My thoughts exactly. If there were more developers with your kind of humility it would make the rest of our jobs much easier.
Yep, I've read that before.
I've thought of putting a Ferrari logo on my car so it will go faster.
or the ricers who duct tape a coffee can to the muffler of their Civic.
"I checked it out," James explained, "but it had too many functions. In my experience, that means it'll be slow. My class only has 3 functions, so it's much more efficient."
LOL!!! QUOTED!!! I'm so going to make that argument to one of my teachers at university and see how they react
GSoC 2009 student for SMW!
My little forums: http://code.bn2vs.com
70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 6D 69 6E 67 20 34 20 6C 69 66 65!
It is true, because it is on The Interweb! err... net!
A train station is where the train stops. A bus station is where the bus stops. On my desk, I have a work station....
My programs never have bugs, they just develop random features.
When has seniority ever meant smarter?
You have the thought that modern physics just relay on assumptions, that somehow depends on a smile of a cat, which isn’t there.( Albert Einstein)
From the Visual SourceSafe documentation[^]:
Visual SourceSafe defines a label as a string of up to 31 characters. Any of the following is a valid label: "1.0", "2.01b", "Final Beta", and "Approved for QA". Label names cannot start with a capital "L" or "#s".
At least it's documented...
I've seen a number of assemblers which will not accept as labels any string five digits or fewer which end in 'H' or 'h', and whose earlier characters are all in [0-9][A-F][a-f]. A consequence of a silly choice for notating hex numbers (I much prefer leading-dollar-sign notion).
Sometimes I wonder!!
You have the thought that modern physics just relay on assumptions, that somehow depends on a smile of a cat, which isn’t there.( Albert Einstein)
Chalk it up to another reason why to never use Visual SourceShredder.
View the complete horror here: http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/utils/wiki-extensions/SlippyMap-local/SlippyMap.class.php[^]
Some snippets:
if ( isset( $argv['lat'] ) ) {
$lat = $argv['lat'];
} else {
$lat = '';
if ( isset( $argv['lon'] ) ) {
$lon = $argv['lon'];
} else {
$lon = '';
if ( isset( $argv['z'] ) ) {
$zoom = $argv['z'];
} else {
Should use array_key_exists and probably simply loop through, and do ${$varName} = $value or something similar.
$error = wfMsg( 'slippymap_heightbig' ) . '<br>';
} else if ( $height < 100 ) {
$error = wfMsg( 'slippymap_heightsmall' ) . '<br>';
} else if ( $lat > 90 ) {
$error = wfMsg( 'slippymap_latbig' ) . '<br>';
} else if ( $lat < -90 ) {
$error = wfMsg( 'slippymap_latsmall' ) . '<br>';
} else if ( $lon > 180 ) {
$error = wfMsg( 'slippymap_lonbig' ) . '<br>';
Extremely nice redundancy.
$output .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
$output .= "var lon= ${lon}; var lat= ${lat}; var zoom= ${zoom}; var lonLat;";
$output .= 'var map; ';
$output .= 'addOnloadHook( slippymap_init ); ';
$output .= 'function slippymap_resetPosition() {';
$output .= ' map.setCenter(lonLat, zoom);';
$output .= '}';
You are NOT dreaming. This is JavaScript getting echo'd line by line!!
GSoC 2009 student for SMW!
My little forums: http://code.bn2vs.com
70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 6D 69 6E 67 20 34 20 6C 69 66 65!
But the code works so well!
This statement is false.
This isn't quite a coding horror: I have no example code to show you.
But, it is an example of when systems designers get it wrong.
I had to go to my local library today - a book I reserved had arrived. When I got there I was suprised to see that all booking in and out was being done by hand - normally they use a bar code scanner.
Why? The internet connection had gone down.
Not a major problem, just call up the support team...
Except all the phones are VOIP. No internet, no phones.
Not a major problem, just use a mobile...
Except the telephone directory is on-line. No internet, no idea what number to call to get it back...
No trees were harmed in the sending of this message; however, a significant number of electrons were slightly inconvenienced.
This message is made of fully recyclable Zeros and Ones
Ask the janitor what he unplugged.
What's wrong with them, a quick google and...
Panic, Chaos, Destruction.
My work here is done.
The lesson,
Write your support numbers down. We have a few copies of our vendor numbers and such floating around here for when IT isn't around, I swear it saves lives. Well, social lives, mostly those of myself and my boss.
I put in couple of years in a trouble-shootery kind of post, where I had to look into network failures in the global network of a major multi-national (which Shell remain nameless) with several million terminals, including office PCs, POS units, and just about every kind of access point and shared gubbins you can think of, and find ways to make it never happen again.
One of the most fun failures took out the entire VPN in China (That's a LOT of people sitting at terminals that can't access data) for several hours.
It turned out that, in one of the network areas that we didn't have direct control of, someone had plugged both ends of a fibre into the same switch, causing a broadcast storm (on the bit we controlled, the broadcast storm couldn't have happened).
The 3rd-level support team was reduced to calling mobile phones all over China, almost at random, to try to find out what was happening. Huge amounts of money were being lost, and everyone took resolving the problem very seriously, but we still had a lot of laughs, dealing with it. A party atmosphere, almost.
When I sent out my report, I closed the accompanying intro with "I now keep an ethernet cable in my middle desk drawer, in case I want an afternoon off".
The response was mixed,
I wanna be a eunuchs developer! Pass me a bread knife!
Mark Wallace wrote: The response was mixed
No trees were harmed in the sending of this message; however, a significant number of electrons were slightly inconvenienced.
This message is made of fully recyclable Zeros and Ones
ha ha ha, sounds like a similar sense of humour their
i find a happy engineer is a more productive engineer, and after losing so much time and money you might as well try and lighten up the report readers day!
Mark Wallace wrote: When I sent out my report, I closed the accompanying intro with "I now keep an ethernet cable in my middle desk drawer, in case I want an afternoon off".
That's bad.
"Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw later in life what you have deposited along the way." - Unknown
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
I have this problem... And i dont what to do...
rotflmao!!!! triple epic fail
We are dealing with application left by our former developer.
I could mention here a lot of things like putting all of the code in one file (15k lines, 680kB), putting all controls on one form and using BringToFront , naming all controls like textBox85 , hardcoding the same connection string in three different places, and so on.
But criteria if one of the buttons should be shown beats all of it:
if ((textBox39.BackColor == Color.White) && (textBox40.BackColor == Color.PapayaWhip))