveGerry Schmitz31-Jan-18 6:03 

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